4W Driving Course

Submitted: Monday, May 15, 2006 at 10:58
ThreadID: 33908 Views:2747 Replies:5 FollowUps:20
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Even though we have done many thousands of kms of 'off blacktop' driving, including the Beadell roads, Simpson crossing & environs, Flinders/Gammon areas, Kimberleys, 'outback' Tassie etc and short trips thru Yerranderie, Watagans, Stockton, Fraser and the usual haunts.....I jumped in and did a Basic 4W driving course yesterday.
Fortunately, we have have no incidents in our adventures (as we mainly travel solo vehicle), but the Course just re-inforced many aspects of safe & low impact 4WDing.
Others on the Course were a couple of Council guys, requiring OH&S compliance, and a couple of young Pommies setting off on a 6 month adventure in a very well prepared troopy.
The Course was held in the Newnes Forest area (near Lithgow).
I would recommend such a Course to any aspiring ExplorerOzers, or even others (with more experience) that haven't done such a course as I'm sure you'll get something out of it. Just make sure it is held by a professional, certified company.
I will be doing the Advanced Course when the opportunity arises.
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Reply By: Wayne (NSW) - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 11:23

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 11:23

I could not agree more.

We have people that have been 4WD driving for years and have still learnt something.

This OH&S compliance is getting to be very big. Only Nationally Recognised providers can deliver such courses and anyone that drives a 4WD for a company will have to do a course sooner or later.

Money well spent.

AnswerID: 172761

Follow Up By: snailbait (Blue mntns) - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 20:35

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 20:35
(This OH&S compliance is getting to be very big. Only Nationally Recognised providers can deliver such courses and anyone that drives a 4WD for a company will have to do a course.)
This is a lot of rubbish
Life MEMBER snailbait Oberon HF RADIO CLUB VKE237 mobile 7661

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FollowupID: 428738

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 20:58

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 20:58

We must have it all wrong.

Only you know the real story. Where did you get your facts from as we would like to check on them.

I had to do a course to drive a fork lift at work, is this a lot of rubbish to?

FollowupID: 428757

Reply By: Chris & Jody (WA) - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 11:50

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 11:50
I have heard about these course's in the past but have always been working. Its on my long list of things to do but each time I do an item on my list the list grows by 3 more. Does anyone know of a good company in WA that does these 4WD course's regularly?

AnswerID: 172765

Follow Up By: phantom - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 12:43

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 12:43
Hi Chris & Jody,
One one the better places in WA is AHG Driving Centre or DTEC. They are out near the International airport in Perth. Well recommended!
FollowupID: 428417

Follow Up By: gurmo - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:09

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:09
Hi Chris & jody<
FollowupID: 428495

Follow Up By: gurmo - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:15

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:15
Sorry about that Don't know what Happenedbut here goes again
I was going to suggest, www.ultimate4wdtraining.com.au/
as my son is a member and helps on the courses they have a very good website
Paul hope this helps
FollowupID: 428498

Follow Up By: Martyn (WA) - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:58

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:58
Chris & Jody,
Eureka tours or something like that do a Nationally acredited course, Ray Harris is the contact. He's a joint publisher of Western 4W Driver magazine, does Campfire getaways as well. Never been on one of his trips and I haven't done the course the 4WD club I belong to covers most of my needs.
Keep the shiny side up

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FollowupID: 428514

Follow Up By: Chris & Jody (WA) - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 21:11

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 21:11
Ok, I've spent the last couple of hours looking into the links provided, and have put my name down for a course with ultimate4wdtraining.com.au. Sounds like just what the doctor ordered and the missus can come along and maybe I'll let her have a drive as well..Maybe!
Thanks for all the help.

FollowupID: 428545

Reply By: Richard W (NSW) - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 16:28

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 16:28
Most of the clubs run courses and the cost is often included in membership fees. The trainers generally have varying degrees of accreditation.
AnswerID: 172805

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 16:57

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 16:57

That is the problem, "the trainers have varying degree of accreditation".

There is no varying degree of accreditation, you are either accredited or not.

I can not see 4WD clubs paying out $700 per instructor for them to be accredited. They would then have to get a Nationally Recognised Training course. They don't come cheap.

There is nothing wrong with a 4WD club running a driver training course. Unfortunately the course means nothing when you need a certificate to drive a 4WD for work or to comply with OH&S

FollowupID: 428472

Follow Up By: bruce.h (WA) - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:58

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:58
the wa 4wd association runs a course with acredited instructors
FollowupID: 428515

Follow Up By: snailbait (Blue mntns) - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 20:44

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 20:44
There is no varying degree of accreditation, you are either accredited or not
wayne wake up to your self it is only PROFESIONLY persons that have to have ie who get paid to do the training have to have This ohs training from a acredatied tafe
They do not give any more training than a club person and it is only because when you are getting paid to do this that INSURANSCE take hold this is the only reason you a a paid person have to have this acreadition because you get paid to do this IT NOT BECAUSE YOU GIVE BETTER TRAINING THAN A CLUB TRAINER
Life MEMBER snailbait Oberon HF RADIO CLUB VKE237 mobile 7661

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FollowupID: 428742

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 21:03

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 21:03

You are dead right.

The thing is that I have a certificate to train and access and I also get paid very well to do it.

Now who has to wake up.

FollowupID: 428761

Follow Up By: snailbait (Blue mntns) - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 21:22

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 21:22
You are dead right.

The thing is that I have a certificate to train and access and I also get paid very well to do it.

Now who has to wake up.
wayne you do as your cert 4 does not make you the greatest driver trainer ever
along with the other certs like only people who are hanging there shingles out to be paid for there training have to have them because of the insurance you have to pay
Life MEMBER snailbait Oberon HF RADIO CLUB VKE237 mobile 7661

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FollowupID: 428773

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 21:30

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 21:30

I have never said I was the greatest driver trainer. You did.

As for the rest of your post I can not make sense of it.

FollowupID: 428779

Reply By: Richard W (NSW) - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 17:13

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 17:13
Agree, and therein lies the question. Accredited with who? This issue comes up at the NSW & ACT 4WD association meeting regularly and its still not clear to me.
AnswerID: 172809

Follow Up By: gurmo - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:19

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:19
Richard. have a browse at this site hope it helps


Ultimate 4WD Training is now an internationally recognised 4WD training provider, now having trained and assessed in the remote regions of China and Mongolia.
Why Nationally Recognised 4WD Training?

The Ultimate 4WD Training team offer 4WD training and assessments for many industries (nationally and now internationally) in a professional, safe and environmentally friendly manner.

With over 50 years of collective real time 4WD and light vehicle experiences, you and your organisation will be in very good hands.

Ultimate 4WD Training now delivers national 4WD qualifications (AQF - Australian
Qualifications Framework)) in the following industry areas:

MNM05 - Metalliferous Mining Industry

SRO03 - Outdoor Recreation Industry
FollowupID: 428501

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:28

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 19:28

At GDT we deliver nationally recognised training in partnership with the Australian 4WD Network.

The competencies forming these programs are drawn from the Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation.

All the instructors hold qualifications to Certificate IV level in Workplace Assessment and Training.

Any provider who is Nationally Recognised, such as the one that signman went with, will have all these qualifications.

FollowupID: 428505

Reply By: snailbait (Blue mntns) - Monday, May 15, 2006 at 21:16

Monday, May 15, 2006 at 21:16
hi all
who cares
do you know what you were trained to or where you just ripped off $
you only have to be acredited if you sell your product.
if you belong to a club and do the driver training of the club offers the persons do not have to be acredited to the oh and s training of the company who is offering the training for severall hundreds of $ For the training .
why dount you join a 4WD club of your choseing
Life MEMBER snailbait Oberon HF RADIO CLUB VKE237 mobile 7661

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AnswerID: 172854

Follow Up By: signman - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 10:07

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 10:07
G'day snailbait
I am a member of a 4WD club, and have done 4wd 'courses' with the club. OK. I did get some valuable information from the club's course, but my suggestion is that professional instructors/ companys tend to cover more concepts in depth.
It is not my intention to discredit any form of training.
Was I ripped off??? I don't think so, I'm sure I got my moneys worth.
FollowupID: 428601

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 17:32

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 17:32

Like the signman said he didn't feel he was ripped off.

Ken and Olga do a very good job with there driver training. Ken was in a 4WD club for many years, in fact he is a life member.

I think he was the one who took me on my first 4wd training day when I joined the same 4WD club.

Over the last 10 years that I have been doing the driver training professionally with GDT, we have trained over 15000 drivers. I don't think that you could train that many if you were ripping them off.

FollowupID: 428669

Follow Up By: snailbait (Blue mntns) - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 20:32

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 20:32
Wayne (NSW
hi Wayne
You should declare your intrest here with Your bos v.........
yes that is correct ........ may have trained this many People but the clubs have trained 10 times that many people over a shorter period
........ has a larger advertising budget and when the co you work for frightens people from going on trips like the Canning , the simpson and the cape Yourke by saying that you must be trained before you are taken on the paid trip that is a ripp of and prospetive club .People think the clubs do not do the same as the profishanale people can do which is incorrect My first driver training was with the then new TOYOTA LANDCRUSER CLUB NSW IN 1975 well before you would have begun to think about 4WD and over the years since then i have never sold my expertise to any person as i think the strength of continuing the great 4wd is in clubs if we dont 4wd is finnished in Australia Because of the GREENS the CONSERVATION PEOPLE and i will be unable to follow my love of 60 years

Life MEMBER snailbait Oberon HF RADIO CLUB VKE237 mobile 7661

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FollowupID: 428735

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 20:53

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 20:53

It is good that 4WD clubs have trained so many drivers.

Just to get your facts right.

We don't frighten people off by saying that they must do a 4WD course before they can do any of the trips that we do. FACT

WE don't do Cape York any more. FACT

We take people on our tours because they want to go. FACT

WE have taken families from this forum. FACT

They are not ripped off. FACT

We have taken drivers from 4WD clubs, including Nissan and Toyota Landcruiser.FACT

If the tracks are closed we are out of business. FACT

FollowupID: 428750

Follow Up By: signman - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 at 09:19

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 at 09:19
Hi Wayne,
Yes, I did the Course with Ken (from Misty Mountains).
Mate, I wouldn't worry too much about our friend 'snailbait'. I think he may need to do one or two Courses in other subjects, before we need worry too much about his 4WDing competancy!!
BTW I would like to make contact with you sometime to discuss the merits of the various models of Troopys.
FollowupID: 428917

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