Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 13:38
G'day Leroy.
Given the problems of the early 3.0 I switched to the Nissan oil as soon as I found out, for one reason only ..... warranty! However, having said that, the Nissan oil is not overly expensive compared to other premium semi-synthetic grade oils and every engine can do with the best oil available, and I will continue to use it.
I believe the 3.0's days of dying early are over due to the reduction of sulphur in the fuel, and I believe this is why Nissan replaced so many engines out of warranty, they knew about this too. Nissan released this Service Bulletin in Sep 04 about the change to oil specs.
First Published: 30th September 2004
Bulletin No: MAO4-001
Re: Revised Engine Oil Specification
Applied Model: Y61 & D22
Applied range: ZD3O Engines
Please be advised that the specification for the 011 fill on the ZD30 has been revised. Engine Oils that meet the specification listed below are the only oils that are permitted for use in the ZD30 Engine. 011 Specification: ACEA 83 or JASO DH.1. Nissan strongly recommend that a viscosity rating of 10W40 be used. For specific viscosity relating to ambient temperature ranges please refer to the viscosity chart in the relevant workshop manual.
Note: API CG-4 0118 must never be used In the ZD30 engine.
To support the revision in oil specification, Nissan has developed a
semi-synthetic 10W-40 engine oil that meets all the operational demands of this engine. The revision of the new oil specification is retrospective and will apply to all ZD30 engines.
The oil will be available from Nissan Parts & Accessories in 51t and 200lt Quantities using the following part numbers.
51t- B3005-10W40PK
2001t- B3200..10W40PK
Authorised by:
R Bahn
Manager. Engineering Support
National Service & Engineering Department
Locked Bag 1450. Dandenong South, VIC, :3154 Phone. (03) 97974111 Fax. (03) 97974400
This is my two cents worth anyway,
Cheers :-)
Follow Up By: Leroy - Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 14:09
Friday, Mar 31, 2006 at 14:09
I'm aware of that bulletin. In the manual you can use oils of varying viscosity. Ie if extremely hot you use a thicker oil, cold vice vera. I'm no chemist by any means but felt seeing it's been scorching hot all summer I'd stick to 15-40 and winter the 10-40 but i'm not sure about the chopping and changing between brands as this can cause issues like using oil etc. and using a 10/40 in summer.