Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 17:26
Your probably right Richard but hey I live alone and I don't like leaving him ,done that once for 6 months when he was left behind in Wyoming USA and i would hate to think what went through his little mind,Yes he does have feelings and Emotions ,I know because we live together,So if I would never get to see
places like the
Simpson Desert If he can't go, besides I believe there has been many dogs over there and yes real big ones could cause damage,I forgot to mention too that there 1000s of feral Camels in the Desert so whats a tiny little Dog going to do,Took him to the beach where the
Cherry Venture ship wreck was and my Daughter was worried he might get seen , next thing we see a large red dog lying on the beach near it's owners car for all to see, Dusty is very much restricted for his own safety when in
places like the desert , and it's not the deserts either where he could get taken , Dingo's are everywhere in this country and if one can take a Baby ....Hmmm well a little dog would be just as much prey to the Dingo. and Dingo's are not native to this country as i explained to you before , Dusty is NOT allowed to chase anything he must at all times stay by me or the car ,He has also been to Thredbo in the semi I used to drive and the Booth where you have to pay said Noooo but I explained that after I unload the truck I was not coming back that way so he had to go into The NP , Don't worry Richard, I love our NPs and Fauna too ,It's worth looking after