gas smell and idle probem with our 80

Submitted: Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 15:14
ThreadID: 32742 Views:1910 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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Hi all,

We've had our 80 for 7mths (its done 252 000km 1994 gxl) and at first it had an idle problem with cost $400 odd bucks to fix...I think it was a tune up.....

Anyway, we are starting to have the same problem again - idle drops to about 400rpm and only goes up when the a/c is on....this isnt happening all the time but its just started over the past few days...

Also, only in the past few days Ive noticed a gassy smell from the car....maybe the exhaust...which i think might be normal yeah??!! I can smell it in the car too but thats whn ive had it idle with the door open for a minute.

Are these 2 things linked?? My non-trained trained in the mechanical world says thats its maybe a mixture problem of some sort....or maybe its a spark plug thing.....

I hope that this car isnt going to be costing $400 every 6 months on top of everything else!!

Another thing - once every now and then when im changing gears the revs stay at whatever.....maybe 2800rpm....and doesnt go down - is this normal???

Laura B
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Reply By: Scoey (QLD) - Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 15:21

Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 15:21
Hey Laura,

The trucks a Petrol yeah? I'm a bit limited in my mechanical knowledge (at least with these new fangled computerised motors anyway! haha!) but I had the same problem with my '94 GXL Petty 80 Series. Sounds a bit like the O2 sensor is shot. Sounds like that was the prob 6 months ago as well! IF it is the o2 sensor then it shouldn't go every 6 months and it only cost me a tad under $300 to get it fixed. The other forumites will prob be able to confirm or deny this theory of mine, Good luck!

AnswerID: 166176

Reply By: fitch fuel catalyst - Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 15:32

Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 15:32
Hello there i would firstly like to say that in my past history with vehicles on gas and being in and working around Gas fitters and tuners over the years. The biggest draw back is the gas systems them selves and the ever going out of tune for some reason or another, be it a faulty processor / relays/ flow valve / regulator and or restricted water pipes running water through the convertor if low flow can cause freezing of gas and cutting out/ stalling etc can occur.
Check water flow through the pipes to make sure of no restrictions. There are to many gas systems to no which one you have and they all have there issues. My suggestion would be that you have a gas flow problem.
Another item that will and can remove the stink created by the gas is a Fitch Fuel Catalyst. Yes i do sell them but the economy improvement for gas is 20% or better and it does solve idle problems as well. I Just heard a gentleman with latest ford dedicated gas only absolutley disgusted to get 440 klm from tank when the oldermodel got 600klm how do you work this one out.?? He is a Gas fitter, has fitted a
AnswerID: 166179

Reply By: Member - Peter R (QLD) - Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 16:55

Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 16:55
Laura B,
My 94 80 series has done 210000kms and I recently had the same problem with revs staying up for too long.
Took it to Toyota and they cleaned out the Idle Air Valve, and it has worked well since.
The gas smell is part of the deal, particularly at start up.

AnswerID: 166195

Reply By: Member - DOZER- Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 18:58

Monday, Apr 10, 2006 at 18:58
You need to either supply more info, or take it to a mechanic...sounds like it is running too idle....and it also sounds like someone has picked up that you are too rich aswell....i suggest you get the previous poster to sign a declaration that his product will fix your problems, have him or someone he trusts fit it.... and dont pay them till it fixes what you they talks....and BS walks.
Now, getting back to your problem......the car that is....does it do this on both fuel? is power sufficient driving...any hesitation on acceleration?? is it using more or less fuel??? Have u filled up at a different servo lately???? etc etc etc
ps is the engine light flashing at you (on the dash)
AnswerID: 166217

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