Forum Etiquite

Submitted: Friday, Mar 10, 2006 at 00:03
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Hi all,

Seems there must be something in the air at the moment. I have received more forum complaints alert than ever and to be honest I am sick of it.

Any more rude or offensive picture posts will result in automatic account termination. Continued personal attacks or insults - you will get one and only one email telling you to stop after that your access will be terminated.

------ See the extract from Newsletter 90 on Forum Netiquette -------

The ExplorOz Forum upholds a fairly standard netiquette. We take this opportunity to explain the most obvious tips to avoid upsetting others, creating havoc and avoiding post deletions:

no self promoting: got a product you're developing? run a business? Blatant self-promotion on the ExplorOz Forum is perceived as disrespectful. The Forum is only a part of the total service offered by ExplorOz. We have every right to delete self-promotion where it doesn't belong.

no trolling: Trolling is often a term used to identify individuals who solely communicate with others in an attempt to stir up a riot. You can help to prevent the efforts of Trolls by simply ignoring them. There is much truth to the saying "If you don't feed a troll, it will die".

no flaming: flaming is used to describe heated arguments that develop when people react emotionally to certain comments/issues. Name calling and rude comments tend to be the most common initiators of a flame war. Lifestyle and religion are typical issues that tend to result in flame wars and is just one reason why we request no "off topic" discussions. Pointless flaming only creates a hostile environment for everyone.

How do we moderate?

ExplorOz is internally moderated, which means that we can be consistent. Obviously there is always a grey area, and sometimes a post will be allowed to continue for a while until it gets out of hand. If you do happen to overstep the mark, you'll receive a short generic email advising your post was inappropriate and deleted. This will be issued without warning or reason and is not an indication that you are "on watch" for being a trouble-maker. If it happens a first time, learn from your mistake and move on. If it happens to you frequently, you will need to re-think what it is you are doing else you are likely to be sent a personalised warning that you could be "banned" from the site.

A final word:

Take the time to familiarise yourself with the site Terms of Use in conjunction with the guidelines for posting listed above the box where you enter each new post you compose. If you are a frequent Forum user, then your assistance is much appreciated in the alerting of problem posts using the Feedback Form - this will speed up the moderation process. Don't leave it to someone else to do, and don't become a part of the problem by complaining publicly if its not resolved promptly.

Being able to communicate with others over the Internet is one of the main attractions of this medium. We hope that this notice assists you to communicate your thoughts properly and to conduct yourself appropriately. Lets work together to keep the Forum a "happy place".
------- End Extract --------
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
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