Thursday, Mar 02, 2006 at 21:50
I doubt that ANY photo in any magazine, web page, or elsewhere is as is. They all go through some sort of change, according to the mood the photographer, art director, or customer wants.
The photo of your rig, is very real, but you only have what.... 10 minutes to get that shot, in that light? An overseas tourist would look at your rig, and think.... wow! Then when they come out here, they are blinded by our harsh summer light, yet, they remember your photo, which is in the evening, and has not been touched up.
Your rig
pic looks nice, but if you had of taken the same photo at lunchtime, it would look like crap, and attract no comment, or visitors.
Photography is not JUST about capturing a record, it's art, it's painting with light, playing around, experimenting.
Some of my best work in the Flinders is done when it's dark, but with 15 minute exposures, and a soft moon, I have no shadows, and extreme depth of field. I haven't played with white balance, it's what the camera sees, for 15 minutes, yet our eyes don't.