Water tanks
Submitted: Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 19:18
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Hi all great site just joined and i do hope to meet some members and enjoy times out and socialy, i have a question i need some help with, we have installed in the back of our pajero a 73lt hard plastic caravan
water tank built into our drawers section and plumbed to front rear for hot or cold showers and to the rear tap for drinking the other we filled it and when out on the weekend stoped for a coffee question,,, that water tasted slightly yuk as the wife says,,, so how do i fix this problem please urgent .... paul
Reply By: Member - Stephen L- Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 19:28
Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 19:28
Hi pajeropaul
you could find mixing citric acid to the full tank, making sure the acid is completely disolved. let it stand for 12 hours or so, then completelt drain the system and then flush with clean water. You will find that the citric acid will clean the tank and the lines and make it nice and fresh. It will not harm the plastic and will make a world of difference to the taste of the water coming out of the system.
Follow Up By: Member - uncle - Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 19:51
Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 19:51
We did all of the above plus used a little bi carb soda,let the water in the tank (full), sit for 3 days and then flushed and filled again. You MUST however let the tap you fill from run for a couple of moments to get all the stale water out! Not a worry now water tastes great!!
Reply By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 19:47
Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 19:47
I have done a similar installation in the Surf. Works
Firstly though:
1. Use only "Food safe hose" for EVERYTHING.
2. If the food safe hose is exposed to sunlight in you're installation, wrap it up with black electrical tape to stop algea growing in it.
3. Always FILL your tank with food safe hose (I have a 20m in the garage for filling up at
home and carry a 10m in the tool box for top ups in caravan parks etc).
If you fill you're tank up with garden hose it'll taste disgusting and it's quite hard to get the taste out sometimes. Also if you let light in ANYWHERE to your tank system, you will get bleep growing in it, make sure there is no light. I thought the blue
drinking water hose would have blocked out the light, but it doesn't. Just hold it up and look in, you can see the light shinging through.
To get rid of the taste, I find that just putting in a small amount of household bleach into the water normally gets rid of those weird tastes, if it's really bad put a heap of bleach in, drain, flush and refil.
Follow Up By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 15:18
Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 15:18
It's a funny thing........ I have 20 litre and a 10 litre clear plastic gerry cans in the back of my Patrol. They are always filled with rain water using our garden hose. The 10 litre unit sits on the side, under the cargo side window and has a length of food-grade hose with a simple black garden irrigation tap near the end (with another 6" or so of the food hose from the tap to a snap-on male fitting).
The water sits there in the sun etc and we never have any bad taste. I guess it's because I'm forever refilling it every other weekend.
The 20 litre container is mounted permanently behind the Engel, up against the back of the passengers'
seat. It has green garden hose plumbed out of it's outlet, also to the back of the cargo area with a similar tap and extra bit of hose etc. No taste from that water either.....and that water tends to sit there for several months at a time without being used. It does not get the same amount of direct sunlight as the 10 litre gerry can.
So, I'm not sure about all these claims of algae etc......not saying it doesn't happen; it's just never happened to me (yet)..... The again, being from SA, maybe even algae-contaminated water tastes okay when you you're used to the chit that comes out of our taps here!!! hahahaha
Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 17:33
Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 17:33
I can here what you're saying, when I was using a plastic water bottle instead of the tank I never had any algea problems wither, but I know it deffinatally grows as it was all thorugh my hoses!! I taped them all up with black electrical tape and flushed with bleach and it's been good ever since...
Follow Up By: Brew69(SA) - Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 17:40
Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 17:40
I always fill up with the garden hose lol....no complaints yet.
Reply By: Pilbara Wayne - Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 22:59
Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 at 22:59
Heaps of caravanners use the black poly pipe to fill their tanks as they say there is no taste in it like the normal garden hose. Its a bit harder to carry though.
You can also get commercial tank cleaners to clean out the taste. I've used one called Tank Clean and with liberal rinsing the taste has not been a problem even when using the garden hose. But I did do as above and let it run for a bit before filling.
Reply By: Member - Coyote (SA) - Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 10:21
Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 10:21
I use a product called "Miltons" It's designed for cleaning baby bottles but it is perfect for this appllication andnd y camelbacks too.. buy it in coles/woolies etc..
Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 12:08
Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 12:08
Yeah, brew kit steriliser's the same thing too, they are all kinda like bleach.
Depending on you're setup, it might even be easier to use the powerdered brew kit steriliser and just put a couple of teaspoons in.
Reply By: snailbait (Blue mntns) - Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 16:12
Monday, Jun 26, 2006 at 16:12
hi pajeropaul
the problem you have is because of the clorine content of the water the hose for you have is being attacked by the clorine the food safe hose is no good you should go to a caravan place and aske for
drinking water safe hose its blue colour and has
drinking water safe printed on the hose