Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 10:08
I think I covered that above:
"combination of lot's of short trips"
"I'll probally whack back on the charger once a week or so just to keep them topped up as they require a slightly higher charge voltage to stay at 100% anyway, being calcium-calcium."
You're right. A calcium battery can still be charged to full capacity off an alternator at even 13.8v, it'll just means you have to drive for 2 weeks solid before it charges! :-)
It's funny, though, as a lot of "reputable" 4wd shops only sell calcium batteries, and unless they are modifying the vehicles regulator they really are bumb steering their customers to a certain degree.
I purchased my clacium batteries for two reasons:
1. Excessive heat in the engine bay would effect them less than AGM and Lead Acid.
2. Large Amp/hr capacity vs size
3. Faster bulk recharge time (slower final charge at lower voltage as mentioned above).
4. I got the two batteries for $100 for both, that's $50 each! (a dodgy work deal). An offer I coulnd't refuse!
As long as you are aware of their down sides and keep them topped up when doing lot's of city driving, and when returning from a camping trip, you'll have no problems with them.