Saturday, May 20, 2006 at 00:11
Well Gramps,
What's cooking good looking? (tongue in cheek, lol)
It ain't the bunny at Ghost Rocks he's been having a snooze/kip.
Sorry mate, been AFK so i missed ur chat & i missed the Ghost tail, haven't been keeping up a great deal with what's on, what with baby sitting the bunny with the cute hair cut, work shiess & life the universe & all that.
Anyway as the bunny says "I'll catch you later, 'cause you ain't gonna catch me."
Snicker, snicker goes the bunny.
And be good Gramps & if you can't be good just be Great!
\\\\\\(-><-)///// The large shy bunny with a hair cut, hides in the grass.
The sound of a rifle firing makes him sit up straight!