Permit for Canning

Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 15:56
ThreadID: 34895 Views:2164 Replies:2 FollowUps:16
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Just to be on the safe side I applied months ago to NGAANYATJARRA Council to visit Calvert Range, Durba etc. Rang about 2 weeks ago & was told they were having a big meeting "soon" to decide who they would grant access to. Anyone know if there's been any progress?
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Reply By: Muddies Doe(Trippn) - Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 16:17

Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 16:17
Hi Drew

Rod in a post 34894 knows of a way to get a permit.......easy!!!

On the serious side of things now, hope it all goes well for you for your intended trip across the Canning!

AnswerID: 178279

Reply By: Member QLD Steve & Lorraine Mc - Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 19:16

Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 19:16
GDay Drew I just finished filling all that B.S out & faxed it away stuffed if I know what this country is coming too?? Was told yesterday the meeting should be at the end of the week or early next week, apparently july 1st is the kick off date for everything to kick into gear. It will probably take them 2yrs to work the protocol out, I was also told signs will be erected to warn you are venturing onto their land( what about our land) native title is a crock of #$%. I for one will still use the CSR & it sidetracks, permit or no bloody permit.
Sorry I wasnt much help Drew just venting off steam at the moment
Cheers Steve
AnswerID: 178315

Follow Up By: Toytruck - Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 21:23

Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 21:23
some fairly strong comments on a web site that is mostly populated by four wheel drivers and campers that try very hard to do the right thing in this country, in fact I won't hold are, for the want of a better word a BLOODY WANKER. There are laws in this country for every body, some we like, and some we don't, but that doesn't mean we just disregard the one we don't.

" Permit or no bloody permit", what a tool.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
FollowupID: 434500

Follow Up By: Richard Kovac - Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 21:25

Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 21:25
Steve & Lorraine Mc

"I for one will still use the CSR & it sidetracks, permit or no bloody permit."

Sorry to say this but with that attitude, you can see why they use the permit system.
maybe you shouldn't be allowed into western Australia at all, let alone into other peoples land.

I would think twice about your comments as they will and hold the future of travel

Richard Kovac
FollowupID: 434502

Follow Up By: Billowaggi - Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 22:14

Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 22:14
I agree with Steve, I have travelled the Canning four times now and have never once seen an indiginous person on the track. Apart from a few areas I do not think that they have any interest in the Stock Route it is a european heritage trail perhaps we should be the ones asking for permits!
Regards Ken.
FollowupID: 434522

Follow Up By: equinox - Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 22:29

Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 at 22:29
Looking at it another way Steve, I think that the maximum fine you can get is $1000 for trespassing on Native title land.

If your trip costs $5000, just add $1000 just in case, so it may be a $6000 trip.

I am a ninth generation Australian, with my earliest anscestor born here in 1789, I'm a native as far as I am concerned. That is what I will argue if it comes to the crunch.

Looking for adventure.
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FollowupID: 434530

Follow Up By: Member - Pezza (QLD) - Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 10:40

Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 10:40
And just to lean it even more to Steves' way, I'm with him. Aborigines have access to christian churches and cemetary's without permits, What's the difference ?

FollowupID: 434601

Follow Up By: Toytruck - Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 19:57

Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 19:57
my disgust on Steve's message was based on the total disrespect for laws set by the local community albeit our own laws or somebody elses. Do you all think that the permit system was set up soley by the original owners of that land???? I can assure you, it was not devised without the input from educated members of the white community ensuring that the local indigenous community would receive some renumeration/benifits from travellers through the local area, which I can assure you is very well counciled and put to good use i.e. education.

If I travel to Egypt and urinate on a sacred Pyramid, what do think is going to happen?? Am I justified in saying that I am not Egyptian and have no respect for the local Laws??? I think not. If I travel to Saudi, where capital punishment remains common, have unlawful sex, do you think they will care if my religion is not based on local religion??? NO, I will probably end up being beheaded with a big sword.....My point is, who ever you are or where you are from, you respect the local laws and tradition.

I am not going to elaborate on some of the other uneducated comments regarding this topic as it is not worth the effort.

Have respect, where ever you are.

This site, as I said before is about respectable four wheel drivers and campers doing the right thing. If you wish to be a cowboy......take it somewhere else.
FollowupID: 434708

Follow Up By: equinox - Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 21:08

Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 21:08
Toytruck said:

my disgust on Steve's message was based on the total disrespect for laws set by the local community albeit our own laws or somebody elses.

I say:
Toytruck, do you ever speed in your vehicle, even if it is only 1 km above the limit?

He also said:

I am not going to elaborate on some of the other uneducated comments regarding this topic as it is not worth the effort.

I say:
I agree with you toytruck - you would be beating your own head against a brick wall.

He also said:

This site, as I said before is about respectable four wheel drivers and campers doing the right thing.

I say:

Toytruck - read the first line in the "What we do" section in "about us" in the blue tabs above.

Looking at previous posts here, it seems you have only been posting for a short while. Perhaps you should finish your Exploroz apprenticship before you start calling other posters "B_____ W______s".

I know that a lot of people here don't agree with some of my comments and opinions that I have made over the years but thats life, and it is what makes this site always interesting reading.

Toytruck - have a nice night!

Looking for adventure.
In whatever comes our way.

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FollowupID: 434716

Follow Up By: Richard Kovac - Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 21:43

Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 21:43
Now sorry to copy and paste but got this out of a mag I read. (did a search on copy right but could not fined it)

"Native Title to be enforced alongside CSR
A disturbing event occurred on the Canning Stock Route (CSR) not too long ago that will change the way we consider the CSR from this point on.
Members of the Martu people who hold exclusive possession native title to country adjacent to the CSR were visiting a sacred site when a group of Victorian tourists ordered them to leave and questioned their right to be there. How to win friends and influence people - not.
This caused obvious concern and has resulted in the Ngaanyatjarra Council (pronounced nanhadurra) insisting all travelers intending to wander off the CSR get. Permission to do so before they depart for the region. The area covered by the title includes all land adjacent to the CSR from Well 15 to Well 40 including the Calvert Range, Durba Springs and the wider Percival Lake area.
The Martu people have had exclusive possession of these lands since 2002 and were happy for the status quo. to remain until the tourist did his thing and forced them to consider their position.
I put to questions to Lisa Maher, Native Title Project Officer at the Ngaanyatjarra Council Native Title Unit and the results follow. Many of the wells on the CSR were originally native wells identified to Canning (often under duress) and were transformed to provide water for stock. Many of the wells from 15-40 are registered Aboriginal heritage sites by the Department of Indigenous Affairs but the Martu people recognize that they are an integral part of the CSR experience and have no problems with visitation providing people treat the sites with respect.
Durbs Springs is a well established campsite for travelers and (pending an upcoming meeting) at this stage access will continue. The issue at Durba is more related to art sites back in the hills and access to this area will be subject to further meetings with the Martu people."

This is and will always be a problem of ignorant people

Regards Richard Kovac
FollowupID: 434729

Follow Up By: Member QLD Steve & Lorraine Mc - Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 23:36

Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 23:36
Well we are all entitled to our views, & guess what mine hasnt changed at all on Native title, or the issue of permits.

Signed the Ignorant, Cowboy, Bloody Wanker. LOL

Who normally applies, & buys permits over the last 30yrs of travel , well ever since all the political correct stuff started anyway.
Have a good day ?? See you in the sticks
FollowupID: 434750

Follow Up By: Richard Kovac - Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 00:10

Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 00:10

Good to hear

FollowupID: 434751

Follow Up By: Member QLD Steve & Lorraine Mc - Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 06:52

Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 06:52
P.S Richard

Whats the permit cost to enter your state, when I get to Border Village. LOL
Ooops I forgot am blacklisted, will have to come in the back way????
Geeez you Sandgropers bite well.

See ya Steve.
FollowupID: 434761

Follow Up By: Member QLD Steve & Lorraine Mc - Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 07:08

Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 07:08
P.S Toy truck Put ya money where your mouth is,( because its on the large size) and let a few moths out of your wallet to become a member to this fine website. Doesnt cost much helps David & Michelle with costs along the way too.

FollowupID: 434762

Follow Up By: Toytruck - Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 20:36

Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 20:36
nothing quite like a test drive before you buy, and if the indications from this forum are an indication of the people I am likely to meet as a member....with all due respect to the real enthusiasts (and I am smiling as I type this), no thank you.

P.S I am an Australian Aborigine that has spent years working in the central desert region. I am also educated and employed by one of the largest defence companies in the world and enjoy excellent response. Got that here.

I must also point out I have never received any benifit of any kind. I work for what I own and pay my dues.....regardless of weather I like it or not.

At the end of the day.....respect the land that gives you so much pleasure.
FollowupID: 434906

Follow Up By: Richard Kovac - Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 21:28

Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 21:28
Hi Toytruck

Its not that bad, only most of the people think that way

not ALL... LOL


FollowupID: 434925

Follow Up By: Member QLD Steve & Lorraine Mc - Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 22:08

Thursday, Jun 15, 2006 at 22:08
Well what can I say Toytruck, your decision on the membership part is your own.
Native title is not such a good thing if your on the other end of it, cant be bothered going into it all.

Have fun in the JOB?

I trade currency & futures for a living from home, great prosperity after years of grinding. Use to be a major landholder too??(Hands On) I never received any benefits either.
At the end of the day.....respect the land that gives you so much pleasure.
I agree with, something in common after all Hey??
Have a good night.
FollowupID: 434943

Follow Up By: Member - Pezza (QLD) - Friday, Jun 16, 2006 at 10:37

Friday, Jun 16, 2006 at 10:37
" when a group of Victorian tourists ordered them to leave and questioned their right to be there "

I very much doubt if this event even happened ( it's been posted on this site before, not sure by who ) though that's only my opinion.
I treat this with the same attitude that I treat most things in the media, 'believe nothing of what you read and half of what you see '.
Gotta admit though, was a good excuse for another permit possibly leading to another closure.

FollowupID: 435017

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