Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 20:54
OK GUYS & Gals, I just could not help but to answer this question BY odyssey quote whats a FITCH.
Well here goes a FITCH is a fuel catalyst that is helping AUSTRALIA and its people who drive motor vehicles by,
1/ Reducung exhaust pollutants by up to 50% +
2 Saving the average motorist more than a litre of fuel for every 100klms driven.
3/Reducing pollutants into the engine oil by up to 70%.
4/ Gaining between 5%&10% power increase.
5/ Extending the life of injectors and inj pumps.
6/ dramatically extending the life of exhaust CATALYSTS,this is brought about by the better burn of the fuel,
Down side[ You must pay for it) Thats 6 to 1 odds not bad
For further information read the LAND 2/2/06 page 32 new products.
OR consult www.fitchcatalyst
Hop it answers the question. Regards BILLS