weather website

Submitted: Monday, Apr 17, 2006 at 22:00
ThreadID: 32972 Views:2244 Replies:3 FollowUps:7
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For all those explorers-weatherbuffs

Here is a link I have been using for a longtime. You can access free or pay for a bit more. " target="EOF" class="lbg">

Here is the Gov site also,

It looks as if TC Monica is brewing up ! Look out Cook !town
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Reply By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Moses - Monday, Apr 17, 2006 at 22:10

Monday, Apr 17, 2006 at 22:10
Look ahead a bit further with though the further 7 days changes a bit more with the way further out.
AnswerID: 167479

Follow Up By: Member - TPM (SA) - Monday, Apr 17, 2006 at 22:28

Monday, Apr 17, 2006 at 22:28
Its amazing these days what they can forecast !
It sure is going to get a bit damp up there.
FollowupID: 422643

Reply By: Turbo - Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 00:34

Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 00:34
Hi tpm good photos in your rig&profile of granites'cactus&angolan not many people seem to be surfers on here.good to see, as i like to get over there as well now & then.yorkes just had 3 days of 5.6ft of swell.see ya in the green room some time?. dave
AnswerID: 167492

Follow Up By: Member - TPM (SA) - Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 01:45

Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 01:45
Howdy Turbo,

Yay ! great to talk to a fellow surfer. Yeah I am at work in Angola now, I always keep a close eye on the surf via the net. Its guarenteed to pump while I am at work !!! The is a swell wave link on weatherzone on the left column which is great for planning surfaris. I also use swellnet.

I love Streaky Bay the best. Of course I cant show all the secret spots here ! but I knew some of them would of been going off !!! Some great dunes there for the fourby too.
Hoping for some tube time when I get home. Catch a few waves for me Turbo while I am away.(((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))

Later TPM \,[[[[,/

FollowupID: 422664

Follow Up By: Member - TPM (SA) - Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 02:16

Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 02:16
Hey Turbo,

Where do you surf normally, What vehicle and board are you riding ? I'll keep an eye out for you.

I always surf alone, a extra bit of bait in the water may reduce the shark ratio !!!! : )))

FollowupID: 422666

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 06:46

Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 06:46
>Yeah I am at work in Angola now

Must be a long way to come home to lunch? :)

What sort of work do you do TPM, if I may ask?

Mike Harding
FollowupID: 422667

Follow Up By: Member - TPM (SA) - Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 16:00

Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 16:00
Hi Mike

I work on Drilling rigs, 28 days at work 28 at home, the days at home are better!!
Lots of time for camping, surfing and whatever.

10 days to go to I get out of this hell hole woo hoo !!
FollowupID: 422785

Follow Up By: Wazza - (Vic) - Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 19:52

Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 19:52
Hey TPM,

Worked off Angola for 12 months myself in 1998/1999 for Texaco doing seismic surveys. Did 9 years of 6 weeks on, 6 off.... damn I miss them holidays. Oh well, price you pay for getting married. is an excellent site for swell and wave height. Accurate as well. We used it for day to day planning on the ship.

On the downhill side of your trip now matey - almost single figures. Enjoy your break.


FollowupID: 422834

Follow Up By: Turbo - Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 23:56

Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 23:56
HI TPM just loged on again white nissan twin cab its the dirty one as i live at yorkes. has gravelle sticker on back window cant miss her.have few boards all gravelles<1x6.6.x19.5x2.5/8...2x6.10x19.5x2.3/4...& a new girl on the way.1x7.2 x19.5x2.5/8..for those big days over west.ah yes how i love winter in south aus.
FollowupID: 422914

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - David - Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 12:19

Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 at 12:19
Also see a trail weather service using the lastest BOM feed data available - Not yet released for all - I was lunky enought to find a reference and made contact with the BOM project leader and now we have these maps online. I am going to build a much better service but for now we have Satellie IR, Forecast and rain radars displayed live in real time at you can also see a break down of each state in the states pages that link from the above page.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024

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AnswerID: 167546

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