
Submitted: Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 16:52
ThreadID: 31731 Views:3814 Replies:10 FollowUps:18
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I'm pondering the choice of a new set of A/T tyres at the moment and the waters keep getting muddied by dealers who keep trying to sell something other than that which you rang up about for a price.
Now I know that I can get a range of opinions on which is best from this forum. But that's not the purpose of this post with all due respect to the opinions of our resident informants.

One dealer I rang who (obviously) doesn't sell Coopers says that he has just received a fax from ???? that there is to be a virtual recall on most or all Cooper tyres for some safety reason.

Now I'm not a rumour monger and have friends happy with Coopers. It's not a tyre I have ever used.
I checked the Cooper website and can find no mention of any problem or recall.

But has anyone else heard a wisper about this ??, or is it just sour grapes storey from a disgruntled (non-Coopers) dealer

BTW I'll let him know the results of this question if it's just BS & ask him to justify his claim.
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Reply By: Gossy - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 16:59

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 16:59
sorry for not answering your question about Coopers (BTW I am a happy ST and ST-C owner) but in regard to which tyre, 4wd monthly did a test last month on quite a large range. The Scorpian AT tyre was the best allrounder. They were all compared for off road (mud, sand, gravel, chipping etc) and also onroad (braking distance, road noise etc). The scorpian scored very well in all areas.

Hope this helps,
AnswerID: 160463

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:10

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:10
Tx Gossy. Yep, I've got a copy of that mag in front of me.
My only concern with that test is the test vehicle itself......not really representative of a full blown fourby. The Perilli gained most points based on really good bitumen performance, but lets face it, that's probably where most of the traffic is going to be. My concern with the Perilli is it's wearability, I know them as a soft compound tyre & I'm not sure about the mileage. Maybe the trade off is much better road safety.

I wonder if someone knows something about them in practice.
FollowupID: 415304

Reply By: Member - Oldplodder (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 17:05

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 17:05
There are 288,000 tyres being recalled world wide from what I camake out.
A fault in manufacture.

Not sure how many came to Oz.

In tyre terms, it is a smallish number. Good to see coopers do the right thing.

And I am not a coopers fan, got put off a few years ago. Won't use them again while I can better alternatives.
AnswerID: 160465

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:11

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:11
Tx Old Plodder.

i'm a bit of an old Cocka myself.
FollowupID: 415305

Reply By: Ruth from Birdsville Caravan Park - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 17:50

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 17:50
Sorry, Cocka, this is OT - did you have a fantastically wonderful time - did you meet the Doctor - was Argentina brilliant - can you now dance the Tango?
AnswerID: 160470

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:17

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:17
I'll dance the Tango with you anytime Ruth.

If anyone has one chance in a lifetime to sleep under the stars out on the ice in Antarctica, don't let the chance slip by. Life is too short to enjoy all that mother nature has to offer.

You know what is so noticably different about your place and the great white continent.................. no flies.
FollowupID: 415306

Follow Up By: Ruth from Birdsville Caravan Park - Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 07:47

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 07:47
In the words of some famous Australian child - 'Oh, wow, you lucky duck'.
FollowupID: 415377

Reply By: Stuart - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 18:14

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 18:14
With regard to the Pirelli's, while they got a rave revue, 4wd Monthly gave a convinient excuse NOT to give wear rates. 2 people I know have used them and both (on different vehicles 1x 80 series & 1 x Jackeroo) have only got around 40k out of them. The 80 series has now got over 50k out of his Coopers and still has loads of tread. He his very happy with the grip ect from the coopers but the Pirelli's were a better tyre in his opinion. However the unacceptable rate of wear just made them to expensive. I have read about the recall and in the US there is a class action pending against Cooper's for shonkey manufacturing methods leading to tread seperation. That said, I have noticed on this forum that plenty of people have had this type of problem and nearly all brands have been mentioned. I am also looking for tyres and the problems with the Coopers has me thinking twice about them. I have never used them before and have no real preference for any brand. http://www.4wdmonthly.com.au/ This url will give you the current safety recall. The thread about the class action was on this site but I can't remember where. If I find it I will post it. Cheers all.
AnswerID: 160475

Follow Up By: Member - Norm C (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 18:29

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 18:29
You are right about the class action, but the manufacturing it relates to dates back a few years at least. Also most of the tyres types subject to the class action were never sold in Australia. Still an issue though.

Unfortunately most of the tyre manufactures have had similar problems like this over the years, by far the worst being the Firestone case.

From what I see, most people with Coopers are happy with them, although there was a serious separation issue (including graphic pics) discussed here a few weeks ago.
FollowupID: 415269

Follow Up By: Stuart - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 18:47

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 18:47
Thanks Norm, that actually makes me feel better about considering the Coopers for my car as my friend is so happy with his. Cheers.
FollowupID: 415271

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:33

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:33
Thx Stuart for that info. Refer to my reply above which I posted before I read your thread.....seems as though my gut feeling is correct. I just think the local dealer who bought it to my attention was not telling me a fib, but maybe he was milking the storey for a bit of mileage, if you get my drift.

Regarding the expense per kilometer for wear.... like I said, is it the price we pay for better safety !!!

I'm putting my 60% MTR's into storage because I'm not happy using them in the metropolitan area, particularly when towing the 2T boat... they get a bit slippery in the wet.
FollowupID: 415313

Reply By: Member - Patrick (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 19:01

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 19:01
I have a set of Coopper ATR's fitted to my Patrol and have found then an excellent tyre. I originally had a set of ST's but changed thenm under warranty due to the lugs ripping off.

My needs for tyre have changed since the ST as now I tow a offroad van and don't do too much serious offroad driving to warrant a more aggressive trye. I also found that the ST's were a bit slippery in the wet which always worried me towing the van.

I am completly happy with the wear rates and road handling of the Coopers. I have had BFG AT's before and don't believe that they were are good on the road.

Cheers, Patrick
AnswerID: 160487

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:42

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:42
Your comments are appreciated Patrick, but like I said, it's not about this one V that one.

I have no great argument with many tyres except that some are really crook and the rest are in degrees of difference depending on how the individual drives and where.
The top priced tyre does not equate to top level of safety or mileage.

FollowupID: 415317

Follow Up By: Member - Patrick (QLD) - Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 05:43

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 05:43
My comments were just that....my comments. How you take from this that it is "about the one V that one" I don't know.

You asked for an opinion and I gave you mine. In the end it is up to you to make the final decision as you are the only one who will know what suits you best for your individual needs.
FollowupID: 415367

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 09:30

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 09:30
Your sounding a bit grumpy Patrick.
I specifically didn't ask for an opinion on different tyres. I was just asking if anyone had heard about Coopers having a recall on their tyres. As usual I got the answer I wanted from some well informed contributers to this site.

Like I responded already to your post Patrick and said..... "Your comments are appreciated"
FollowupID: 415419

Reply By: Trekkie (Member - WA) - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 19:50

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 19:50
Here is the link - there have been several threads on this over the past 10 days

link text

AnswerID: 160494

Reply By: Willem - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 20:10

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 20:10
Hi Cocka

Where ya bin?

Yes there is a recall of 288,000 Cooper and other tyres made in the Cooper plant out of 40,000,000 made each year. The dates of manufacture are around 2004/2005.

My first set of Cooper STT's I 'traded' back to Cooper at 30,000km when it was discovered that there were cracks in the bead. My new generation Coopers are far better than the old style with a very agressive tread pattern. I am sure they will last for a while.

Member Wayne(NSW) runs new generation STT's on his Troopie so send him a MM to find out what he thinks.

AnswerID: 160499

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 22:51

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 22:51
G'day o' timer........ I'm amazed you still remember me it's been sooooo long.

I think I've got the tyre thing sorted out now thanks. It was the recall bit that I wanted to check. What I really like about the ST-C thingies is the guarantee, I don't think any other tyre company does that, not that I've heard anyway.

We had a pretty bad time with a good mate of mine for a lot of last year and that sopped up some time. We sadly lost him, so then P and i took off and did a big stint away and got lost in the outback and up around the gulf track. It was a great therapy. I get so emotional about this remote outback of ours and the great people I meet.

But I've just got back from travelling down through Sth America via Easter Island and we did 10 days down in Antarctica on a Russian research vessel. Wow ! that was really something.....like I said to Ruth - No Flies...... how good was that.

Down to Melb for the games then home for 2 days > 3 weeks in Japan visiting friends around that country > home for 1 week > going barra fishing with a couple of mates for 2 weeks up to a special river on the gulf. If I told you our special spot I'd have to shoot you.

Around July we intend heading up to the Cape where we will mix it around with a bit more fishing etc. Guess I wont see the deserts this year.

How've you been keeping, travelling well I hope. That VKS is a new thing for you isn't it? I don't recall it before.

Stay well and enjoy what ever it is your doing these days

FollowupID: 415347

Follow Up By: Willem - Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 09:12

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 09:12

You have been doing things I have only dreamed of. Oh well, maybe I should have worked longer...:o)

Good to hear things are well with you.

I joined VKS two years ago but might let it go at the end of this year. I realise it is a good service but I do not make use of it and with spiralling costs in all avenues of existence I am cutting back on unnecessary expenditure.

Also thinking of selling the whole camping rig and pursuing other interests when I reach the magic number in 2008...lol

FollowupID: 415411

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 09:58

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 09:58
Gee I don't know if I like the sound of that numbers game your talking about. The outback would never be the same if you were not out there, and Willem would not be the same without a bit of the outback in him ......we'd better work on turning all that rubbish talk around. Then maybe Willems just starting to stir the pot again.

But then again, maybe there is something else really exciting in your life plan.......!!!

The "O'timer" bit is with all due respect of course. Remember I have been around a little longer than you. 2008 is the year I'm planning to do a 4WD across Sthn Africa, east to west coasts. We will hire the properly equipped vehicles and go photo some wildlife.

How long since you have been back there ... if ever?

FollowupID: 415422

Follow Up By: Willem - Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 19:10

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 19:10

Whereabouts are yoiu planning to go in 2008? Most of the wildlife places are accessible by 2wd but a 4x4 will take you many other places. There are endless private 4x4 tracks to explore.

I was in RSA February 2005 which was probably my last trip there. All up clocked 13 trips back for various reasons over the past 38 years.

FollowupID: 415510

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 21:24

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 21:24
Willem that's an average of once every three years. Maybe your still trying to ship all your gold out of the country !

We haven't set any exact path yet, I'm thinking somewhere around the 25th parallel, taking in some of the desert.

I've seen the vehicles which are well set up Discos with roof top camping and alarms all round. Also saw some impressive photos.

Probably run as a convoy of three maximum but have not made any final decisions. Lots of questions to ask yet. "Remote and Wild" will be the theme, if it's possible.

Gives me goose bumps thinking about the possibilities.
FollowupID: 415554

Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Mar 16, 2006 at 08:17

Thursday, Mar 16, 2006 at 08:17
Hi Cocka

I have some stuff here which you may be interested in(some RSA 4x4 magazines)

The trip you are proposing sounds good. I will be able to give you some pointers if you need more info.

Contact me through my website below. Or maybe you still have my email addy

Security isn't the main risk in Southern Africa. Being eaten by the carnivores is a REAL threat!!!....lol
FollowupID: 415595

Reply By: T.C - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:44

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 21:44
I have a set of Cooper ATR's on my Hilux and they are very quiet, great road tyre in the wet and dry.

i would reccomend them. Very happy so far.

Cheers Tony
AnswerID: 160525

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 22:52

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 22:52
Thx TC
FollowupID: 415348

Reply By: Member - Brian (Gold Coast) - Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 23:20

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2006 at 23:20

I have absolutely nothing to say good or bad about Coopers.

Or Pirelli's, or any others actually..........


What I can say is something that hit me like a hammer a few months back. I had staked one of my new Pro Comp muddies and to get one here to the Gold Coast from Melbourne cost a fortune in freight. The local (BrisVegas) distributor had none at the time.

Then I got to thinking that if we staked a tyre at, I dunno.... say Cape York.... I wouldn't be at all surprised if we could purchase something "mainstream" like a BFG for instance at Weipa. (I could stand corrected here). At least in Cairns. But I would almost bet next weeks wages that I wouldn't get a Pro Comp over the counter, and the freight to Weipa would probably cost me my first born!

So for me the next tyres I buy will be more mainstream, something less "exotic" if you will.

Just my opinion.


AnswerID: 160564

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 09:06

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 09:06
Your point is well taken Brian.

I had a similar problem of having to replace a less exotic tyre ie. getting one sent up the h'way from Adelaide.
In this case I had picked up a small spike along the Fink track in a rear tyre. Tyre pressures had been lowered 10psi and kept soft. We pulled into the Leigh Crk servo, it was then that I noticed the half flat tyre, but by then it was stuffed which really surprised me, the side walls were knackered

It seems that with off road tyres you're in a no win situation & it's going to cost a new one which ever way it goes.
If it blows it's stuffed, if you tear it....it's stuffed, if you get a slow leak (particularly in the rears) it's going to end up stuffed.

Should we be considering those internal pressure sensors ??
FollowupID: 415408

Reply By: Member - Tony G (ACT) - Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 07:26

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 07:26
I've been using the Geolander AT for thr past two sets and find them very good, in the wet, dry and dirt roads. They give a good road feel, and the wear factor is not bad, all tyres wear if you use them enough.
AnswerID: 160583

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