FJ62 Drama after Drama
Submitted: Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 21:08
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Hi Guys
Recently purchased my much loved FJ62, awesome in the bush, awesome in the mud but it would appear as tho it has let me down.. I ran outta gas/petrol (completely my fault) the other day, since then the car has not been the same... The car would no longer run on gas AT ALL, wouldnt start or run on it... So i thought that was odd, i tried priming it etc etc etc...
So i took it too a mechanic/LPG specialist and he took it apart and put it back together to do a quote for me...
Previous to this the car ran fine on petrol, anyways so after he looks at it and puts it back together he says oh it doesnt work on petrol anymore, which i was a little confused about.. When my car ran outta gas it was backfiring like a cornered bushpig and the mechanic said it had recked all this stuff to do with the gas system, mixer, blah blah blah... SO he didnt replace anything, yet the gas ran quite happily. And so does the petrol i dont know what he was on about, but basically im asking what i should do, he said he needed to replace all this gas gear that he hasnt done yet, yet the gas runs fine, and said that the carby needed an overhaul, yet it seems fine on petrol.... Should i be concerened?
Should i get the work he said needed to be done, actually done?
Opinions would be greatly appreciated oh and also backfires split my airintake host which i will get him to replace.. but yeah..
Reply By: Willem - Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 21:25
Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 21:25
I had a gas/petrol car once (and never again) and did the same.
It turned out to be the petrol pump which had failed and nothing to do with gas.
Maybe the fella is having you on. Get a second opinion
Reply By: cipher - Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 21:46
Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 21:46
yeah thats sorta what i was wondering..
Just weird tho cos he said that the gas system was stuffed yet, after he took it apart and put stuff back together without replacing anything it all worked fine..
He reacons i need a carbi overhaul which will cost $800, things is i drive the car on gas most of the time do i need to bother about the carbi? What do you guys reacon...
Also if there is damaged stuff in the gas line/system should i get them fixed if it all seems to be working fine??
Please help have to make the call wether it gets fixed by tomorrow
Reply By: Member - TPM (SA) - Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 21:57
Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 21:57
I agree with Willem, get a second opinion.
Tell the mechanic you have a mate who wants to have a look first before you spend the money.That way if the second opinion is more expensive you can go back.
It sounds a bit suss to me, a second opinion can never hurt, especially if its working now !
Good luck
Follow Up By: crusher - Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 22:46
Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 22:46
Hi sounds to me like he fixed all your air leak problems in the proscess of putting it all back together; those lean mixture back fires can be fairly server. one of the first casualties is the air filter pipe to carbie neoprene flange gasket; it gets blown out of position and leaks air; it makes for very hard starting on gas.Those fuel pumps tend to get a bit tired when they get old; one solution is to put a partial restriction in the return line
Good luck
Reply By: Muzzgit (WA) - Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 23:11
Thursday, Jun 08, 2006 at 23:11
When my FJ62 first backfired while, running on gas, I was half way crossing Canning Hwy in peak hour on a friday evening. I'm not sure what scared me more, the loud unexpected BANG or the screeching of brakes and a near miss from another cruiser. Not to mention the abuse I copped.
It blew the air filter box out of shape, and being the normal metal Toyota type, I was surprised, to say the least.
Over the next year or so I had the dizzy overhauled, the gas mixer replaced, the carby overhauled [ which really hurt the bank ballance ] but I never really got on top of the hard to start/rough idle/never quite right pain in the arse son of a bitch...........AAARRRGGHHH.
On top of a broken crankshaft in the first six months of owning it, followed by a cracked head [ I kid you not, all this really happened ] I was glad to see the back of what I thought was going to be a long relashionship with a good looking white FJ62 cruiser!
My advise....if it is running now without any real drama's, hold off and see what happens. This mechanic may have fixed the problem simply by taking stuff off and putting it back together nice and tight.
Make sure you get one or two other mechanics to look at it. Preferably a mechanic reffered to you.
Keep all hoses, clamps etc between the carby and airfilter box tight.
Keeping the idle slightly higher than normal can help. I found
mine backfired most when idle was low because motor was cold or just taking off in first gear and not giving it enough herbs.
Having driven trucks for a while I am in the habit of taking off with no throttle until the clutch is completely out, then slow foot into throttle [ gently gently ]
This was when it would backfire !!!
Reply By: cipher - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 22:52
Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 22:52
ok so if i am correct, basically the gist of it all is if its going to cost that much money its not worth doing since i run mainly on gas?
Also what are some basic servicing things i can do, other than your basic basics like engine coolant, oil, trans fluid....
im thinking like hoses etc etc? can you buy hoses from any car
shop? or do they have to be special one?
Reply By: cipher - Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 09:59
Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 09:59
Hey guys,
Well i have taken it to a mechanic that i trust, he says the carby is fine, just needs a spray with CRC every couple of weeks so that the butterly vavles do definantly close..
As for the gas, he got it to run VERY sweet, idles perfect, runs perfect...
Now before i had all these dramas i would get about 240KM's out out a 86L (filled to 80%, 65L) however since i ran outta GAS that one winters day its never been the same... After it backfired and i got it fixed (didnt replace any gas gear) i was getting 180KM, then now that i have taken it to my mechanic i only get 140KM out of 65L of gas....(still no gas gear has been changed) I did notice that my mechanic adjusted
the nut that controls the amount of gas per air unit.... he increased it to try and get a bit more go out of the car... But he moved it like 1 or 2mm this wouldnt result is such a drastic change....
My suspintions are that the gas mixer may be stuff causing bad economy?
Would i be correct in saying that? I just had my point done (new ones) had the time done, new plugs, leads, dizzy cap, rotor what else can it be im running out of options