Wednesday, Apr 12, 2006 at 18:44
I cannot see your rig and sedtup from profileso:-
If you intend to explore off the beaten track Oziexplorer is the way to go. If you a are just towing a van and intend to keep to most of the normal caravan routes all you will need is a program such as Co Pilot Live or Destinator for you Ipaq.
Have a browse of this site Johnny Appleseed GPS with particular attention to the above mentioned products. Also browse the RAM mounts area.
GPS - Both your laptop and your ipaq have USB and compact flash slots (CF). If you elect to use Destinator or similiar you will need the CF slot for the program in your IPAQ. Therefore you will need a USB GPS unit. GPS are available from the
shop on ExplorOz as
Do not get confused you just need standalone GPS unit that will talk to both your Ipaq and Laptop. All it does is send GPS data to your computer systems it has and needs no other software ( ie you do not need a garmin or magellan device (GPS)).
The budget will be an issue. If you elect to use Ozie Explorer you will need the CE version for your Ipaq if you want to use it on it as
well as the full PC version ( See the OziExplorer WEB site).
Look carefully at each of the software options you can choose. Make no assumptions about what they can and cannot do for you on your PC or Ipaq. Be aware that the PC version will not work on your Ipaq and vis versa ( Co Pilot and Destinator have route planning software which installs on the PC when you purchase the CE version).
Also your Ipaq is not a small PC or laptop. PDA's do have major limitations so be careful not to overload your Ipaq.
Hope this assists.