Jacko or Goldstrem Camper

Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 09:31
ThreadID: 30549 Views:7087 Replies:5 FollowUps:5
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Hi all,

Has anyone used extensively either a Jayco pop top camper like the Finch model or Goldstream in a similar variant of road. We are lookin gat the off road pack but want to make sure that it will last the distance. We do trips to the Cape and Kimberleys so some of the roads are very corregated. We also do trips to Fraser and Morton Island. We like the idea of having a kitchen and fridge with lounge and tables etc already set up in lieu of a camper trailer hta flips over for eg.

Thanks for any feed back in advance.

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Reply By: 4145derek - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 09:58

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 09:58
I had the Goldstream for 3 years and worked it quite hard. Was very happy with it and it was light enough to to up the beach. See my photo's PHOTOS just one thing. Make sure you have a good battery charger as the supplied one failed and seal all the holes under the camper with silicone as this was not done at the factory and my camper filled up with dust on our first outback trip. We also learn't to tape the top when going on dirt. Buy a roll of 50mm wide pvc tape (the silver stuff) not cloth tape and run a strip completely around the lid.

Happy Travels

Regards Derek
AnswerID: 153799

Follow Up By: Goona - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 11:41

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 11:41

Was your Gold streem an off road model with the 6 inch chasis rails. Did you have the independant suspension fitted or was it a solid axel?

FollowupID: 407720

Follow Up By: 4145derek - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 11:50

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 11:50
6 inch off road pack. Axle was solid 50mm with the lancruiser bearings.

Was a good unit and had no problems.
FollowupID: 407722

Reply By: Keith_A (Qld) - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 10:46

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 10:46
Hi Goona.
Several brands make this type, including Jayco, Goldstream and Coromal.

We owned a Jayco Dove for 12 years - wind-up style - next size up to the finch.
We then bought a Coromal Magnum 420 Rally XC - same basic design.
Both off-road. Towed them over many rough roads (west eromanga; fraser etc).

Our jayco needed something fixed after every trip - sometimes during the trip.
Staples and glue just didn't cut it, on outback tracks.
I have seen one of the newer ones, and perhaps Jayco have
been forced by competition to lift their game. (Only saw the outside).
From my experience, the Coromal are still a stronger build than Jayco.
(A bit like David Vs Goliath - the smaller guy has to pay attention to detail
if they are to win / stay in the market. The giants already have the market).
A close friend has an on-road Goldstream many years, and is very happy with it.

Even after 20 years camping with the wind-up style, I still believe they combine the best of all worlds. They tow like a flat trailer - low wind resistance (=better fuel economy). They have a low centre of gravity (won't tip). They are unlikely to scrape over-hanging trees or cliff faces on rough tracks, as a van will.
Inside, after the beds are pulled out, they have the floor area of a large caravan, and all the conveniences. Our Coromal was $17,000 second hand, in mint condition. In addition to the standard fridge; stove; grill; lounge, CD etc, ours has gas hot water, 12V marine water pump and shower (external), & sleeps 6.

The main deficiency is you must wind them up to use them. ( A Van or Pop-top, you just open the door.) For outback use, the benefits outweigh this one feature.

If you watch the trading post and papers, you will find them advertised.
With a young family, they are a great way to see the outdoors in safety and comfort. Best of luck with your research.................Keith
AnswerID: 153807

Follow Up By: Goona - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 11:39

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 11:39

Thanks for the indepth report. I will be looking into the Coromal. I didn't know they had pop tops but was aware they had full size vans for off road use as my mate has one and he swares by it.

Once again thanks

FollowupID: 407719

Follow Up By: howie - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 19:50

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 19:50
had a on-road jayco swan for a while and agree with keiths observations. take a rivet gun,2 x 2 wood, nails and a big hammer along.
managed to pummel the steps into submission with stones and somehow bent one of the rails the bed slides out on.
still, it was a good van and served its purpose well.

ps. in winter a thin layer of ice used to form on the underside of the plasticky cover over the bed, then proceed to melt as the sun rose, greeting us every morning with chinese torture.
fixed it by putting a piece of foam over the cover in winter.
FollowupID: 407798

Reply By: rickwagupatrol - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 19:44

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 19:44
We looked long and hard before we decided to get the camper we have now. The most important question we asked manufacturers was simple.....Is your product really capable of off-road travel?.....Jayco said yes, Coromal said yes(as long as it was off-road on a gravel road--they test on a gravel road out the back of Perth), Goldstream said yes as well. Availability of second hand units also came into consideration. Jayco's are everywhere, Coromal are a bit harder to find, and Goldstrem are real hard to find.
We hired all three makes and used them off-road before settling on what fitted our criteria(which i wont go into here..it would crash poor ole Davids server :) )
All three will give you the level of comfort you seem to be looking for, all three will travel off-road and all three will break if you abuse them.
The most important things to remember when towing one of these things are
1) Slow down
2)Reduce tyre pressure on the tow vehicle and the camper.
3)Enjoy yourself.
Ours goes where we want it to, it sit's behind the patrol nicely and most importantly, SWMBO likes it.
We have a 2001 Jayco Dove Outback.

AnswerID: 153908

Reply By: Anthony - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 21:27

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 21:27
Hi Goona,

I have a '03 Jayco Dove Outback which we aim to take on tracks to and around Alice Springs for 8-9 weeks later this year. While we have an Outback model, I have been talking to others out the Jayco and how they handle the corrugation on the Gibb River Road and the like.

Allowing for common sense driving to the conditions of the road, I've picked up the following “need to do” for the trip preps for the Jayco.

Shocker mounts break and need reinforcing,
Add a metal plate to protect the tank tap from stones,
Install a stone guard to stop dents in the leading on front & edges of the Jayco,
Cover the door vent (Velcro & plastic) to reduce dust,
Add dust sealing around the side boot on the front left (on the Dove),
Use a Phillips head driver on screws to check/ tighten after lots of corrugations,
Take a spare battery charger (the on board one has failed twice for us but replaced under warranty),
Travel with the table down,
Take spare pop rivets to attach bed end support brackets (if/ when they break),
Replace or paint the clear plastic water pipes to prevent algae growth from direct sun light.
I am still working on the list.

I recon the Jayco’s are great value and I don’t mind having to prep ours for big trips. I have spoken to a friend who has done GRR a couple of times and said he has seen a lot of the Jayco camper trailers up and around the north west of Oz.

I hope this helps – cheers Anthony
AnswerID: 153946

Reply By: pjd - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 21:57

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 21:57
if you intend to go off road & also want to get back without any dramas dont get any of them by a fairdinkum camper trailer like a KK
AnswerID: 153957

Follow Up By: Muzzgit (WA) - Thursday, Feb 09, 2006 at 02:17

Thursday, Feb 09, 2006 at 02:17
I agree with pjd. We have just purchased our second Jayco, this time an outback finch. Good friends of ours have one also and tend to go more offraod places than us, and they are always doing repairs.
I mean always, every trip there is something to fix.

I do not intend to go to northern QLD with my camper. I have done the gravel roads to Millstream NP etc; in the old camper and don't intend doing it again.

If you want to go realy outback, dont buy a windup type of any make.
FollowupID: 407905

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