Hi all,
I recently sent a query to NRMA regarding accident damage that may occur in a 4WD park or on club trips. I'm posting it here for anyone who is interested.
This is my query -
" I have a 4wd insured under a comprehensive car policy with NRMA.
Is accident damage that occurs at a 4WD park, such as
Boat Harbour 4WD Park near Kurnell, covered under comprehensive car insurance? I have heard that it may not be.
Also, is accident damage that occurs during a 4WD club trip covered?
I don't have any claims to make, but I would like the situation clarified
before I find out the hard way.
Thanks for your help...Savvas "
And their response -
"Dear Savvas,
Thank you for your email dated on the 28/01/2003, in relation to Motor
On behalf of NRMA Insurance Limited I am pleased to provide you with the following Insurance guidelines.
As the Motor vehicle Insurance policy booklet states, which covers
Comprehensive Insurance, your vehicle is covered for accidental or
malicious damage. There is no limitation to say the vehicle needs to be on a sealed or unsealed road.
Furthermore, there are no exclusions stated in the exclusions section for
off-road riding or driving, providing it is not used in connection to any
race including rally, trial,
test or contest.
For more information, please refer to page 32 of the attached policy
(See attached file: Motor Ed 4 NSWACT.pdf)
Once again thank you for your enquiry and I hope this information assists you.
Yours sincerely,
Alvina Narayan
Internet Support Group
Insurance Australia Group (IAG)
Formerly NRMA Insurance Group
Phone: 1300 655 046
Fax: 02 9848 5228"