correct me if im wrong
Submitted: Monday, Mar 20, 2006 at 18:07
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Old Scalyback & denny
gooday all
this for nissan owners
can you or can you not bolt a 3" dump pipe straight on to the nissan turbo (4.2tdi)or does it need a "increaser " to go from turbo to 3' exhaust
my belief is 3" bolts straight on
bloke at exhaust place tried to tell me that if only a small outlet from turbo they would leave original pipe and make adapter to go up to 3" exhaust which they did but stilll charged me for the 3" dump pipe
dropped the magic word in the middle of our conversation and the bloke said dont swear at me whats the P want me to do when hes ripped me off 200 Bucks
anyway he said bring it ih and we will fix it so it goes back on oh o 1-4 april fools so ill probably only get a 3L back
Reply By: Shawn - Monday, Mar 20, 2006 at 19:08
Monday, Mar 20, 2006 at 19:08
G'Day Steve,
I've only recently fitted my 3" exhaust from BD Exhaust.
The dump pipe on the system bolts straight onto the back of the turbo and is a fair bit bigger than the original dump pipe. The inside of the replacement dump pipe is shaped to conform with the weird shape of the turbo outlet. In the original Nissan dump pipe, the exhaust gases hit a solid piece of wall in the dump pipe, which from memory was about a 1/4 to 1/3 of the outlet blocked.
The new BD dump pipe bolts straight onto the back of the turbo and the 3" exhaust bolts straight onto the larger dump pipe.
Have also seen another manufactured 3" system at the local exhaust place near where I live. Which is basically the same as what I've got now with the inside of the dump pipe conforming to the shape of the exhaust outlet. It too also bolts straight onto the back of the Nissan turbo.
With the bigger dump pipe and 3" exhaust fitted, the difference in performance and exhaust note is noticable straight away. Deeper, throaty drone, better pickup and the ability to stay in a higher gear when pulling up hills on the freeway for a LOT longer etc.
Reply By: PK Eildon (VIC) - Monday, Mar 20, 2006 at 20:05
Monday, Mar 20, 2006 at 20:05
Haven't posted photo before, so here goes
Shows (if you can see it) the pipe bolted to back of turbo to exhaust 3" all the way. It's the one on the left
img src=""!MPG:3!
Reply By: Old Scalyback & denny - Monday, Mar 20, 2006 at 20:48
Monday, Mar 20, 2006 at 20:48
thanks guys
i reckoned i was right some of these clowns think you came down in the last shower i was at least 5 showers ago lolololol
Reply By: GUPatrol - Monday, Mar 20, 2006 at 21:41
Monday, Mar 20, 2006 at 21:41
I think that what Shawn is trying to say is that the adaptor fits straight to the back of the turbo...
It is a cast iron neck, at the back of the turbo which is restrictive (the piece Shawn is describing).
In other words, you need that 90 degree bend otherwise you don't achieve much.