Radiator screens

Submitted: Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 14:53
ThreadID: 3873 Views:4625 Replies:8 FollowUps:3
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A question for you outbackers. I'll be crossing the continent in July Aug and getting pretty remote. I haven't noticed any commercial grass/insect radiator screens in the market place nor do see any in the pictures of your rigs. I'm wondering how many really use them, how essential are they ( I imagine they can act as a protective barrier a bit like headlight covers), there are some pretty fancy coolers in behind that grill.
Is there something in the market place thats easy to slip out and clean ?? I'm driving a 3 Lt TD GU.
So little time and so much to do.
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Reply By: FATBOY - Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 15:12

Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 15:12
Totota make one so I'd imagine Nissan do too.
I can tell you firsthand it's a whole lot easier removing a screen and cleaning spinifex seeds than trying to get them from your cooler or radiator without damaging cores.
Even something home made from flyscreen and cable tied will do the trick (that's all I have).Fatboy
AnswerID: 15310

Reply By: SteveA - Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 18:20

Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 18:20
I've read some where that its not a good idea to put a radiator screen in front of a turbo, not enough air getting through to engine bay. Turbo gets to hot!! If I'm wrong I'm sure that someone will let it be known.
AnswerID: 15313

Follow Up By: Wazza - Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 19:03

Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 19:03

you are right, although I have one on my turbo 80 series and it was installed by the guy who owned before me. I have had it for two years and had no problems with temperature. Previous owner crossed the Simpson with it installed and had no problems either. Much easier to pick out grass seeds from the screen than the radiator! I think it is an ARB, as I saw one in the store that is almost identical when my mate put one on his Jeep. I think they are around $70 at ARB. Guy at ARB recommended no to put it on a turbo as well, however as I have not had problems it has stayed.Cheers,
FollowupID: 9322

Reply By: Member - Peter- Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 18:34

Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 18:34
I have a Screen fitted but have recently conected a small air gun with hose that I can fit to my spear tyre (once pumped to around 70psi)and use this to blow seeds etc out from the rear of the radiator plus also good for a quick air filter clean on the track.
( saw this idea in a magazine resently ) the whole setup cost me under $20 Peter York 4x4
AnswerID: 15315

Reply By: David - Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 20:44

Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 20:44
It's quite simple really- what do you reckon you'd prefer
1. you start to run a bit hot so you stop, get out and clean out your mesh screen in front of your grille.
2. you start to run a bit hot so you stop, and get out to find your radiator is clogged with insects/grass seeds or whatever- if you can work out how to clean it in the bush you're better than me!!!
I know which I'd prefer...............
AnswerID: 15328

Reply By: Truckster - Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 20:58

Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 20:58
Its not recommended to run Bug screens on Turbo cars.. This is from ARB and from TJM stores down here.

Since yours is a GU TD I wouldnt risk it.

AnswerID: 15334

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 23:52

Sunday, Mar 16, 2003 at 23:52
Thanks fellas for your good and honest input. You have alerted me to something of which I was not sure, that is about the critical temperatures of TD's. A little something that will help and I failed to reveal was that I have an intercoolr fitted. My plan is now this - find out the optimum running temperature and critical variations, fit a calibrated VDO temp gauge. Test run the vehicle until normal operating temperature and then slip in a screen and watch for any differences with free air flow from the gauge. The screen I invisage would not be like mosquito screen but more a close mesh grill. It's a bit extreme, but there are audible alarms that can be fitted that go off at certain temps, you can also get them for oil pressure, they scare the hell out of you when they go off though, I guess that's what the're supposed to do.
I'll keep you posted with any significant info.
So much to do and so little time.
FollowupID: 9345

Reply By: just - Monday, Mar 17, 2003 at 12:31

Monday, Mar 17, 2003 at 12:31
Cocka, I installed aluminium flyscreen wire between the grill and radiator 2.5 years ago and installed 4 spots in the centre section of the factory steel bull bar when I purchased my 3.0 GU.
I usually sit on 110 to 120 kmh on the highway (did the Hay Plain late December last year with temp in the 40's and the temp gauge didn't budge from normal.
AnswerID: 15362

Reply By: PeteG - Monday, Mar 17, 2003 at 17:37

Monday, Mar 17, 2003 at 17:37
Fitted screen obtained from Nissan on front of my GU II 3.0l and have had no issues with running hotter (Std alloy bar plus UPF rectangular spots). This screen is an expanded mesh approx 3mm x 5mm fitted to front of grille. Had to cut it around the Nissan Logo mid grille. Think it is easier to clean this screen than radiator core. Most of my running is on road and hence comments relate to bugs only.
I have not protected the slots in the lower part of the bar and seem to get minimal bugs on the cores.

If you were working off road in grass then you could try placing something similar over any such holes. I feel that going to flywire would be too restrictive.

Ditto comments made above about no problems with mine even in very hot weather all day in 45 degrees C.

Pete G
AnswerID: 15383

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 at 00:08

Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 at 00:08
Thanks Pete, sounds fairly similar to what I had in mind now. At first I was looking to fit something on the inside to make it unobtrusive but it would be a little difficult to remove. I will finish the edges with split rubber piping and hold it back with cable ties. I'll also use the same mesh to close the gap between the bottom of the radiator forward to the bottom of the bull bar. That should then stop the possibility of any grass or sharp objects protruding up from below.

Thanks for your input fellas.
FollowupID: 9389

Reply By: dougie - Monday, Mar 17, 2003 at 19:50

Monday, Mar 17, 2003 at 19:50
3 years ago in perth i put an ARB cover on the pajero and hit a Locast/grasshopper storm near salmon gums, It saved us, there were so many dead bugs allover the car the wheels started to shake. Unf*** believable . The missus had a dip, coase every time I go to ARB i come out with somthing she cannot see the value for. Works great it sits on the outside of the grill and is cable tied on Not hightech but works, You could also run the old standby shade cloth cable tied in the bull bar.that will get most of it.
AnswerID: 15400

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