Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 at 12:47
Seeing as how my name has been mentioned I thought I'd better throw my 2 cents worth in at this point.
I firmly believe there are 2 separate, and largely unrelated issues here.
1. The grade oil being used.......I'm no expert but I would not be using that grade (or brand) of oil. I now use 100% synthetic AMSOIL and have just sent a 4th sample off to the Castrol Lab for analysis, with the oil having done 25,000klm since it was put in the motor. This oil is 15W40 and the next lot I have ready to instal when needed is actually 5w30.
I am not convinced the oil grade/type/brand being used is a cause of the motor getting warm.
2. The TD42 does get warm......get used to it!!!! hahaha I have gauges for all sorts of things in my cockpit. One of them is a VDO water temp gauge; sender is in top radiator hose. On an occasion at New Year when it was very hot, I managed to drive about 250klm or more with the standard gauge just below the 'danger' zone on the right side of the gauge. Meanwhile the VDO gauge was telling me the real temp was about 118oC. Okay, that IS warm....but it's NOT "overheating" as far as I'm concerned. I didn't back off from the speed I was travelling (around 100k/h) and I was
well loaded up with a combined gross mass of about 4.5T. The truck did not lose power etc and as soon as I was able to get onto any slight downhill section, the temp dropped. All this time the EGT (above the turbo) was sitting on no more than 550oC, which equated to about 430oC in the dump pipe. Note too that I have disconnected the switch in the bottom radiator tank which triggers the air con to switch off if the water temp gets to a certain level...... as far as i was concerned the air con should not switch off when it's a hot bloody day!!!As far as EGT's are concerned, I have never had it hotter than 585oC/450oC respectively. I attribute these relatively low temps to the 3" exhaust system.
So, my advice about the heating situation is not to get too hung up about seeing the Nissan gauge go above half way; at least until it gets into the twighlight zone on the far right hand side. Nissan even say that the vehicle is designed to operate with the gauge going that high and not to worry about it.....I know it is easier said than done!!!!
Hope this helps.