Monday, Mar 13, 2006 at 13:28
>If you are traveling slowly on a steep off road track there
>will be VERY little heat build up.
I would have thought that would be a direct function of the amount of brake use over a given time period and the ability of the brakes to dissipate that heat - sure a single 1:3 downhill for 1km isn't going to do it but a whole series of them over a 3 hour drive in the High Country...?
>The vapour lock that Mike refers to only occurs if there is water
>disolved in the hydraulic fluid
Most certainly the presence of water in brake fluid will significantly lower it's boiling point and make the problem more likely but my understanding is that brake fluid is hygroscopic and _will_ absorb water over time?
>If you are traveling down a mountain highway with a heavy
>trailer at normal road speed in a ten your old vehicle a vapour
>bubble could occur.
I had it happen in a 3 year
old car in
the Pyrenees – no trailer and lightly loaded.
Mike Harding