Driving around Oz in 4WD versus regular car

Submitted: Sunday, Apr 09, 2006 at 20:04
ThreadID: 32715 Views:2468 Replies:6 FollowUps:1
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Hi, would like to get some feedback on the question of relative costs of driving around Australia in a manual 4WD (Landcruiser troop carrier) versus regular manual car (Camry). With the rocketing fuel prices, is it cheaper overall to drive around with a Camry, while hiring a 4WD at places where such is necessary, rather than driving all the way in a the 4WD? Does the Camry consume significantly less fuel than a Landcruiser? Thanks ahead, and thanks for all the responses to my previous question.
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Reply By: Member - Bware (Tweed Valley) - Sunday, Apr 09, 2006 at 20:18

Sunday, Apr 09, 2006 at 20:18
Is the Toopie a diesel or petrol?

The price saving in fuel with a 2wd would be swallowed up if you hired a 4wd regularly.
AnswerID: 166013

Reply By: Footloose - Sunday, Apr 09, 2006 at 20:29

Sunday, Apr 09, 2006 at 20:29
Our Camry averages 10k/L. My diesel 80 Landcruiser averages 8.5 k/l. You can do your sums with those starting figures, but I'd go with the Cruiser for two reasons.
Fuel consumption is not that much worse
You dont need to stop and hire one to go somewhere you've just found/heard about. You just go. And there are so many off road things to see and do.
AnswerID: 166022

Reply By: Steve - Sunday, Apr 09, 2006 at 21:02

Sunday, Apr 09, 2006 at 21:02
You should get a Toyota Prius if u want to drive around in an economical car ...stay on the tar ..see the towns and ' save' your money ...but if you want to see Australia ...you will need a diesel unit ..Toyota Landcruiser..or the like ..to go off road and into all the nooks and crannies that this country has in an unique form .. after which you will not count the dollar cost... but have a treasure trove of life experiences...very few ..'bloody few' that u will ever get on the tar ...(bitumen)...
AnswerID: 166040

Follow Up By: Nifty1 - Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 21:55

Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 21:55
Prius is a nice concept and they drive well. But don't expect better fuel consumption than any other small car out on the highway.

They work fine around town and rely on the frequent braking to generate electricity to recharge the drive battery, but this won't be of any benefit at all on the open road.

Quite unnerving, moving around parking spots on battery only - dead quiet! They also go to sleep every time you stop at the lights, like they've stalled.

A diesel for your job, mate.
FollowupID: 421174

Reply By: MrMagoo - Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 01:29

Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 01:29
All of the above. There is a lot to see from the tar but the difference is that you can do both in a 4x. Another consideration is the time you have to do this trip. If you are going round in 2 months then you can keep yourself busy with on road sights. If you ahd speecific off road places to visit and considered hiring for one or two then it may be worth it. A bit frustrating to get up to the Kimberlies and then say " if only.....". If you have 6 + months then you will have more opportunity to explore and plod about off road. (sigh) . I wouls also cosider what accomodation options you were going to pay for. So if you take the camry and decide to camp then the towing costs - for allthe stuff - on the road car may outweigh bundling everything inside a bigger 4x. If you decide to stay where there are real beds then your costs will go up - way up. your choice.
AnswerID: 166081

Reply By: Member - Davoe (Widgiemooltha) - Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 09:10

Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 09:10
You dont need a 4by to get off the Tar as My Camry used to do a pretty good job on rough fishing tracks. however at the end of the day you will always get more places safely in a 4by. I putt off going to the kimberlys until I had a 4by
Plenty too see in a 2wd and even more to see with a 4by. If you already have the 4by then it is a no - brainer
AnswerID: 166109

Reply By: The Explorer - Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 18:50

Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 18:50
Hello - a Landcruiser will probaly cost at least $100 a day to hire - so it wont take many 4WD excursions to over run the savings in fuel you will make using the Camry the rest of the time. This is of course dependant on how far you plan on travelling and how many 4WD trips you do..but a trip around Australia is a long way and there a numerous 4WD opportunities. In some places it is actualluy hard to get a 4WD when you want due to demand - another disadvantage. Also if you have a bingle in the hire 4WD (without additioanal insurance cover at hire company) the equation changes dramatically as you will be up for big bucks.

The story may be different if you didnt actually own a 4WD already. Selling the 4WD, investing the money or paying off house (for example) and then hiring a 4WD when required is another (long term) option that can save money and has been argued by some to be better (ie cheaper) that owning one full time.
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AnswerID: 166216

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