repairs for GPS

Submitted: Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 19:57
ThreadID: 33615 Views:2485 Replies:7 FollowUps:4
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evening all
well i think my poor old magellan 310 has given up the ghost turned it on today after installing new batteries it keeps telling me 4to 6 satellites but wont lock on locked on for a few minutes at one stage to tell me i was doing 600+ks in the study and had covered 1012 klms
we are going out tomorrow (fingers crossed ) and i had hoped to track our day out but it might also explain a couple of faults while travelling last year
question is what sort of life span should i get from my 310????

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Reply By: Mad Dog (Australia) - Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 20:45

Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 20:45
Who knows Steve it's an electronic device, could last one day, one decade or one century because it dies. Leave it switched on for some time and see if it settles down.
AnswerID: 171194

Reply By: rustytruck - Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 21:03

Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 21:03
My Magellan Trailblazer quit a couple of months ago at age 10 years. Magellan in Perth were giving 25% off on many new models because they no supported it. Try calling them - Next Destination - or emailing them for help. Kevan there is extremely helpful.

AnswerID: 171198

Reply By: Member - Doug T (QLD) - Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 21:16

Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 21:16
sorry to hear about your GPS packin it in , Go get your self a Garmin Quest mate ,Johnny Appleseed has the at a good price at the moment, I have the first model out and i love it for what it can do, brilliant
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AnswerID: 171201

Reply By: Footloose - Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 22:56

Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 22:56
Steve, my first 310 was great but I kerstuffled it accidently. So I bought another s/h one. Feeds the lappy with Oziexplorer etc. Its been in action now for around 3 years with no problems.
Did you re initialize it when you put new batteries in ?
AnswerID: 171222

Follow Up By: Old Scalyback & denny - Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 10:27

Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 10:27
goodday footy
thats what i was doing with mine have alreadt ordered a new voxson 800 but until it arrives i dont know if it sends out nmea signal so i can still hook up the lappy
FollowupID: 426736

Reply By: Member - Pedro the One (QLD) - Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 23:03

Saturday, May 06, 2006 at 23:03
Hello Old Scaley ..........
In another life I used to sell and demonstrate GPS' [albeit Marine] .....
These tools are quite amazing and really are quite sensitive little beasties but they do eventually pack up. Generally speaking, it is either age or inadvertant treatment that causes them grief ............. IMHO iffen you get anything over say 7 - 8 years then you are well in front. They have a tiny inner battery which retains all your settings, keeps time, etc .... if this runs out [shelf life of 10 years from DATE OF MANUFACTURE not purchase date] generally it becomes RS 'cause it is usually filled with gas [nitrogen?] to make it waterproof ........ which then means it is almost impossible to repair as no facilities exist to re-gas them.... at least it was so in my other life !

The most common problem is that of voltage spikes ........... if they are hooked up to your cigarette lighter for power and you start your engine, with the unit switched on, then it receives a spike/surge/whatever and really being a mini-computer, after a few of these, it just takes it's ball and goes home.

In the marine world you can imagine what an outboard motor jolt does to them.
The normal solution was to wire them direct to the battery .... like really direct to the battery ..... no busbars, switch panels, spurs off, no nothin' but direct!

Of all the units that came back with problems .... direct wiring solved 90% of the troubles. Not saying that this is the case here, just food for thought.

Then there is the problem of corrosion in the power lead .......... check the black cabling of the power lead ........... iffen the actual wire has gone black with corrosion then the cancer of corrosion has begun .... next to impossible to stop ...... a change of power lead might be all you need, but test with a mates lead first, before you buy another one.

Hope this helps ..............

My own unit is a Lowrance GlobalMap 100 ..... still goin' strong after about 8 years!

AnswerID: 171224

Follow Up By: Mad Dog (Australia) - Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 08:01

Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 08:01
Do they still use batteries Pedro. I thought non-volatile memory has been used for many years.

The end of the lithium batteries life doesn't mean the gps is dead, in the case of the old Garmins at the end of the batteries life it will essentially turn into a capacitor, capable of holding memory for about 10 hours when power is removed from the unit.

FollowupID: 426713

Follow Up By: Member - Pedro the One (QLD) - Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 13:20

Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 13:20
G'day Mad Dog .
Quite possible ............. as I say, my unit is about eight years old or longer.

Dont have enough knowledge to comment on the capacitor concept, but I do know that fluctuations in power supply were responsible for the majority of malfunctions in GPS' , along with heat/direct sunlight ['cos we always mount them behind the windscreen, eh, is mine!].......... just like any computor.

However, technology is advancing exponentially these days ........ even so, I always carry my trusty Silva 'orienteering compass' as an essential part of my back-up kit !!
FollowupID: 426756

Follow Up By: Mad Dog (Australia) - Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 13:44

Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 13:44
Hi Pedro, yes my old Garmin 12xl is still going strong in the ute and although it's permanently connected to external power I keep batteries in it so the lithum battery is not used for memory retention, there is still a 2.5 ma draw on the internal batteries when switched off and external power is applied.

The capacitor concept comes from Garmin themselves so I suppose it's correct.

My old Magellan 2000XL still works well also.

For some reason my more modern Magellan 320 is my backup.

Just have to remember to keep the batteries up to these devices or remove them completely, old leaky batteries can make bad mess.

FollowupID: 426758

Reply By: Skid - Monday, May 08, 2006 at 22:27

Monday, May 08, 2006 at 22:27
I believe a common problem is that GPS units are often left for a time with flat batteries or no batteries.
Which then puts a load on the internal battery, which then goes flat.
Then the unit has to initialise itself each time its turned on.

Solution; keep fresh batteries in the unit every few months even if your not using it.
AnswerID: 171634

Reply By: Member- Rox (WA) - Monday, May 08, 2006 at 23:02

Monday, May 08, 2006 at 23:02
Contact Next destination osborne Pk WA the Import & repair magellon GPS.

18 Baden St Osborne Park 6017 (08) 9444 0233
OR... (08) 9443 2598
FREECALL 1800 644 033
AnswerID: 171637

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