Where not to visit

Submitted: Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:07
ThreadID: 30154 Views:3022 Replies:18 FollowUps:33
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Hi guys,I just thought I would let everyone who is considering going to Milang in SA at some stage of their lives,not to bother.The caravan park proprieters are the rudest people I have ever come across and the Pier Hotel where we had a meal on the second night was very below average.Bad experience all round.A better place to go which is only 22kms away is Goolwa.For anyone travelling that way,I hope this helps.Safe Trips Guys,Peter.
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Reply By: Darian (SA) - Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:11

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:11
Trouble is Goolwa can be infested with noisy urbanites ion the summer, while Milang is much quieter........ bad luck re the rudies - and of course, a lot of these small out of the way pubs can be a let-down ... thanks for the tip .... it was on an agenda around here... might scratch it now !
AnswerID: 151172

Follow Up By: Rojac - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:07

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:07
Nothing wrong with the pub, was there about 3 weeks ago. What did you expect...The Hilton??
FollowupID: 404979

Follow Up By: Rojac - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:12

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:12
Ooopps, the response was directed at panard
FollowupID: 404980

Follow Up By: Barnesy - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 21:30

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 21:30
Darian, don't scratch Milang off of your agenda. Especially not on the basis of one bloke having a whinge. Go there for the reason you stated, Milang is a quiet, peaceful town.
FollowupID: 405004

Reply By: Willem - Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:15

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:15
As it has been pointed out to me on numerous occasions on this forum. Don't give bad advice.

We are only hearing your side of the story.

People who are interested in travelling to Milang can go and judge for themselves.
AnswerID: 151175

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:33

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:33
Oh but I disagree. You head off for adventure, fun and enjoyment. Okay.. sometimes you meet bush 'characters' who are rude and unpleasant and that's just part of the rich tapestry of life.

If however, you are paying your hard earned cash for below standard service.... well at least 'well below standard service' then we need to know to avoid it!

I'm happy to tell you lot not to go to the top servo in Roseberry Tasmania. Bad attitude, poor service. I've got plenty more.

What we need to do though is post the balancing 'good service' stories as well.

I'll do that next time I find some.
FollowupID: 404758

Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:38

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:38
So if I found no joy in your show, Royce, and published it on this website, do you think that everyone should then stay away because of my recommendation? Probably not!
FollowupID: 404760

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 22:22

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 22:22
Yep... what you say is terrifying... and it does happen. You can only please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of he time. Hopefully I could swing into damage control and get some balancing references and plead some horrible calamity had caused the bad word.

Still... I've had some shocking experiences and know that those who follow would have the same. Just the showers and toilets in some cvan parks are enought to make a bad stay.

I do get your point though. We should be very careful about putting out the bad word.
FollowupID: 404768

Follow Up By: panard - Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 23:05

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 23:05
Willem , I am not in the market to bag people or places for the hell of it. I feel that if my experience can help someone else's holiday be a more pleasant one then I will tell it as it is. I too have had many many pleasant and very enjoyable experiences throughout Australia and have posted them on other sites. You take it however you want,Willem.
FollowupID: 404784

Follow Up By: P.G. (Tas) - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 07:22

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 07:22
What is happening to this country ??? Enough of this politically correct BS! I am not a sheep, and I believe the best percentage of Forum users are not sheep. Give us the facts and let us make up our own minds!

If I see someone or something get a bad wrap, I take it with a grain of salt. I will keep it in the back of my mind and make my own choices and decisions when the time comes.

If someone/somewhere/something get continual poor reports, then I believe where there's smoke there must be fire and vice versa for good reports.

Let's keep Australia, Australian.

Cheers all

FollowupID: 404817

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 08:53

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 08:53
"Let's keep Australia, Australian."


What are you talking about?

FollowupID: 404836

Follow Up By: P.G. (Tas) - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 11:00

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 11:00
G'day Willem. I don't usually get on my soap box, but seeing as you asked what “let's keep Australia, Australian” means, here goes.....

What I am talking about is how much this country has changed in the last 30-40 years or so. My father, and Grand Father went to war to protect this country and to preserve the Australian way of life for generations to come. This is why I have chosen to go down the 4WD track, to get out there to see, experience and share this great land, rather than go overseas.

The Australia I grew up in was a place where everyone was entitled to voice their own opinion, regardless of what it was, right or wrong, then stand up and be open to scrutiny. A place where a man's word was his bond and his word would never be broken. Australians were renowned for their strength of character.

Today as I look around, it saddens me beyond belief. We are becoming a race of limp wrested, wishy-washy, politically correct sheep, to afraid to do or say anything, for fear of offending someone, public backlash or litigation. This is not the Australia I want to leave as a legacy to future generations.

Let’s keep the Australia our forbears’ fought for. Encourage immigration, embrace different cultures, but leave them in no doubt that this is Australia and they are expected to embrace the Australian way of life. Australia is like any other place on Earth, and that’s the way I’d like to keep it. Let’s pass on the wonderful things this country has to offer and I believe we will all be better off, especially after your been around the block once or twice..

I may be living in a dream world, but this is what I strive for.


FollowupID: 404855

Follow Up By: P.G. (Tas) - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 11:07

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 11:07
BTW, Willem, years ago any business who offered poor service or deliberatey ripped off others would be run out of town. Pity it doesn't happen now!

FollowupID: 404856

Follow Up By: Nav 8 - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 11:09

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 11:09
Peter,,, Could not aggree more.,,,Nav.
FollowupID: 404857

Follow Up By: Des Lexic - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 12:40

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 12:40
Peter, your words are very apt to most points. The only line I take exception to is"We are becoming a race of limp wrested, wishy-washy, politically correct sheep, to afraid to do or say anything, for fear of offending someone, public backlash or litigation."
I for one strongly object to be labelled as you have stated above to the point that I take pride in being non politically correct and in true Australian style, I enjoy putting it up the Politically Correct people's noses. I don't think I'm alone here and we are becoming a growing force within the community.
I hate Political Correctness and the namby pamby way that our politicians carry on and the sooner they get in touch with reality the better this country will become.
(Stepping down from soapbox now)
FollowupID: 404873

Follow Up By: P.G. (Tas) - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 13:56

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 13:56
Des, it's wonderful to see that I'm not on my own.

Not everyone fits into the "becoming a race of limp wrested, wishy-washy, politically correct sheep," but be warned, the ranks are swelling unfortunately, driven by politicis and some of the legislation that has been expounded recently.

It seems to me that this is the way of the future, and if it is, let me off now! Australia will no longer be the lucky country.


FollowupID: 404883

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 18:45

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 18:45

It is interesting to get such a response as yours after my initial comment was that I had thought that it was not a good idea to to bag a place and to offer advice to others, that they should avoid such a place.

The Australia you are yearning after is still there but you may not be close to it.

Your limp wristed comment is only the perception that you have.

Life is changing by the minute and technology has brought us all to yearn for better typing skills. There is no way we can turn the clock back though to go back to a time which may have seemed to be idyllic.

You have to live your life within the parameters of the present day society and keep your cool when confronted by what may seem to you as alien customs.
FollowupID: 404953

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 19:10

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 19:10
>You have to live your life within the parameters of the present
>day society and keep your cool when confronted by what may
>seem to you as alien customs.

No you don't.

Otherwise you're just a sheep following the masses and being comforted by the consumer trinkets dished out to keep them docile. George Orwell understood this very well and cautioned us in regard to it – it seems we failed to listen. Change comes from people who challenge the existing system – it doesn't come from those who are satiated by it.

Currently we have far too much Political Correctness in Australia and it's high time people who don't want that spoke out against it not lived their lives according to it.

Change doesn't come from accepting the status quo – it comes from rejecting it.

Mike Harding

FollowupID: 404957

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 19:39

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 19:39
Well Robin Hood(aka Mke Harding)

I remember you saying something similar to me a while back

When are you going to start the revolution? Or are these just wrds once again.

Most people are already sheep anyway following doggedly every word perpetuated by the media. We voted for more of the same when we elected the government.

But what I was saying is that these days you can't even get into a fight without some sort of lawsuit pending. So don't get into a fight. Live within the parameters but do your own thing and not be worried what every Tom Dick or Harry thinks about it.

We are already in The New World Order whether we like it or not. Apathy has put us there
FollowupID: 404967

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:05

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:05
>Well Robin Hood(aka Mke Harding)

Hi Maid Marion

>I remember you saying something similar to me a while back

Excellent – you're memory is not completely selective then.

>When are you going to start the revolution? Or are these just
>wrds once again.

Strewth Bruce! I did my bit against South Africa when you were living off the blacks. There is a limit to what one man can do!

>Most people are already sheep anyway following doggedly
>every word perpetuated by the media.

True. But that's no reason to roll over and accept it, is it?

>But what I was saying is that these days you can't even get
>into a fight without some sort of lawsuit pending.

Ah! The clever bit, Willem, is choosing which fights to get into. Perhaps you've chosen the wrong ones?

>Live within the parameters

Which "parameters"? You mean "knuckle down"; do you?

>We are already in The New World Order whether we like it
>or not. Apathy has put us there

Nah. But, I agree, we're heading that way and unless we get off our butt and reject it then we'll be done for.

Mike Harding
FollowupID: 404978

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:13

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:13
You're all wind, mate

FollowupID: 404981

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:16

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:16
Better than being full of pi$$, mate.


Mike Harding
FollowupID: 404982

Follow Up By: P.G. (Tas) - Saturday, Jan 28, 2006 at 07:12

Saturday, Jan 28, 2006 at 07:12
Hey Willem, just some final comments on your post to me.

You said "The Australia you are yearning after is still there but you may not be close to it" and "Your limp wristed comment is only the perception that you have".

Well mate, I know the Australia I'm yearning for is still here, that why I live in Hobart. We may be 4-5 years behind the times, but sometimes that is a good thing Unfortunately we are catching up with the with the other big cities, but at least down here you won't get trampled on as people go about their business.

As for my perception of us becoming limp wristed, or as I put it, "a race of limp wrested, wishy-washy, politically correct sheep", I know many others share this view, so I'm not on my own.

I don't think the world is changing, just the people in it. Seems to me like we are our own worst enemies some times. To me, political correctness is being forced upon us by those who find it to hard to stand up for themselves, and in doing this they are weakening the Australian charactor.


FollowupID: 405033

Reply By: roofscooter2 - Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:32

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 21:32
hi all &when you give out good advise the same rule applies ok.
AnswerID: 151181

Reply By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 22:56

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 22:56
I agree with Willem. Shouldn't be slamming a town on the internet because you've had a bad experience.
AnswerID: 151202

Reply By: Barnesy - Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 23:26

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 23:26
I don't think the people of Milang would be users of this forum to defend themselves and give their side. I had many good family trips at Milang catching frogs and jumping off the jetty. Many good memories.

I once had this bad experience with a member of an online forum bagging people from a small country town.

AnswerID: 151212

Reply By: bouncer - Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 23:40

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 23:40
Hey guys this is just panard's opinion and should be taken as just that, after all this is a forum (A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas) and as far as I knew open discussion ment good and bad not just good.

And while I do believe the aformentioned, maybe panard could have worded it differently or left out "I just thought I would let everyone who is considering going to Milang in SA at some stage of their lives,not to bother." and replaced it with "I just thought I would share MY experience with you on a recent trip to Milang"
AnswerID: 151216

Reply By: Rock Crawler - Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 23:52

Thursday, Jan 26, 2006 at 23:52
You should never bag people or places on the forum , exept for the $%^&&^& at the pink road house lol

AnswerID: 151218

Follow Up By: Voxson (Adelaide) - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 00:06

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 00:06
I will second that....
FollowupID: 404805

Follow Up By: rolande- Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 07:23

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 07:23
Just read a report on another forum ...... make that three
FollowupID: 404818

Follow Up By: Rock Crawler - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:41

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:41
what forum is that Rolande ? I wouldn't mind a stickybeack
FollowupID: 404842

Follow Up By: rolande- Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 15:04

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 15:04
pink roadhouse

Here's a small snip

"Lowlight of the trip was Pink Roadhouse at Oodnadatta - I know it is an
icon, but it was greasy & dirty, poorly stock, non-existent service, etc.
We went up the road to the Trannie - Transcontinental Hotel and had a great lunch - salad included cherry tomatoes and strawberries. Across the road is the Oodnadatta Museum - key at the Trannie - worth a look."


FollowupID: 404901

Follow Up By: GOB & denny vic member - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:18

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:18
jeez rockie its gunna take you a long time to get over your expeirence there
mind you dirty deisel at 3 ways didnt endear that place to me either unfortunately an elephant has a long trunk as well as a long memory i only have a long memory

FollowupID: 404984

Reply By: The Rambler( W.A.) - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 00:02

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 00:02
Panard, thanks for the advice as regardless of what any other forumites might think I HATE to be ripped off or treated with disrespect and when this happens the people conscerned are told in no uncertain terms.Iwill certainly bypass that place in my travels as Aus. is big enough to enjoy without putting up with second rate treatment.
AnswerID: 151219

Reply By: Trekkie - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 00:05

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 00:05
Willem, not sure if I agree with your line. Of late there seem to be too many members of this Forum prepared to criticise (not that you are doing that) others for their posts and the way they answer the posts, the questions they ask etc etc
We must be careful not to stifle our visitors. I would like to see stats on who creates the posts Visitors VS Members. We are all so much richer for the questions and answers. I visited this site for about 12 months before I joined and I really appreciate EVERYTHING that is posted here - good or bad - positive or negative - critical or otherwise. A few of us are strirrers - some take it all too seriosly and some of us just like an argument. But we are all capable of making up our own minds. Panards post will not stop me visiting Milang - but I might be a little more aware when I do go there. Someone once said that no news is good news - likewise you could say that no news is really bad news.
AnswerID: 151220

Follow Up By: BLUEBAG53 - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 00:19

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 00:19
Agree totally Trekkie. And for Willem, one saying that most people dislike and refrain from saying is " well I told you so " Happy Days!
FollowupID: 404806

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:12

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:12

The point I was trying to make was that one persons perception of an event may be totally different another persons perception. In other words, I go to a Roadhouse and their toilets are filthy...but I am not supposed to P in public.... so I use it. I may confront the manager and complain or I may not bother. I certainly won't come on this forum and bag the Roadhouse.

Now I know Rock Crawler has an issue with the Pink Roadhouse. But I know Rock Crawler and I know the owner of the Pink Roadhouse and I can see(with some mirth, I might add) just where the two came unstuck.
Each one of these people come with their own baggage and the chemistry wasn't right. I disagree with Rock Crawler bagging the Pink Roadhouse and some others who do the same.

Having travelled well over a million kilometres over 37 years in this country, I have met some wonderful people and some down right nasty ones as well. I just put all of them down to exprience of life.

Telling someone not to support a place because of ones perception is not good and it creates a negative image.
FollowupID: 404838

Follow Up By: Rock Crawler - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:53

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:53
Also Willem , No one is saying don't go to Oodnadatta , Just stated a issue we had with one person , I regard a W*****KR . Mind you everyone else that work there , were very nice people . Especially Des from next door . Now If I drove through town for fuel and food , I never would had had a issue and also would have had a total different perception of the place .

But in reality , telling people don't go there , sometimes makes people do the opposite lol , I would want to go there to see why lol
FollowupID: 404845

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 12:46

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 12:46
Ah ... Well done Willem. You were the moderating response to a bagging post. See.. that's how it should be done. A bad wrap followed by others putting both sides. I like it.
FollowupID: 404874

Reply By: russ36 - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 06:43

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 06:43
fair comments from everyone , i will let the moderators make the choice on the posting of bad experiences. this morning i only have a couple of goodies..in karumba, the gulf country caravan park[the one in the guts of town right near the boat ramp and all the shops you could ever need].., the finest , friendliest , most helpful sensational service i have had in my entire life.. the sort that ensures you would never even look anywhere else in the future...and when i bought my 50 mm foam/colourbond paneling and alum channel to make an air con canopy for my ute from "retracom" in brissy...on pick up i saw that no expense was spared in the packaging process to ensure safe transport, their forklift driver operated with the most extreme precision i have ever seen. their dispatch dept was always friendly and helpful, and without me asking they were all going out of their way to give me tips and advice on how to put it all together the best way.... there was certainly no "now that we have your $$$ just take your stuff and get out attitude".... and they were competitive price wise[30% cheaper than another quote].....just please dont ask me where you can buy a nice breakfast!
AnswerID: 151226

Follow Up By: Mr Fawlty - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:46

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:46
I agree re Gulf Country Van Park....Very helpful ever smiling staff. Shame it's so far for me to drive.
FollowupID: 404843

Reply By: Mr Fawlty - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:41

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:41
Personally I prefer balanced posts.... I definatley want to know what is good and bad about a place because being a mature, consenting adult I can work out by the tone of the post if the poster is just griping or has a valid point to make. Just because the Van Park staff were rude dosen't mean that i wouln't go there but if I am forewarned then I can adopt a posture that allows me to take their rudness at face value...If they were indeed rude then I speak up...In my travels around Australia I have made many interesting discoveries re van parks and it must be a right pain to keep smiling even when having to deal with some vanners who are total Richard Heads (NOT REFERRING TO PANARD), you all know the type, they spend all day in the "office" whinging and whining about the most trivial things....
I can't comment about Milang, I've only been there many years ago travelling down the Murray by old fashioned paddle steamer....
for example I wouldn't bother with Undarra again, not because of rudness but because of the extortionate costs and the "false created" sense of isolation...Just can't understand how prices in places like Normanton, that are in reality far more isolated, can be cheaper...
Panhard does have one good point... Goolwa... at least you can ride the Cockle Train to Victor Harbour from there....
AnswerID: 151239

Reply By: Footloose - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:56

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:56
I feel rather strongly about this topic so I'll dive on in. I've got broad shoulders, and I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone in particular. I can see both points of view.
If we don't complain about something we find isn't up to par then we have no hope of improvement. BUT we should complain firstly to the persons(s) responsible. I know I'd rather have someone tell me that things just aren't good enough, than to find out on the net. Having said that, before complaining we should examine our expectations. Small remote businesses have different pressure than large city chains. Ask yourselves are your expectations realistic. Were things really that bad, or did we just expect too much. If so, then you have the right to complain. The best advertising is word of mouth. Likewise it can be the worst advertising.
HOWEVER we shouldn't just say avoid the green frog in woop woop. Simply telling people of our experience should be enough to enable them to make up their own minds. They may well have a different experience at the green frog.
If you asked nicely for a drink of water and they told you to go get $%^&#@, then report that fact if you feel that you need to, instead of a general bagging.
Why were the toilets unclean ? Did you mention it to them ? What was their response ? etc
Forums such as this have a certain power to influence peoples choice of where they spend their money. Try to be objective, and sleep on it before posting.
We post objectively about good businesses. We are specific about why we're happy with their goods and services. Thats great.
Lets try and do the same IF we have to complain.

AnswerID: 151240

Follow Up By: Gajm (VIC) - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 18:32

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 18:32
I'd go along with that. There are always 2 sides of the story, so like you said, simply report the facts.
FollowupID: 404947

Reply By: Mike - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 10:29

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 10:29
Having spent some time with Adam at the pink roadhouse (recovery from the pedirka track), I would call him eccentric.(?) I believe he is not well liked in Oodnadatta, but, in his own way, was helpful. He let me use his tools and workshop to fix my truck and his roadhouse sells extraordinary burgers. So, I would return to that quirky spot again. Now as for Maree, well I'll definitely drive straight through there next trip. Milang, Don't know if it's a guy I used to know, but if it is, I'm not surprised at your bad experience.

I also believe that this forum should be just that, a forum to air good and bad.

BTW, can't go by without mentioning Ruth and Ian at the Birdsville C/P, or Kirsten at the caravanseri cafe, now talk about friendly.

Happy trails, Mike.
AnswerID: 151245

Reply By: flappa - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 10:48

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 10:48
So , Panard has an opinion ? So What ?

YOU get to choose what to do with it.

Either , dont go anywhere near the place PURELY based on one report , or , visit it to make up your OWN mind , keeping in mind , someone elses experience.

Then you can either confirm or correct the first opinion.

Lets not forget it was only recently The birdsville Cvan Park copped a bit of a canning , rightly or wrongly ????

Most people would agree its a top place (never having been there myself) , and a few have had a bad experience ,(hey not everyone can be satisified).

I would prefer to hear both good AND bad , and make up my own mind when I get there.
AnswerID: 151249

Reply By: OLDMAGPIE - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 12:23

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 12:23
well that worked everyone will go to malang now to see what this post was all about
AnswerID: 151264

Reply By: gramps - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 12:45

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 12:45
Over the couple of years I've been lurking around this forum, quite a few establishments, organizations and people have copped a bagging. Whether it was deserved or not, who knows. Generally we end up with quite a few different opinions on each and that is the way it should be.

We all get the chance to make up our minds one way or another when we're actually at the pointy end. I don't think there are that many who decide purely on the experience of one third party alone.

So keep the posts coming whether good or bad.
AnswerID: 151269

Follow Up By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 14:53

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 14:53
I agree with you on this one. To be forwarned is to be forarmed. Information is a useful tool and it should be just that! We all have good and bad experiences and I know I have shared some of mine here previously. I hope we do this to keep our EO buddies informed so that if they should head in the same direction they can make up their own mind but act accordingly.

Kind regards
FollowupID: 404898

Reply By: Kenell - Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:00

Friday, Jan 27, 2006 at 20:00
What attracts me to this forum is the opinions of others. Positive and negative. Sights to see, places to go and pitfalls to be avoided. I am a little lost that some see it as fair game to bag the likes of Nissan 3.0lts and Waeco friges but when it comes to bad experiences in country towns it isn't on. Perhaps it is the ability of the brand to absorb the criticism but that is a very narrow view. Lots of small traders sell Waecos and lots of Nissan owners wear the brunt of the founded and often unfounded comments on Nissans. Nevertheless forums and word of mouth have the effect of improving the goods and services we seek. Businesses that offer continued poor service will disappear and Nissans / Waecos will become more reliable. What was it Winston Churchill said ? "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it"


AnswerID: 151349

Reply By: gonebush SA - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 22:22

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 22:22
i think that in a way it's good to know others experiences so that if you are planning a trip there you are prepared and might only book in over night or so until you have made up your own mind. just perhaps not in the same strong words.
i live in Goolwa so i can vouch for the excess of 'townies' that invade our little quiet town in the holiday season, boy it's a lot nicer now schools gone back. but i must admit that we went to Warrnambool vic. in the holidays and were totally shocked by the amount of people and how RUDE a lot of them were, it has turned us off for quite a while.
AnswerID: 151961

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