Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 22:51
G'day o' timer........ I'm amazed you still remember me it's been sooooo long.
I think I've got the tyre thing sorted out now thanks. It was the recall bit that I wanted to
check. What I really like about the ST-C thingies is the guarantee, I don't think any other tyre company does that, not that I've heard anyway.
We had a pretty bad time with a good mate of
mine for a lot of last year and that sopped up some time. We sadly lost him, so then P and i took off and did a big stint away and got lost in the outback and up around the gulf track. It was a great therapy. I get so emotional about this remote outback of ours and the great people I meet.
But I've just got back from travelling down through Sth America via
Easter Island and we did 10 days down in Antarctica on a Russian research vessel. Wow ! that was really something.....like I said to Ruth - No Flies...... how good was that.
Down to Melb for the games then
home for 2 days > 3 weeks in Japan visiting friends around that country >
home for 1 week > going barra fishing with a couple of mates for 2 weeks up to a special river on the gulf. If I told you our special spot I'd have to shoot you.
Around July we intend heading up to the Cape where we will mix it around with a bit more fishing etc. Guess I wont see the deserts this year.
How've you been keeping, travelling
well I hope. That VKS is a new thing for you isn't it? I don't recall it before.
well and enjoy what ever it is your doing these days