Submitted: Thursday, Mar 30, 2006 at 20:16
ThreadID: 32365 Views:2567 Replies:4 FollowUps:6
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Looking to buying a Garmin c320 GPS soon. Any comments?
All would be apperciated.
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Reply By: Member - Alan (WA) - Thursday, Mar 30, 2006 at 21:01

Thursday, Mar 30, 2006 at 21:01

I have a c320 - pretty good for roads etc - though some of the navigation leaves a bit to be desired. Next map update is due May I think (and updated annually I have been told).

A lot of the information is gathered via Sensis data etc - and as this can change fairly regularly - it is tehn potentially going to be out of date until the next update.

You can save location points into favourites - but will not provide you with coordinate detail unfortunately.

Off-road - effectively useless. If you need this side of GPS, I would look t one of the models that covers both.

If you have any specific questions - let me know.

AnswerID: 163971

Follow Up By: Gu_Patrol - Thursday, Mar 30, 2006 at 21:58

Thursday, Mar 30, 2006 at 21:58
Alan have you loaded the Tracks4Australia onto your c320, you'll find they are great for offroad, but that won't autoroute you.
FollowupID: 418798

Reply By: Blaze - Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 00:57

Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 00:57
Spend the extra couple of hundred and get a Garmin Quest 2, does everthing the 320 does but lets you search via lat/long etc. Has most main off road tracks marked. If you cant go over in your bufget I would suggest a S/H or older model street pilot. I use Oziexplorer with a PDA and bluetooth GPS, my wife has a quest in her car, (PDA, software and gps, total cost $500.00) uses topo maps, only thing it doesn't do is tell you where to go, but i already have that in the front of the car LOL
AnswerID: 164009

Follow Up By: Des Lexic - Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 10:53

Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 10:53
But you don't take any notice of either of them. Maybe you need a young bloke telling you where to go. LOL:))))))))))))
FollowupID: 418885

Follow Up By: Blaze - Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 12:39

Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 12:39
Hey Des,

Maybe a young lady telling me, like all us shall I say mature gents, we seem to be able to listen better when the passengers are young and shapely, not that I'm sexist or discriminate against shapes etc Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
mm well maybe a little.
FollowupID: 418903

Follow Up By: Des Lexic - Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 17:15

Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 17:15
Well Blaze, at least no one can say that your not in shape.
Afterall, ROUND IS A SHAPE. lol :((((((
FollowupID: 418980

Follow Up By: hz75 - Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 19:49

Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 19:49
GPS units, if you dont know where you are, or where your going, and you are relying on a GPS unit, should you be there? Most maps have main roads and off tracks marked. Cost of Map maybe $1.50, GPS units???
Maybe some homework via the net (maps) might be a good idea before leaving your driveway. Regarding back-track maps on GPS units (i dont wanna go there) think back before these GPS units arrived. I hope all these people putting in these GPS units, and technology in there vehicles, NEVER have a problem with there battries, as i would hate to see anyone relying on these units, Perish...
Food for thought!
All this technology is only helping the people who are making these devices.
Would'nt it be alot easier to have a look at the map, before you left home, make way points by Phone calls, if you have to. Date, time, arrival, ECT.
A GPS unit can cost alot of money
A phone call?
GPS units are only useful for two things, DESERT or OCEAN.
For all the rest of normal day travelling (by a map)
FollowupID: 419019

Follow Up By: Blaze - Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 20:23

Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 20:23
Few interesting points you have listed there HZ, if I were to address them in depth it would take pages, but just a couple. Have you possible thought about the fact that 10 - 20 years ago when some people became lost in the outback, a GPS may have saved their lives, to late to say you should have done your research when you’re already lost, which I guess we all have been at some time. I guess that in your opinion there is no need for epirbs, because again we shouldn't rely on things with battery power (bet a few fishermen/sailors would debate that with you). As a last statement on the matter, can't see how you can say jump on the net and look up information, most of these maps are compiled by GPS, where do you draw the line with technology. Food for Thought....
FollowupID: 419027

Reply By: Pluto - Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 17:51

Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 17:51
One feature that the C320 lacks (in fact all of the street pilots don't have it) is track back. This could be a big disadvantage off road. It also means that the plotswap data her on EO is of limited use to you.
AnswerID: 164124

Reply By: Member - Doug T (QLD) - Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 22:34

Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 22:34
you should really check out the Garmin Quest, I have one and it is A1 over 2400Klm track , It's compact, has internal battery as well as 12v so can take it hiking , fit in shirt pocket.

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AnswerID: 164173

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