Trvelling with the best mate..?

Submitted: Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:09
ThreadID: 30234 Views:2718 Replies:13 FollowUps:9
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Hi all,

Just wondering if any of you do extended trips away (in my book, extended is anything longer than a week) in a CT with the family dog? Any thoughts? Planning on heading bush for a few months later this year and not sure if she'll be up to it? She's still young and full of energy! Any tips or suggestions?


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Reply By: Mudness - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:28

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:28
G'day Scoey, I would recommend getting a copy of a book called travelling with dogs. I hope it's still available, list all the caravan parks, camping grounds that allow dogs. If bush camping, always keep your dog close by and under control (tied up or otherwise secured over night) and you should have a lot of fun. My blue healer cross camped around OZ with us for 17 years, including all through the central deserts and Kimberlys/ Pilbera, before passing away last year, always had plenty of spare water for him and was mindful that dogs overhead very quickly in the hotter regions if allowed to run too much (they dont know whats good for them) of left in a vehicle for too long. Probably the biggest downfall is access to nature reserves / national parks etc. Have fun
AnswerID: 151740

Reply By: Michael B - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:32

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:32
G'day Scoey,

We did quite an extended trip in the mid 80's and took our big German Shepard.

Got 'run out' of town in Kulgera even then. Apart from that no probs taking a dog anywhere, even camping at the Olgas (with the blessing of the ranger too)

From what I see and hear, today would be a totally different ball game because people have abused the privileges we once took for granted when travelling.

IMO, whilst it would be great to take your mate methinks it would preclude you from a lot of interesting places.

Still, whatever way you go have a ball.

Michael B (SA)

AnswerID: 151741

Reply By: Coolman - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:43

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:43
I have a 12 month old puppy who is still full of energy and go. We took the approach of getting him involved and going early so he knows the rules. We were concerned because at home he is an indoors dog with the run of the house but when camping needs to be tied up. We have found him to be excellent and he loves getting out there and having fun. He is even good in the car now and just sits up the back watching the world go by. They are like kids and need regular stops for toliets, drinks, and run around but once they know the drill it is fine.

You need the book to tell you where people accept dogs because you are very limited. You also cannot go into national parks etc when on your trip so you need to plan where you are heading and make sure you are not caught out.

We have made the choice that the dog is part of the family and any trips will need to include him.

One last point is as someone mentioned earlier. Make sure they are trained for a lead and not barking and clean up after the dog. A few idiots are spoiling it for the rest of us. Enjoy it.
AnswerID: 151745

Reply By: Member - t0me (WA) - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 12:09

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 12:09
Yup, we have the same problem. Our's (corgi :-) is 9 months old now.
Plenty of water and a stop ever hour or so. I've modified one of those plastic crates (94L) for him, with lots of holes, a hatch, and a 12v (ex-computer) fan in it. Chuck in one of his toys and he's sorted. Means he won't slide around and injure himself, or decide the camping gear looks good to chew. He's in it to sleep, and to travel. (I'll post a picture or two if you're interested - it ain't pretty, but it works well for a medium/small dog like him and a HECK of a lot cheaper than a purpose built crate)

I've got a screw into the ground type hitch (a tent peg would do) and run a lead from that to the bumper or something convenient. Then attach his lead on a loop to that. He's then got a run so he's not just tied to one spot, but he can't go snuffling around in the bush and find a bait to chew on.

AnswerID: 151753

Reply By: Redback - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 12:16

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 12:16
We travel everywhere with our 2 dogs, even the High Country, you gotta plan a bit as you can't camp in National parks so your restricted, but we get by, by base camping where dogs are allowed and day drive.

The're allowed in National park as long as they are in the car and are not roaming around, also when in the bush be responcable and don't let them chase native animals.


AnswerID: 151755

Follow Up By: Ken - Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 18:25

Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 18:25
Redback, in Vic dogs are only allowed in national parks under very strict conditions. They can be in cars travelling through parks if public roads pass through the park. They must remain in the vehicle during transit.

They are not allowed in the park during planned trips within the park even if kept in a vehicle. Many people are totally ignorant of the rules for dogs in national parks and have their own interpretations. Check with Parks Vic and this will be confirmed.
For example travelling through the Alpine NP they can be in a vehicle; in Mt Buffalo NP [no through route] they are definately banned.

It is not only an issue of chasing wildlife, which in most cases is not a huge problem, but a whole range of things which have been declared inappropriate to domestic animlas in a NP.

Bush lawyers take heed !

FollowupID: 405673

Reply By: b4no1member - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 12:29

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 12:29
teach the dog to cook and fetch beer and you will be right.
AnswerID: 151761

Reply By: fozzy - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 12:57

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 12:57
most dogs love the bush but one thing to look at is ticks and treatment for the dog depending on what area you are going. also camps 3 is good book which shows where dogs are allowed etc and also gives indication how close stops are to main rd. helps to have socialised dog and little bit of training. bit of planning as to where you are going and what areas dogs are not allowed. lots of areas that are leash free just a bit of research needed. also depends on weather-we stopped overnight in aug at glenn innes mid nsw and expected it to be a bit fresh but hadnt planned on -6 deg so dont leave dog out on its own if temp possibly that low and dog not used to it. dog was in tent and had jacket and still cold. -water frozen etc.
perhaps tie dog up at night. take plenty of food amd water for dog if in middle of nowhere-also some reserves in case get stuck.
take bottle of dog shampoo-in case dog finds dead animal-most love to roll in carcasses and smell will be hard to get off dog without shampoo.
long wire lead to tie up (cant chew through)-only if needed.
thems the items that come to mind
ps some people hate dogs around their camps so be careful before you let him go
AnswerID: 151769

Reply By: hazo - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 13:12

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 13:12
Took our best mate (60kg rottyx Bullmastiff) on 10 month extended trip up west coast, 2 years ago. You have to be prepared to stop frequently, I put some sunscreen shade cloth up to tail gate window and rear side windows, with adhesive velcro as she wouldnt settle with sun on her, but no trouble after shade fitted! Some van parks turned us away, but most were ok. she slept under van most nights and soon realized that people walking past were no threat and didnt bark at all. In fact we made more friends by people coming to see her and pat her!
The biggest problem is if you want to go somewhere without dog during the day in the heat. We used to put aircon on in van and put her bed inside and water bowl and she was never any trouble really. Another benefit was i took her walks three times a day so kept me fit and active too!
Travelled last year for a month and didnt take dog and was lost as i had no one to swim and walk with.(wife dosnt like the water much)
Also take a plastic bag every where and pick up the mess, as its those di-khea-s that leave a mess that ruin it for everyone. At 80 mile beach last Aug/sept it was just that , that caused them to ban dogs there and then! so we can no longer visit one of our favourite spots with dog!
AnswerID: 151778

Follow Up By: Scubaroo - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 13:52

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 13:52
One of those "handy pails" from Bunnings (or free if you can source them from a bakers etc) are perfect for carry doggy doo in the vehicle - they have a close fitting lid that doesn't let any smell escape. Wife bought one of those fold out toilet seats that takes a plastic bag - works for that too :-/ Doesn't matter if you're in the middle of a state forest - bag it up, take it home. The "leave it where it lies" attitude is what gets most beaches shut down for dogs - try finding a beach in Melbourne you can take your dog to after 9am in summer apart from the mud flats at Brighton.

We regularly take our dog camping to state forests, but am forever mindful of the impact she has on other campers - we tend to choose the more remote smaller spots away from the caravanning crowds, she doesn't wander, always kept within site, put on a leash if there's other people around, she is kept in the zippered vestibule of the tent overnight etc. Helps when your dog is like your shadow and you can't do anything without her following "mummy and daddy" to see what we're up to! If she was too independent we would leave her with friends.

My biggest gripe is other campers who don't control their dogs, and don't care about the impact their roaming dog might have on other campers - these are the dogs that come bounding into your camp looking for a fight with your own dog, going through your rubbish/food, bleep on the tent, chasing kangaroos, chasing your vehicle while you're driving etc, or people with a pack of three or more running loose unsupervised - it's situations like those that see dog access being shut down.
FollowupID: 405374

Reply By: Rod W - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 13:46

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 13:46
When you see your best mate DIE from a 1080 bait it makes one reconsider and become a responsible pet owner and leave he/she at home.
AnswerID: 151785

Follow Up By: disco driver - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 15:47

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 15:47
Hi All,
Dunno about the east side but over in the west many national parks and CALM reserves are routinely baited with 1080 baits for wild dog/cat and fox control.The baits are designed to be attractive to the target species.

Farmers and station owners also use these baits for the same reasons.

Warning !!!!! Your "best mate" is unlikely to survive such a bait(no real Antidote available).

Signs are erected at main entry points but may not be on all access tracks.

If you MUST take your dog into Nat Parks etc (it is illegal in WA) make sure he is suitably restrained (ie on a lead and preferably muzzled) and expect to be asked to leave if found.
FollowupID: 405386

Follow Up By: ro-dah-o (WA) - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 16:46

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 16:46

some UFI (useless @#$%en Informatio)

1080 is a poison that is endemic to WA, derived from the gastrolobium family (commonly refered to as poison pea plants). It is not used in the eastern states (not that I was aware anyway) because the native fauna over there do not have a built up resistence to the poison, hence a mass extermination of fauna and flora.

This is aslo a good reason that dog owners in WA shouldnt let there animals chace native birds and marsupials, apart from the usual reasons, the wa fauna has a built up immunity to 1080 and are more than happy to feast on it (natural type). Hence if you trusty friend (or neighbours cat :)) chomps on an animal such as a bronze wing pigeon or small marsupial, they will end up with a fairly leathel dose of 1080.

My boy knows that when we go bush, he always wears a muzzle. Still lets him drink but no eating.
FollowupID: 405421

Follow Up By: gramps - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 16:49

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 16:49

1080 is definitely used (or used to be) in NSW.
FollowupID: 405422

Follow Up By: disco driver - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 20:56

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 20:56
Hi Ro Dah O

Thanks for all the extra information re 1080
Here is a bit more UFI that you may not know.
1080 is not derived from gastrolobium and oxylobium species, it is found in them, the poison was originally synthesised in the US way back in the 1940's as a byproduct of other research. The 1080 used in WA is manufactured overseas and is chemically known as sodium mono fluoroacetate and it has no effect on flora (plants)
West Australian species do not have immunity or resistance, they have an increased tolerance which is not the same thing. I wont try to explain the difference as it is of no consequence in this thread.

Regardless of what ever it is, or how it works if your best mate eats it he will be lucky to survive
FollowupID: 405496

Follow Up By: ro-dah-o (WA) - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 21:42

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 21:42
that does it, I will never read another book LOLOL

thanks for that, burning land management books as we speak

FollowupID: 405516

Follow Up By: Bilbo - Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 23:18

Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 23:18
We take our Silky Terrier prospecting with us all the time. Out of curiousity I asked our vet if there's any remedy or antidote for 1080 poison. The answer was a definitive "No". If the dog takes the bait, try and make it vomit by whatever means you can. If the dog doesn't bring it back up, then it's got about 20 minutes before the poison is too far into its system for the animal to survive.

If you can't get it to a vet within 20 minutes and it won't vomit - shoot it. It's better for the dog and you. You won't wanna watch die it I can assure you.

I shot my mates Blue Heeler south of Laverton, W.A a few years ago. It was horrible watching it go beserk and bite itself and anybody that went near it. Whining, howling and rolling around. He couldn't do it, so I shot it for him. It broke my heart too.

I keep my little mate tied up on a "run" or on a lead when prospecting. I watch him all the the time and fortunately he's a well fed, very fussy eater.

FollowupID: 405817

Follow Up By: gramps - Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 23:41

Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 23:41

And to think some are disgusted when a discussion gets around to cleanly terminating feral animals with firearms but don't even blink at the thought of the same animals suffering a cruel, painful, slow death from 1080 baits that our NPWS etc love to use.
FollowupID: 405829

Reply By: gramps - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 15:59

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 15:59

Don't forget the charcoal tablets. It's bad enough putting up with your own without your best mate's as well :)))))))))))
AnswerID: 151814

Reply By: GOB & denny vic member - Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 17:26

Monday, Jan 30, 2006 at 17:26
goodday scoey

1 1080 used to be esed in vic lost 2 dogs to it in a week vet couldnt save them

2 we have taken our current dog away a couple of times but we find the heat knocks her around so we made the decision that our kids look after her when we take our longer trips and she is happy with staying with the kids and grand kids or even the inlaws as she gets spoiled rotten

AnswerID: 151846

Reply By: Cheiffy - Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 02:38

Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 02:38
Hi Scoey,

Our 2 staffys are veterans of camping. They are considered family and often accompany us when we go camping (when dogs are allowed). Mind you, we spoil the bloody things rottenbut they do as they're told and do not go any further than 15 metres or so from the tent. They dont chase wildlife because they know this will only result in a boot up the rear.
I would suggest that you keep her in the tent with you of a night and train her to behave whilst you're asleep. It may cost you a night or three of rest, but it will pay dividends in years to come. We also make sure our dogs are fed before we eat and that we feed them tasty food such as mince or the like. This also makes them less of a nuisance when we are eating and reminds them that the tent is the place to be. Spend more time playing with her than you would normally do at home, this will make her feel important and hopefully burn off some of that excess energy.
We always have our dogs protected with Frontline but still check them over daily for ticks. Apart from this, just use common sense and protect them from the elements, wildlife and themselves. We also leave them biscuits for an hour or two in the morning but then remove them so that we dont attract any unwelcome visitors.
I hope any of this helps but dont forget to enjoy your best mate as well. Our dogs always make us laugh with some of their antics when we are away.


AnswerID: 152000

Reply By: res.q.guy - Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 22:43

Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 22:43
HI Scoey
We travelled around Aust for two years with two small dogs. We had no real problems except for Kununurra WA (no park took dogs, could only use show grounds for three nights. stay at Derby Van Park - they prefer dogs to kids) and north of Perth for a couple of hundred klm's.
Enjoy your trips.

AnswerID: 152177

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