Bio-diesel in Milperra

Submitted: Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 16:52
ThreadID: 31442 Views:2176 Replies:3 FollowUps:10
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A new outlet for Bio-diesel is now open on Milperra Rd Milperra at the Zoom Service station.



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Reply By: Michael ( Moss Vale NSW) - Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 17:26

Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 17:26
What are they calling Bio diesel?? 100% or a small percentage of a BIO product into diesel?
Patrol 4.2TDi 2003

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AnswerID: 158735

Follow Up By: Redback - Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 17:52

Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 17:52
That i can't say, it's available in B20, B50, and B100 in Marickville, but i'm assuming only B100 at Milperra.

FollowupID: 413233

Follow Up By: Michael ( Moss Vale NSW) - Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 18:40

Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 18:40
Thanks for that Baz, I suppose it depends on the amount of tanks that they can make available just for diesel.
Patrol 4.2TDi 2003

Retired 2016 and now Out and About!

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FollowupID: 413242

Follow Up By: Redback - Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 19:02

Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 19:02
Yep i think so.

FollowupID: 413245

Reply By: cokeaddict - Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 20:49

Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 20:49
He wont sell it at $1.29 ltr baz, Marrickville is $1.24 ltr....Ill spread the word and let users avoid him at that price. Seems he's after a quick buck.

Its 1 thing selling bio diesel to the public to help the inviroment, but its another thing when your soul purpose is ripping others off.
AnswerID: 158779

Follow Up By: Wisey (NSW) - Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 22:39

Sunday, Mar 05, 2006 at 22:39
Hi Ange

Millpy' is local to me and I'd love to get the the good oil but even @ that price it it cheaper than Dsl. I'll stick my head in and let them know that people will buy for the right price and won't be ripped. I'll speak of the Marricville price so they are aware of it. My Dad said he's keen if he can get it locally also.

FollowupID: 413313

Follow Up By: cokeaddict - Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 05:25

Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 05:25
I totally understand what your saying mate, my point is this... They know that diesel is around $1.32 p/ltr and that it really wont drop much if at all, So if we accept the price he sells it for, once business picks up, his price will rise. Also consider this, I am almost on my 3rd tank of boi diesel now, it definately has its advantages in many ways, but fuel economy is NOT one, You will use more bio diesel that you would the normal stuff, so your distance travelled is less per tank. Considering that fact at his price basically means your paying same if not more per tank as you would for the toxic diesel.

Just trying to help others understand whats going on.
FollowupID: 413332

Follow Up By: Wisey (NSW) - Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 15:39

Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 15:39
Thanks Ange

I wasn't aware of the consumption factor so as you say it will equate to about the same price (ripoff) I'm going to Petersham for a night out and will fill all containers that I can muster @ M'vlle. I'll go back to your previous post re address/phone for opening hours so I won't miss out.

Thanks Again

PS I love it when you talk CLEAN! :))))
FollowupID: 413407

Follow Up By: cokeaddict - Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 16:08

Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 16:08 it Andy..well thought out mate.
FollowupID: 413414

Follow Up By: Wisey (NSW) - Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 17:02

Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 17:02
Hi Ange

Just phoned Zoom near the golden arches nx to BP and spoke to the veddygood person there who could not offer any info on grade of BD, he said to ring before 1pm to speak to the veddygood manager. Sinan, 9773 6233.
I'm on his case :))))


I'ts nx to BP veddygood

FollowupID: 413422

Follow Up By: Member - Andrew W (SA) - Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 17:49

Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 17:49
Hi ya guys,

You might keep your eye on your fuel filters if you are getting poor economy - generally BD100 has a higher Cetane rating that Dinodiesel and thus leads to better economy - single digit % though.

Remember, on your first few tanks, it only takes a couple of really hot days to raise the BD temperature increasing it's solvent capabilities and allowing it to wash out all the crap that was stuck to the various parts, nooks and crannies of your fuel system ... so everything's running fine, until that hotter day, when the fuel filter collects the slime and sludge of 10 or perhaps 20 years of Dino Diesel.

Also, please thing twice before decrying a guy charging $1.29 per litre for BD. He didn't make it - he bought it from a wholesaler. He doesn't buy huge quantities yet, so he may not get much of a discount either. He has spent a lot of money cleaning out his tanks, and bowser so that you can get the stuff, as well as doing his homework - after all he's the dude that gets stuck with the Consumer and Trade Practices chit if any happens to get flung around.

You do your own homework about where is better to buy, how far you need to travel, how much your time's worth etc for sure, but don't discourage folks from going there - hopefully he will sell lots, get better deals from his suppliers and increase his margins AND reduce his prices.

Get to know the bloke - support him with words at least, even if you only buy $20 worth to top up, and let him get the message that this is a great product to be selling.

Ciao for now
FollowupID: 413433

Reply By: SA_Patrol - Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 21:48

Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 21:48
This might help

just choose your state

AnswerID: 158984

Follow Up By: Member - Andrew W (SA) - Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 22:38

Monday, Mar 06, 2006 at 22:38
Hi there SA_Patrol,

The only trap with SAFF is that they only sell their B100 (100% Biodiesel) at Market Fuel Centre and Martins Plaza.

Many of these stations will sell B20 (20% biodiesel) which is very good for your engine too and a 50% reduction in emissions, but it is only B100 which gets down to 0 noxious emissions.

You might be interested in the proposed Adelaide Glycerine Cooperative we are planning on setting up - let me know

Ciao for now
FollowupID: 413503

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