Closet Cooks and a good damper

Submitted: Friday, Feb 07, 2003 at 11:08
ThreadID: 3260 Views:2416 Replies:3 FollowUps:5
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OK, got the camp oven , have seasoned it , tried a stew or two but now want to get a simple quick and tasty damper recipe
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Reply By: Member - Melissa - Friday, Feb 07, 2003 at 14:50

Friday, Feb 07, 2003 at 14:50
Try this one...1 part plain flour, 1 part SR flour, pinch of salt, a swig of beer and enough water to make a moist dough that is tacky but not sticking to your fingers. Place on a trivet in a cake tin (stops the crust getting burnt), in your pre-heated camp oven. Make sure you've got a good coals, cooking time about 25 minutes. Tastes great with honey or golden syrup.

To check if its cook, either tap it...should sound hollow if cooked, or test it with a skewer...should come out clean.

Once you've mastered the basics you can start experimenting. For a sweet damper toss in some sultana's, chopped dried fruit, cinnamon, and even a bit of honey or golden syrup (but not too much of these or the mixture gets heavy). For a savoury damper add dried chives or herbs, chopped bacon, onion or sundried tomato, and a bit of parmesan cheese (the powdered type).

Have fun!

:o) Melissa

PS: Save carrying 2 types of flour, make your own SR flour by adding 2 teaspoons bi-carb to 1 cup of plain flour.
AnswerID: 12660

Reply By: Member - AndrewPatrol - Friday, Feb 07, 2003 at 17:12

Friday, Feb 07, 2003 at 17:12
What method did you use to season it? TIA
AnswerID: 12667

Follow Up By: Rlbye - Friday, Feb 07, 2003 at 23:53

Friday, Feb 07, 2003 at 23:53
Hello the seasoning method of the archives here and just tried it that way with some refinements...LOL
wife loves me still...filled the oven with water and boiled it to buggery emptied it and boiled it again , told wife not to worry ,but got her basting brush and painted the oven and lid with peanut oil inside and out then put it in her just cleaned stove and baked it for half hour, painted it again and baked it for an hour...very smokey , set smoke alarm off, let it day when I was allowed back in house I did the same again with the peanut oil and baking, now has a beautiful smooth non stick finish, couple of days later smell left the house and oven is banished to the shed but's a beauty.and she still loves me...
FollowupID: 7413

Follow Up By: Member - Andrewpatrol - Sunday, Feb 09, 2003 at 07:58

Sunday, Feb 09, 2003 at 07:58
Sounds easy, But I'd better wait for a while b4 I try that 'cos, I'm only just getting over the near miss of burning the house down when I was stripping the paint from the front windows with a heat gun. One of them caught alight and now is a write-off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That experience is gunna cost me for the rest of my life, so it puts a new light on the Tread Lightly 4X4 campaign. Wives just don't understand what we have to go thru' do they?
FollowupID: 7419

Follow Up By: Rlbye - Sunday, Feb 09, 2003 at 10:35

Sunday, Feb 09, 2003 at 10:35
yes Andrewpatrol....your going to pay for that one for a long always seems when we try to be Mr nice guy that we get ourselves into the deepest poo.....but what would we do without our little darlings, who would keep us warm on those long nights , who would wash our undies, and who would sit up front and talk to us on long trips...
FollowupID: 7421

Follow Up By: Bca - Sunday, Feb 09, 2003 at 18:57

Sunday, Feb 09, 2003 at 18:57
Hi Everyone
Over the last couple of days I have been posting questions to the Forum and have felt confident with the replies that I have received..... UNTIL NOW.....
I have just read the responses re Camp Oven and the 'fun and games' undertaken by the 'stronger sex' in curing, using etc, etc a camp oven. I now must question the 'reliability' of the responses previously received when one considers the fact that there have been houses nearly burnt down, windows still smouldering (by the sound of it), fire alarms disturbing the neighbourhood etc etc.....

The questions remains to be answered.....

Are the answers to my questions answered by these versatile, knowledgeable and able 4WDrivers.....

I wonder.

(Despatched with tongue in cheek of course!)
FollowupID: 7434

Follow Up By: Member - Andrewpatrol - Tuesday, Feb 11, 2003 at 19:02

Tuesday, Feb 11, 2003 at 19:02
hey Bca,
Don't take any notice of my advice. At least what i donate is first hand. Now did I tell you about the time I nearly killed myself by putting the yacht mast in the power lines!!!!!!!! At least I've got one life left, for how long I'm not sure?
FollowupID: 7546

Reply By: forge - Friday, Feb 07, 2003 at 23:33

Friday, Feb 07, 2003 at 23:33
this is forges wife. I don't worry about damper.
I take breadmix and yeast
1 cup approx breadmix, dissolve 1 teaspoon yeast in small amount milk or water(luke warm), small amount water or milk
mix all together to form soft dough - leave in bowl until until rises (cover with teatowel) -(approx double) tip onto floured board and knead a little. Cut into 4 even pieces
knead into balls.
Grease camp oven with solid trivet in the base (made this from a piece of stainless steel plate with three short 10mm legs)- place the 4 pieces on trivet. Place near fire but not on so they rise -approx 20mins When double size pull some coals aside and place camp oven on them the put lid on and put some more coals onto of lid. Check approx 10-15mins they should be golden brown and sound a little hollow when cooked.
You need to experiment as each oven is different. I use a big oven in preference to a smaller one. they don't burn on the sides.
I also find that if you get an old stainless steel pot,that fits inside your camp oven (minus the handle) your stews etc cook weel and less cleaning required for your camp oven
Cheers hope this is of help
AnswerID: 12686

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