
Submitted: Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 12:29
ThreadID: 32418 Views:4212 Replies:7 FollowUps:1
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Hello everyone,

Has anyone used/evaluated the Megapulse battery gizmo? I turned up zip on the forum search. Any hands on info would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Brian B
Brian B (NT now Bris)

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Reply By: Alan Southport QLD - Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 12:59

Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 12:59
Hi Brian,

I own two Megapusles MKIII (not the II).
I think there was something on this forum about them - most good.

If you go to Google, you will also find some reviews comments etc.

Do they work? Well i don't know. Some comments i have read is that people say that the old 'dead' battery in the back yard shed - suddenly came back to life! and so on....

They apparantly send a 'pulse' which is meant (AFAIK), to the plates and this 'shocks' any sulphation off them.

There are different terminologys for this 'pulse' term - I have heard of a Delta Wave etc.

I did some research into batteries (How long do they last etc), and from what i read - batteries never suplhate as long as they are charged.
So in that instance there is no need for a 'pulse' to knock off any sulphate.

So i bought mine out of fear i guess. The MKIII can handle 750amps. I have about 1350amps of batterys and therefore i have two MKIII's.

Since i have only had the batteries for approx 1 year, i can't tell if they work or not. But my goal was to extend the life, by being nice to them :)

Your needs maybe to bring back to life bad batterys. Try They are the wholesalers for it in Australia.

They swear by it:

Other people think they are a waste of time:

Caveat Emptor.

Hope that helps.

AnswerID: 164242

Reply By: turbopete - Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 13:46

Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 13:46
I THINK collyn Rivers did a review on them and as far as i can remember he thought they were ok he may have something on his web have a look
AnswerID: 164245

Reply By: Footloose - Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 13:57

Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 13:57
Hi Brian,just for your info, one of those units can make reception on HF impossible.
AnswerID: 164247

Reply By: Mad Dog (Australia) - Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 14:31

Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 14:31
Accepted as proven technology all over the web. If your handy with electronics you can build your own. These devices are walking out the door, buy one.
AnswerID: 164253

Reply By: Brian B- Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 15:31

Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 15:31
Thanks Guys,

I have done a fair bit of research & was 95% convinced they were a must have, but it is nice to get follow up from someone that has used the unit. A job for Monday I do believe.

Thanks again.

Brian B
Brian B (NT now Bris)

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AnswerID: 164264

Reply By: brian - Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 16:06

Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 16:06
I have one have tried to resurect dead batteries ,didnt work for me however have one fitted to approx 6 year old wet cell battery that is regularly abused on my van,this battery still works but with reduced efficiency as you would expect with its age so maybe it does work
AnswerID: 164270

Follow Up By: brian - Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 16:08

Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 16:08
Forgot to add not only stuffs HF but also AM on my car radio FM is ok.
FollowupID: 419146

Reply By: Alan Southport QLD - Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 18:26

Saturday, Apr 01, 2006 at 18:26
I might make a mention here:

My case is land based solar power, wet cells, solar panels etc.

From what i gather, the Megapulse, is designed for a basic 'stand alone' system.

That is why i guess, more mobile - on the move - people have issues with HF and so on.

You never mentioned, if your concerns were more 4x4 based. If they are, then from what has been posted, the megapulse may not be suitable.

Keep in mind - that charged batteries, don't sulphate.

Megapulse 'shocks - pulses' off sulphation.

You can get the MKIII from $90 if you feel the need to use them.

From my own experince, my two MKIII show different 'conditions'. They say it flashes Green for good and Red for bad. But mine show different.
Even though i have brand new batteries (Trojans T105's), the MKIII's display their readings differntely - even when swaped around!

They have a reset option (supplied magnet, crossed over a point marked on the case), resets it.
So one of them says OK. The other says NO. if i swap them over the same thing. Therefore, each MKIII has it's own 'status'.

Currently, i have a MKIII conected to a few batteries - and it has been flashing green (ok), for 5 weeks. Yet this battery bank has no charge going into it!

I'll say it one more time:
Caveat Emptor.

If your battery is going to be charged mostly all the time. Then you do not need a Megapulse.


AnswerID: 164294

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