Tuesday, Mar 07, 2006 at 17:41
G'day Joe.
So where exactly is "around here"? I might pay it a visit.
And there you go, you see, "a couple of the rangers...." exactly what I was saying, have to be in multiples.
And why should Australia not be for all Australians, if its vacant Crown land then all should be able to share and enjoy its ammenity
And please give us a better description of "leave as 1 unit"? We usually do. Why on earth I would leave the dog behind, beats me. You seem to imply a little bit of strongarm tactic here, not good Joe,not good.
Its interesting,eh, that in NSW the State Forests are going to allow licenced hunters to eradicate the build up of feral animals yet properties adjoining NP's can do little or nothing to prevent financial loss from dogs leaving the park and attacking their stock.
And we wont even mention bushfires.
If you work for NP Joe, I hope its a job you enjoy, but also knowing a couple of rangers myself, I am aware that you would be
well brainwashed.