A point to ponder me thinks......

Submitted: Saturday, Feb 18, 2006 at 19:32
ThreadID: 30909 Views:2740 Replies:5 FollowUps:3
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Weelllll, tis a saturday arvo here in good ole sunny poith and i wuz wunderin what ro do wid meself. As it turns out,,,ere i is. !.
With the do gooders out there haroing on about how bad 4wd's are, the rediculous fuel prices, the even more rediculous track closures happening everywhere,and just when we don't think it can get any worse,,,,,,David puts a photo up that has everyone stumped. :(
How long are we, the public that pay our taxes, and vote governments in or out, gunna sit on our behinds and let the pollies and dogooders dictate our recreation to us.We are not the majority, but neither are we the minority. There are alot of 4wd's on the roads of the country, surely we must have a voice that can be heard.
Club membership, or an individual,,,it doesn't matter. What does matter is that we are not being heard, by anyone.
If our recreation is to survive, so that our kids, and grandkids may see this great country of ours, than we need to get of our behinds and do something about the way we are treated.
No more track closures, bring down the price of fuel to what it really shoud be, and tell Mr Scruby to shut up. We are all hard working individuals on this forum, and many others like it, we enjoy our recreation, so why are we letting the pollies slowly take it away from us.?
Tiome for us to have a real voice, that can be heard from coast to coast, me thinks.
Have your say if you want, but please make it constructive, and lets all work together, as individuals and as one group, to save our favourite pasttime.

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Reply By: The Rambler( W.A.) - Saturday, Feb 18, 2006 at 21:57

Saturday, Feb 18, 2006 at 21:57
I don't know about suuny "Poith" as this summer we haven't had too much of that, but I agree with your thoughts as it seems we are losing more and more of our outdoor pleasures but I am not sure what we can do about it.That is why every year I "break the law" by bush camping wherever I stop without anyone telling me I can't do this or can't camp here or whatever.I am usually well away from anyone and don't leave rubbish,don't leave gates open,don't burn down the place and so far has worked for me and long may it last.
AnswerID: 155770

Reply By: Member - Ozdyssey (QLD) - Saturday, Feb 18, 2006 at 23:21

Saturday, Feb 18, 2006 at 23:21
Yes totally agree, what's the bloody ANFWDC doing, never hear a peep. The greenies are going to be the end of our freedom in this country. Maybe David could liase with the ANFWDC and push it on the website to increase awareness etc.

We need to have an active organisation with clout like the CMCA who has only been around for 20 yrs and currently has 45,000 members! It can lobby the authorities effectively with it's weight. It also provides buying power for discounts , insurance etc.
It is very well setup and organised.

Scrubby is a pimple and could easily be forgotten. The only thing I've ever seen in the media is Pat Callihan having a say once and like he has credibility with that bloody stupid magazine he craps on in, seriously he treats us all like beer swilling morons.

We need to setup a committee on this, who's in .......?

AnswerID: 155779

Reply By: Pneumatic - Sunday, Feb 19, 2006 at 05:11

Sunday, Feb 19, 2006 at 05:11
I always pop into a forum for some info, talk a little chit and then vanish in a puff of wild static.

So here is my static…listen really good people! All of your fun will continue to disappear…everything!!!! And you can do nothing about it!!! Why you ask…IT’S IS A BUSINESS!!!!! 4wd’ing is a growing business and business needs new customers. The more customers the more popular it becomes, more people get attracted because it is a “new thing” and in the process everything surrounding the upcoming trend gets turned into a commodity and get consumed. Unfortunately the surrounding commodity in 4wd’ing is the environment.

It is actually the BUSINESS of 4wd that will be your end. Don’t get bleep at the government, city dwellers, oil companies, your mother…who ever. IT”S THE PEOPLE WHO SELL YOU YOUR GEAR AND PRESS THE MAGS YOU READ! And you can do nothing about it…it is up to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think about it!
AnswerID: 155793

Follow Up By: Willem - Sunday, Feb 19, 2006 at 08:10

Sunday, Feb 19, 2006 at 08:10
I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The more worms, the less cake.

Just look at the boom in the RV, Caravan, and Camper Trailer Industries.

Within the next ten years a lot of freedom to travel to remote places is going to disappear and restrictions to access is going to increase. You will all be herded into overpriced caravan parks/campsites with canned entertainment for all.

Then the rego's are going up, fuel prices rediculous, and older vehicles will be put off the roads.

Politicians feed off business and business feeds off gullible people, which most of us are.

I am doing my last trip to the remote parts of WA this year and then to Tassie next year and then I am most likely going to sell the whole rig and find a new hobby. I am already writing my memoirs, some of which may be read in my website below.

FollowupID: 409792

Follow Up By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 10:59

Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 10:59
The pendulum could end up swinging the other way (I live in hope!!!). If, for example, there was only a small handful of people right across the country who enjoyed 4 wheel driving, then nobody would give a rats ar$e cos they wouldn't even be known of......there would be no discernable impact on the environment etc (kinda like the situation would've been back in the 50's or 60's).

Now, what about if (very hypothetically), 95% of Australians bought up the 4x4 + camper trailer etc and wanted to do the "outback" thing? They'd actually be the MAJORITY and would encompass many politicians etc. The result? Well the country would save chit-loads of $$$$$ on road maintainence (cos we'd all be wanting to drive on gravel roads), the greenies would be the outcasts (the 5% who wouldn't even get a look-in) etc etc.

So, from Roachie's school of indignance and (un)common sense, we can conclude that we should be trying to talk as many people into buying and using 4wds and getting into the "outback is good" theme; and the sooner the better.

hahahahaha ;-))))
FollowupID: 409922

Reply By: BennHW - Sunday, Feb 19, 2006 at 13:52

Sunday, Feb 19, 2006 at 13:52
Willem and Pneumatic make good points.

Destinations are becoming more crowded for a whole lot of reasons - including earlier retirement and "the big adventure".

But it's not just the closures etc. that get to me so much, it's the vitriolic criticism of 4X4 owners just because of our choice of vehicle.

Recently I read some research about 4X4 owners that cited most were men, most were self-employed, most were aggressive and most were over-weight.

I was bloody annoyed by the implied message that people who earn their own money, create jobs etc. somehow don't have a right to spend their money the way they wish ... but even more so I was annoyed by the fact that the research even existed in the first place.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of another group of vehicle owners singled out so vigorously ... what about luxury car drivers, motorheads, van drivers, wagon drivers, motorcyclists, bicycle riders? I would exepect that close examination of these groups would uncover equally undesirable attributes.

But no ... let's pick on 4X4 drivers ... they're an easy target and the media lap it up.

Yes the increase in off-road traffic is driven in part by the manufacturers of RVs etc., but these same companys aren't silly enough to cut off their noses to spite their faces.

And it's to these companys that we should be turning to to lobby for the protection of our rights.

The irrational zealots want to remove the right of ownership of a 4X4 from the average Australian - and no car company, accessory manufacturer or industry wholesaler or retailer should stand for such stupidity.

I'm all for taking care of the environment, but I'm dead against excessive government control brought about by the ignorant and vindictive few.

Now ... let me just get down off my soap box ...
AnswerID: 155846

Reply By: robak (QLD) - Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 10:43

Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 10:43
Our government has recently spent millions on the "get off your arse" advertising camapaign. The one with the dancing couch. Wouldn't it be better if they spent that money on outdoor recreating and on supporting sporting clubs. In particular with insuarance and liabilty costs.

AnswerID: 155952

Follow Up By: Pneumatic - Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 12:45

Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 12:45
This is so true....but the problem is that ad camapaign is geared to all the azz holes who sit on there lazy azz all day, whine, cry and try to make life dificult for the people who are actualy off there azz and doing something...hahaha :)
FollowupID: 409946

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