Monday, Jun 19, 2006 at 17:42
Thanks Ken, I spoke to windsor toyota today they do have the tool for alighnment but want get this $900 to do the job on one side only, what a joke, rang an old mate of
mine today who is a mechanic and he told me to pull axle out and send to him an he will send away to be checked to make sure it's not bent, he said he has never seen a bent axle on the drivers side due to it been the shorter of the 2 but any thing is possible, so looks like I will strip down this week and get axle checked to see if thats ok or bent, problem is you here so many things like its the shims, then the next bloke says no cant be that wouldnt allow that much movement to leak,the next blokes like yeah that will make it leak, then its the bush wont cause it to leak then others say yes it will, I'm not a mechanic by any means I do have some mechanical knowledge,but stuff like this gets the better of me and like any body else im getting to the stage of stuff it and sell it but then I think
well I could end up with same problem on another one and back to square one, problem is its such a bleep ty job as
well, I know some times its a matter or proccess of elimination to find a fault, like some one said to me go and buy another diff housing but that could be the same, then I rang a specialist 4wd mob, na we dont use the tool something to do with the amount of force/pressure what ever he meant by that I have no idea,then he said to me the diff must be bent I said na had a wheel alighnment done on saturday and he confirmed diffs not bent, then he said to me wheel alighnment wont tell you whether its bent or not, but most blokes on here said by getting an alighnment done will definately tell you wehther its bent or not. So yeah will strip down and go from there, sorry to rave on but starting now to really bleep s me off and dont like to keep asking my mates all the time they have better things to do with there time. Will keep you informed of whats happening if I dont put a match to it first. Regards Steve M