Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 22:04
>Mike, I challenge you to quote one case of me saying that
>firearms are intrinsically dangerous
The following, effectively, says it:
>>Now you know why I'm not keen on camping with guns :)))
Otherwise why would you single out "guns" - it might as well be knitting needles?
>In fact, if you read my posts carefully and think about them,
>you will see that I have stated quite the opposite. A perfect
>example is the above post that you ignored ie where I stated
>"It's not the object that I worry about, it is having them in
>the wrong hands while I'm within several km."
So you are concerned every time a Boeing 747 flys overhead?
I suspect you are not?
Because you have rationalised that not every 747 aircraft will be flown by people intent on causing damage with it.
Therefore; why ever do you make such assumptioms about firearms?
Mike Harding