When to use 4WD in new Hilux.?

Submitted: Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 11:37
ThreadID: 33121 Views:11365 Replies:9 FollowUps:13
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Guys, Have a new TD Hilux which off course is part time 4WD. When driving in 2WD on wet roads it is like an ice skater, can I use 4WD mode on wet roads without damaging anything..?
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Reply By: F4Phantom - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 11:54

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 11:54
If it has a tradition 4x4 engagement system then no you cant use it on road. If it has anything like the navara system then maybe. Reason being is the navara has a switch, one option is auto, it puts the front wheels in drive when the rear spin. This is still a full 4x4 engagement with no centre diff but the dealer recons because its a short peroid of time it wont hurt. Does the Hilux have anything like this?
AnswerID: 168284

Follow Up By: Exploder - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 15:21

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 15:21
the Navara system Must be a similar set up to the TOD system on the explorers, It will automatically transfer drive to the front wheels if slip is detected at the back, I Call it The Fun limiter LOL.

It’s a good system and works well on greasy roads (still managed the odd 4Wheel power slide thou) after the first rains or when you forget to engage 4WD off road the system will do it for you then disengage when not needed. I think it puts a lot of stress on the front drive line but, as if you take of quick from a standing start in the wet it will really drop it in hard so much so you can clearly hear it, ouch.
FollowupID: 423631

Follow Up By: itsdave - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 20:51

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 20:51
The Navara does'nt have "auto" unlike the Pathy, only has 2wd 4h and 4low
was test driving one today.

FollowupID: 423694

Follow Up By: F4Phantom - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 22:01

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 22:01
yeah i have driven both but i suppose the pathy switch was in my mind.
FollowupID: 423713

Reply By: Alex H - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 12:07

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 12:07
chuck half a ton of weight in the back to hold it down...
Seriously though, if its a traditional parttime 4wd system I agree with the above - never use it on the blacktop - dirt is OK, if its corrugated badly definitely use 4wd - just remember to turn it off when you hit the blacktop again. Cheers.
AnswerID: 168285

Reply By: Member - Norm C (QLD) - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 12:47

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 12:47
What tyres do you have on it TF? We never drove on the original HTs. Changed over to Cooper ATRs before we pick the 'Lux up. They were very good in the wet, but I always have a load in the back (canopy, drawer unit, fridge, tools, recovery equipment, deep cycle battery, etc, etc). Now run Cooper STs and they are not as good on wet black top, but much better in the dirt.

Probably a combination of tyres and load to fix the problem. Or spend more time in the dirt!
AnswerID: 168295

Follow Up By: TerraFirma - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 13:01

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 13:01
Cooper AT's 265 x 65 x 17's. Love the tyres however in the wet they wheel spin consistantly. No load in the back, she's a dual cab.
FollowupID: 423594

Follow Up By: Exploder - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 15:28

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 15:28
Dose it have LSD? If not might be worth putting a good one in.

And no I wouldn’t be engaging 4WD on a hard road surface you will be asking for problems, try taking off a little lighter with the go pedal or a little harder whatever you please, How much ran have you had as the roads my still be oily so it will be slippery until it’s all washed away.

Also maybe try carrying some weight around in it like a few bags of yellow sand.
FollowupID: 423633

Reply By: Wizard1 - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 12:56

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 12:56
My apologies for highlighting the obvious disparity between one's right to ownership and competence to operate...

No doubt there will be the obvious defence of the author's post..and other members that may discredit my obvious exposure of a shortfall in a 4WD owner's competency to drive that type of vehicle, but this sort of thing is more ammunition to justifying the licensing of such vehicles in recent times...

My wife and I undertook formal 4WD training so that we may understand the operation of the 4WD system of our vehicle and employ it effectively and safely.

We came across a lot of people on Fraser Island that "had" a 4WD but obviously didn't know how to operate it effectively in difficult terrain, which leads me to believe that just because you own one doesn't mean your competant to operate one.

I welcome any repechages...
AnswerID: 168297

Follow Up By: TerraFirma - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 13:12

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 13:12
Oh Thankyou Wizard1, you are a real package.!

Since you welcome any repechages and I am the author here goes SFB:

1. I do not 4WD, hence my question, which in perspective was trying to ascertain the ability of the 4WD system to be used on wet roads. If I intend to use my vehicle in difficult terrain I would undertake 4WD training, however my question has nothing to do with this, it refers to the useability of the 4WD system on very wet roads.

2. Nobody needs to justify my licensing and the right to drive the vehicle SFB, because I drive it on the road perfectly, full rating 1, never had an accident..? How have I managed to do this without the expert help of the Wizard..?? Buggered if I know.

3. In future I would welcome advise, not stupid sarcasm, so thankyou to the people who have answered my question sensibly.
FollowupID: 423596

Follow Up By: Notso - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 15:12

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 15:12
Too right mate, nothing worse than a holier than thou smart @#$%
FollowupID: 423627

Follow Up By: F4Phantom - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 15:59

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 15:59
Wizard I got to disagree with you. I am off the belief that if you dont need a 4x4 then dont freaking buy one, they cost more to run, handle worse, brake worse, use more fuel, accelerate worse. But if you have one and dont live in toorak you probably need one of it's functions. As for handling, some of the worst handling cars I have ever driven are commodores!! (and competition) mid 80's to early 90's, what crap, a new 4x4 will freaking beat the living daylights out of these in braking and handling, this means if you drive a commonwhore, you need a special licence. That aint going to happen! I drive a 4x4, it is so so crap to drive, I hope I never have to stop fast in the wet, I have to be very carefull, but this new toyota will probably be like an F1 car to mine, therefore again, they dont need a special licence. The last thing is, what is a 4x4 anyway? with all the variations of the theme these days, there are only a few real ones left, I doubt new 4x4's of the same model could cut it with their earlier model siblings in the dual cab market. Less clearance, more on road ability, they are just like sedans used to be, and as mentioned better than a lot of sedans used to be. I think you would have to take only 1 demographic of 4x4 owners to special licences. They are, young owners of old crappy LC's and all those tank 4x4's with 4 wheel drums (and toorak owners irrelivent of which 4x4 they own).
FollowupID: 423638

Reply By: Rotty - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 15:12

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 15:12
I would have to some degree agree with Wizard in that a ute, doesnt matter whether it be a Lux, Nissan, Ford, Holden or whatever, the load on the rear axle is less than for a conventional sedan so when driving an unfamiliar vehicle we need to drive to the road conditions, our ability as well as the capability of the vehicle.

If all else fails read the instruction manual that comes with the vehicle, often in the glove box for those that do not open that container.:)))

If the wheels are continually spinning then you need to lessen the load on the right boot a little and make smooth and gentle takeoff from lights etc.:))))

If you are not going to 4wd hwy buy one, surely a 2wd drive ute would be cheaper to purchase?

Boy some are getting touchy on this site, must be due for holidays.
AnswerID: 168327

Reply By: TerraFirma - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 16:10

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 16:10
Guys, I guess my point here is that I love the Hilux, fantastic vehicle , but I would love the benefit of full time 4WD sometimes, only sometimes. I do head onto bush roads plenty and have been bogged a few times, the reason I bought a Part time 4WD was so that I could avoid these situations. On a wet rainy day the car spins it's arse off and I'm probably guilty of pushing the pedal a little hard, but probably more guilty is the low down torque put out by the Diesel version.

The manual doesn't make reference to using 4WD high and I guess I was hoping I could use it occassionally on wet roads, albeit ashpault , I guess the answer is to drive slower. It really is very slippery though with no load and especially going around corners, the LSD can be dangerous.

AnswerID: 168333

Follow Up By: benplant - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 16:41

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 16:41

I suggest that it can simply be an issue of tyre perormance and if you had some other tyre that performed better in the wet then I'm sure most of this post would be unecessary. Quite valid and sensible is the query of engaging 4wd in the wet on bitumen in my eyes, and my opinion would be to not do so. I have an SR5 04 TD model duelcab with BF Goodrich AT tyres and must say that I do not have a wheel spin issue in the wet and do not carry any load apart from the sports bars. Good Luck with your next tyre choice is what I say.

FollowupID: 423652

Follow Up By: F4Phantom - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 18:15

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 18:15
Hey terrafirma, I also think if its wet, just use 4x4. I know people talk about wind up and all that, I would love to see some evidence of broken parts form wind up tho. I used to have an L series subaru part time real 4x4. The manual said to use 4x4 on bitumen when wet, it just said to engage/disengage in a straight line. I wound it up a few times and drove right through it and it never had any probs. I would say your car is way tougher and in the wet you will just get a tiny bit of spin, so bugger it, just use 4x4 sparingly when you feel you want to.
FollowupID: 423670

Follow Up By: Brett_B - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 20:22

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 20:22
Hi Ya TerraFirma

I have the Hilux D4D and sometimes I also would like a little more rear end traction in some on road conditions, I think thats all your fishing for and enquiring about.

I dont use mine in 4 high when on the black stuff, it winds the gearbox up to much, I would like to though.

Just try and take a 4x4 with wind up out of 4x4, from a mechanical appreciation point of veiw it cant be good for it to be in this condition for long periods of time I would not think

Bet you the future upgrade Hilux will be part time 4x4, typical eh ?

Enjoy your driving

FollowupID: 423689

Reply By: Gramps (NSW) - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 17:10

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 17:10
Hmm all very interesting. I use H4 a lot on wet roads if I think they're a bit slippery. Funny, that's what the owner's manual says for H4 in the Hilux

"Use for normal driving on wet, icy or snow-covered roads"


AnswerID: 168345

Follow Up By: F4Phantom - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 18:16

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 18:16
agreed, use it.
FollowupID: 423671

Reply By: TerraFirma - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 19:02

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 19:02
Thanks guys for the feedback, fantastic. I will try H4 the nest time round. Thanks
AnswerID: 168370

Follow Up By: aka_db - Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 21:53

Friday, Apr 21, 2006 at 21:53

Good on you for being up front, excercising your right as an idividual and asking intelligent questions of people you would have thought would be supportive and helpful. I too have had similar issues way back when I first started with 4wd dual cabs and utes, as have many people in this forum if they were honest enough to admit it.

in my opinion, a small amount of appropriate and well thought out information once sought can make a remarkable difference to an intelligent individual. I woud suggest you consider the advice given grant it appropriate merits where warranted and make an informed decision and keep on asking questions.

Well done....db.
FollowupID: 423709

Reply By: Member - Leigh (Vic) - Saturday, Apr 22, 2006 at 13:24

Saturday, Apr 22, 2006 at 13:24
A bit of weight and lower tyre pressures may help otherwise keep your foot off the loud pedal. If you were doing 4 wheel slides then you are going too tooo fast otherwise just too much grunt in them yotas and need to back off a bit. My 2002 TD SR-5 did not suffer this problem even with those rotten ol Bridgestones fitted. You've got a good rig so just go and enjoy it...you will adapt and never go back!! Cheers
AnswerID: 168456

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