Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 17:49
Hi ya guys,
You might keep your eye on your fuel filters if you are getting poor economy - generally BD100 has a higher Cetane rating that Dinodiesel and thus leads to better economy - single digit % though.
Remember, on your first few tanks, it only takes a couple of really hot days to raise the BD temperature increasing it's solvent capabilities and allowing it to wash out all the crap that was stuck to the various parts, nooks and crannies of your fuel system ... so everything's running fine, until that hotter day, when the fuel filter collects the slime and sludge of 10 or perhaps 20 years of Dino Diesel.
Also, please thing twice before decrying a guy charging $1.29 per litre for BD. He didn't make it - he bought it from a wholesaler. He doesn't buy huge quantities yet, so he may not get much of a discount either. He has spent a lot of money cleaning out his tanks, and bowser so that you can get the stuff, as
well as doing his homework - after all he's the dude that gets stuck with the Consumer and Trade Practices chit if any happens to get flung around.
You do your own homework about where is better to buy, how far you need to travel, how much your time's worth etc for sure, but don't discourage folks from going there - hopefully he will sell lots, get better deals from his suppliers and increase his margins AND reduce his prices.
Get to know the bloke - support him with words at least, even if you only buy $20 worth to top up, and let him get the message that this is a great product to be selling.
Ciao for now