Cape York

Submitted: Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006 at 15:48
ThreadID: 29571 Views:4547 Replies:9 FollowUps:0
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Hi there all
My fiance and I are currently tripping around oz (and have been for 18months now) and are preparing to travel up cape york this dry season. We have a 99 model Troopy with some extras (bull bar, winch, roof cage, UHF), and have been to Fraser Island 3 times now. We are considering buying a Trackabout camper trailer (Safari) to take on our trip. We wanted to hear from anyone who has been to cape york with a camper trailer and did you use the CREB track or the main route??? Also wondering about suspension? Did you have to get ubove standard suspension to do the trip?
Thanx Star
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Reply By: big red car - Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006 at 17:28

Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006 at 17:28
hi star,

i will only make comment on the trailer side of things. we have a number of trackabout safari's in our hire fleet, and thay have been to the cape numerious times , we have NEVER had a problem of any kind with our trailers. the team at trackabout build an excelent product, and are super flexable in adding any extras you might want. (and no we are not on comission , lol.) all the best with your trip, i have every faith in a safari's ability to follow you there and back without problems.

regards johno
overlander camper trailer hire.
AnswerID: 147821

Reply By: Pterosaur - Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006 at 17:31

Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006 at 17:31
G'day Star,

I think you (may) have mixed up the the CREB track (near Daintree) with the OTL track on Cape York.

I was up the Cape last dry season, and saw several camper trailers along the OTL.
IMHO opinion, it is possible, but not advisable, as they tend to stuff up the track for others, particularly around the (numerous) creek crossings.

Can't really advise tou on suspension, as I don't tow anything - but I have a similar vehicle (2003 Troopy camper) and found no problems with my suspension - standard. But then again, mine does have coils in the front, which I don't think yours does !

see you
AnswerID: 147822

Reply By: Turbo Diesel - Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006 at 17:37

Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006 at 17:37

Been to the top a few times its a great place. Just curious though if it is just the two of you why do you need a campa trailer, I have the motto that a trailer is a last resort, in other words your better off without them. I'm not knoking Trackabout I have heard they are great, personally though i would save the money and spend it on decking the troopy out for the two of you, buy suspension locker a new tent etc. Never done the creb personally spoken to heaps who have and all think its great, your stuffed though if it rains. I would travell up the main cape road on the way up and get to the tip as quick as possible, and then take my time on the way back down. Resort Bamaga is a great place to stay, the cafe at the camp ground is currently closed the chairmen of the native community council closed it down just over a month ago.
AnswerID: 147823

Reply By: Member - Crazy Dog (QLD) - Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006 at 17:52

Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006 at 17:52
Yo Star,

Just bought a Trackabout and it is a hoot.

All that is said about them in MHO is correct - even the cheeze loves it....If you are in Cairns look me up and I will walk u thru the features of mine.....
AnswerID: 147827

Reply By: The Rambler( W.A.) - Thursday, Jan 12, 2006 at 00:34

Thursday, Jan 12, 2006 at 00:34
Having been up to Cape York and also travelled the Creb trek my advise tio you would be (as said) forget about the camper trailer especially travelling in a Troopy with only 2 people as you will have much more peace of mind to go off the beaten track and also will cut down on your fuel costs. The CREB trek can be very hazardous without towing a trailer and if there is any sign of rain beware as many have come to grief on that treck who underestimated the vewry steep and slippery slopes.
AnswerID: 147930

Reply By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Thursday, Jan 12, 2006 at 09:01

Thursday, Jan 12, 2006 at 09:01
Hi Star,

Just a for a different point of view because I think you are taking your time and in no particular hurry. We travelled up there with our trailer for a couple of months and travelled most of the OTL (didn't do Gunshot) and also Chillie Beach and Verilia Point. Really had no problem with the trailer, just make sure it is well set up and the suspension is up to the task (know nothing about Trackabout). There was no problem finding suitable spots to park the trailer each night and it certainly added to our comfort when we stayed in one place for a couple of days or more.

We were originally advised against taking our trailer and have done it twice with a trailer and once without. Are planning another trip to Cape Melville in Sept and will be taking our trailer.

Don't be put off as it is no more difficult than going to Fraser.

Kind regards!MPG:5!
AnswerID: 147959

Reply By: Coolman - Thursday, Jan 12, 2006 at 13:54

Thursday, Jan 12, 2006 at 13:54
I did the cape with my O'Briens Camping Trailer in Sept '05 for 4 weeks and it was fine all the way up the OTL and back down. You definately need heavy duty suspension and you should also take spare springs and brushes.

I also looked at the trackabout and they are good.

Go for it!!
AnswerID: 148028

Reply By: John - Friday, Jan 13, 2006 at 11:57

Friday, Jan 13, 2006 at 11:57
Taking a trailer is a question of need. I took a off road caper trailer 18mths ago becaues I needed room for gear for 4 people. I had trouble, broken springs, spring hangers and eventually broke the drawbar off on a beach near weipa.I fixed the trailer every time and now planning to take it again in July 2006, again I need it to carry gear for our trip, I could sleep in a tent and overload the roof rack with gear but I would rather fix the trailer than repair the tow vehicle, Saying that, If it was just my wife and I the trailer would surely stay home, I am going to the creb track this year but based from the lions den hotel and leave the trailer there.I found myself bogged a couple of times because of the trailer but these were pretty rough places, weigh it all up as to where you want to go and what you want to see and decide if you need the trailer. My case it is a must.
AnswerID: 148270

Reply By: sandyngraham - Friday, Feb 03, 2006 at 20:23

Friday, Feb 03, 2006 at 20:23
Hi Star,

My wife and 12 yo have just completed 9 months round oz towing a trackabout across all terrain, Cape York, Plenty Highway, Birdsville Track, Oodnadatta Track, Dalhousie Springs, Old Ghan Railway, Gibb River Road and that wonder track called the Savannah Way!!!! (Approx 35,000 klm in total).

We had no problems with the trailer, as John at Trackabout said the tow car will die before the trailer!!! Unfortunately he was right, did the gearbox at Archer River .. very expensive proposition.

We love our Trackabout and would recommend it to anybody BUT on the next trip we plan to base ourselves more and explore offroad with a tent, some situation just put too much strain on the vehicle and the (road) and track on which you drive.

The 7-leaf spring suspension on the trailer is excellent, we did beef up the suspension on the tow vehicle - Nissan Pathfinder - by adding heavy duty coils and poly airbags, the airbags were the best investment ever made!

Enjoy the remainder of your trip.

Graham and Sandy
AnswerID: 152812

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