Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 12:13
I am not going to get into a slinging match on here and if I rememer correctly you were the first one to jump down my throat.
Maybe the 2004 on will be crap to but its too early to tell.
In my experience some are good and some aren't.
Either way they aren't built to last in the engines, why, I don't know. Maybe design flaw, maybe due to the sulphur in the fuel content as scottcamp researched.
All models have problems.
Look at the current Prado that cracks the inner guards near the fire wall. Toyota deny its their fault, bull bar and
suspension manufacturers deny its theirs. Maybe its a design flaw in these too, AND I OWN A 2005 PRADO.
Getting cranky doesn't resolve to the fact that there was/is, what ever, a problem with them and their reputation is damaged as is the 100 series torsion bar problem, as is the prado inner guard crack problem.
I am not going to justify to this
forum because as soon as you do, you get reply's from people stating "another 2nd and 3rd hand comment".
I work on them and have been through the engine dilemas as well as many other expensive problems on these and many other makes and models including TOYOTA.
Its great to have a debate and I hope there is no love lost or grudges held as I have said before, EVERYTHING ON THIS AND ANY OTHER
FORUM IS HEARSAY UNTIL YOU EXPERIENCE IT FIRST HAND AND THEN IT BECOMES FACT. Store everything you read in the back of ones mind for future reference.