Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 14:01
ThreadID: 30558 Views:1638 Replies:1 FollowUps:2
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hi everyone,you may have seen the ad for the outback cleanup event happening in August for 2wks......can i encourage everyone to clean up in your travels....anywhere anytime...most people that travel are good but there is the odd few that ruin these beautiful places for everyone....there is nothing worse than getting to camp with someone elses mess.....
so even if you cannt go on this adventure, have an adventure where ever you may be. Even if its not yours clean it up anyway so that its nice for the next person...lets look after that great big country if ours so that our grandkids can enjoy the vastness of Gods country!!
Laura B

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Reply By: Member - Jack - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 15:06

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 15:06
Hi Laura.

Do you have any further details on the outback cleanup, or is there a website?

Or is it just an general awareness to clean up as we go. Either way it makes sense.


The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get. (Lewis Carroll-Alice In Wonderland)

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AnswerID: 153847

Follow Up By: Equinox - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 17:28

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 17:28
Try here Jack:




FollowupID: 407772

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - David - Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 20:49

Wednesday, Feb 08, 2006 at 20:49
Better still ExplorOz.com is the official website for the event - Click on Events in the Menu at the top of the screen. The Auction for this event will be starting at ExplorOz on the 18th Feb.

Additionally we have sent several items in the newsletters about this event so if you are not getting the newletter make sure you check your email profile (Visitors - Click on Edit in the orange bar at the top : Members go My Home - My Email and ensure the newsletter option is enabled).
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
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