Wiring driving lights; Pajero
Submitted: Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 11:09
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Can any one out there please let me know where and how to run the wiring for
driving lights on a NH Pajero into the cabin of the vehicle without drilling holes, any help would be appreciated. Thanks all
Reply By: Member - Stephen L- Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 13:35
Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 13:35
Hi harry56
One the passenger side firewall, about 2/3 down, you will see the main wiring loom. All I did was made a small hole with a screwdriver through the rubber plug, passed the wiring through the hole and then siliconed the wiring, to keep the area free of water.
Reply By: Hero - Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 14:10
Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 14:10
Be sure to use good thick wiring, as I found out recently I regretably used different types of wire for each light and quite clearly had a much duller light with the thinner wire.
Reply By: Member - Alastair D (NSW) - Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 16:58
Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 16:58
The best thing is to run your
driving lights via a relay which is connected direct to the battery via a fuse. This means the heavy current wiring is short. The wire from the relay to the switch only needs to be thin and is easy to sneak inside as said above. You can connect the relay in 2 ways both of which will have the
driving lights go off when you dip the headlights with the normal switch - legal requirement.
1. Connect the hot side of the relay to the highbeam wire direct at the headlight. Then the wire going inside goes to the switch and then to earth. This requires a relay like Bosch which is insulated and not direct to earth. This method is easier as you do not have to cut into the wiring under the dash.
2. Connect the earth of the relay to the chassis and the wire to inside goes to the high beam wire via a switch.
Don't be tempted to just direct switch the
driving lights. Any good rego
check will
check that they go off with the dip switch.
Fuse size? 2 x 100w = 200w requires 16.6amp use a 25A fuse
2 x 150w = 300w requires 25amp use 30A
hope this helps