(Melbourne) Cheap Tires

Submitted: Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 15:08
ThreadID: 4014 Views:3047 Replies:6 FollowUps:18
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TTF (The Tyre Factory) in Bundoora.

They will do 35x12.5x15 Goodyear MTR's for $265ea! Thats ~$30 cheaper than the best price i had on 33's!!!

Track2 rims for $50 new in 15x8's!!

Thought I would share the deals with others.

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Reply By: Scott - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 19:23

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 19:23
Most dealers realise they are illegal and with the big crackdown coming on ADR rule breakers in all states dealers want to unload all the items that are illegal to fit. Was an all states meeting only 2 weeks ago to establish nationwide guidelines. Was reported well in local paper but have not seen it on TV or Courier Mail. I actually had the Victorian and NSW guys in my bus and the Victorian guys are really going to be gung-ho on all vehicles that do not comply because of so many vandal issues. 4WD and hotted cars after 1992 will be prime targets. About time they got rid of all these dangerous 4WD and hotted up cars. The number of idiot 4WD vehicles around the traps that are going to be shut down should fix a lot of the environmental vandalism and the hoons as well.
AnswerID: 15991

Follow Up By: Coops - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 19:38

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 19:38
Get a life !
FollowupID: 9772

Follow Up By: goodsy - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 20:28

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 20:28
Second that!
FollowupID: 9774

Follow Up By: William - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 20:58

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 20:58
This is a great initiative to prosecute all the illegally fitted accessories, tyres and all other components like modified exhaust systems on all motor vehicles. We have a training session in two weeks to teach us all the ADR rules and can and cannot haves. The enforcement will be ongoing and is a major crack down in all states with uniform state rules being inacted. The number of fatals that are by modified vehicles is over the odds.
4WD environmental vandalism is going to be targeted at weekends by a select group of newly trained officers and will be in force in all states within twelve weeks.
New decible meters for modified exhaust and sound system noise have been purchased along with new portable pollution meters to detect which cars have been modified and for incomplete burning caused by poorly maintained diesel injection systems. There will be specific patrols setup with proper equipment for vehicles over 5 tonne.
Cannot say not before time and the force is pleased as we have been pushing for a long time to get this up.
FollowupID: 9775

Follow Up By: goodsy - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 21:40

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 21:40
"This is a great initiative to prosecute all the illegally fitted accessories"
Sounds like a money maker for the Gov. Just when I thought they had gone far enough. Of course you will be handing out warnings not fines right. Don't think so.
FollowupID: 9782

Follow Up By: ThePublican - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 21:52

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 21:52
And the rights of the idividual will be trodden on so that the unelected "public servant" can practice his "Saddam " tactics in the mistaken belief they are saving the environment for future generations,,, lovely,soon the only place the general public will be able to see REAL nature is on tv or in a museum,, conform ,conform ,conform ,under no circumstance be an individual responsible for their own actions.
FollowupID: 9785

Follow Up By: Chip - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:10

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:10
They're bombing the absolute crap out of one another in some parts of the world today, Terrorism WILL become a major threat in our lives, North Korea could possibly want to nuke us and others, and you wankers are worried about the size of some blokes tyres. PLLLEEASE !!!
Get a grip William, Scott and whoever else wants to get on their bandwagon. It's blokes like you make me want to go out and buy the biggest set of rubber I can fit under my guards and park outside your house just to get a reaction. Instead I'll just continue being the environmentally conscious person that I am. BUT, I WILL be running 285/75R16 Mud Terrains, because several times a week I drive over mudflats or along the beach, a minimum of a coupla times a year thru the desert, always along previous tracks and always with permission from traditional owners and station owners.
Bite me you ridiculous pair of pricks without a hint of a clue !!!
I've got news for ya fellas - the government is so #@$%ng broke it can't even afford to put a reasonable amount of patrol cars on the road, preferring the easier option of cameras, and they can't do a vehicle inspection can they? The monarch sure as bleep can't find me in the desert so I reckon you can keep pulling yourselves all the way home after your precious meetings and I'll just keep driving along at the speed limit and we'll all live happily ever after.
FollowupID: 9787

Follow Up By: Truckster - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:26

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:26

Im more worried about the USA than other sides... they have killed more poms and aussies and their own side than anything....

Part of Bushs take over the world plan....?
FollowupID: 9788

Follow Up By: Truckster - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:36

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:36
Care factor on the war personally is 0.

Wish they were like sports reports just ONCE a day have the final results.

Christmas has come early for TV stations... They LOVE it.. bragging about it being live, dribbling the same crap hour after hour, nothing new then 1 minute little thign happens they analize it for HOURS..


Nothing we say or do is going to change things, Bush has cremated us all, as has that little piece of excrament Howard. He wanted to play with the big boys and feel important for once.
FollowupID: 9790

Follow Up By: GaryInOz - Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:45

Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:45
I would say by the inferrence about "...4WD environmental vandalism..." that you align yourself with the Green movement. At a guess have a house in the bush somewhere and just blend in with the background.....

Remember one thing. A lot of the fire track maintanance and clearing is done by 4WDers in persuit of their recreation, so if you want to criticize our vehicles, or our chosen form of recreation, think about the recent fires in the North-East of Victoria and Canberra and the fire tracks that were probably used to save peoples house.

Probably even someone you know....
FollowupID: 9900

Reply By: Truckster - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:09

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:09
Most dealers realise they are illegal and with the big crackdown coming on ADR rule breakers in all states dealers want to unload all the items that are illegal to fit.
1) they are not illegal to fit
2) they are not illegal to run either if your car is engineered for 35's...
3) they didnt have them in stock, had to order them in from Goodyear, so there goes the unloading theory too.
4) is it school holidays already?

Was an all states meeting only 2 weeks ago to establish nationwide guidelines.
That has been happening for 8 years now.. Its already supposed to be in place.

...and the Victorian guys are really going to be gung-ho on all vehicles that do not comply because of so many vandal issues.
So what is a Vandal Issue?

4WD and hotted cars after 1992 will be prime targets
Good mines 91.

About time they got rid of all these dangerous 4WD and hotted up cars.
Trolling well I must admit... Full of bleep , and no idea what he is talking about, but trolling well.

The number of idiot 4WD vehicles around the traps that are going to be shut down should fix a lot of the environmental vandalism and the hoons as well.
I bet this troll doesnt even have a push bike! is it school holidays already?
AnswerID: 16003

Reply By: Scott - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:15

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:15
Guys I have cast my eyeballs over the regs and viewed the demo from a distance. Items are tyres wheels suspension body lifts exhaust systems and engine modification. I have taken the chip out of my Nissan to get it back to standard after I saw the demonstration how they will be checking vehicle pollution readings for modifications. Chipped vehicles are well out of the ADR guidelines and you will receive a ticket. I drove the guys in the bus and watched the demonstration.

FOR SALE Cheap Diatronic Nissan chip.
AnswerID: 16005

Follow Up By: Truckster - Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:30

Monday, Mar 24, 2003 at 22:30
Since you dont want it I'll offer you $10. Its "illegal to use".... so its not worth more than that.

Oh by the way all these rules have been coming in since Jesus played fullback for Jerusalem....
FollowupID: 9789

Follow Up By: GaryInOz - Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003 at 13:05

Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003 at 13:05
Careful Scott, It might also be illegal to SELL them as well. Why don't you just be a real nice person and GIVE them to Truckster.....
FollowupID: 9902

Reply By: Truckster - Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 09:52

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 09:52
Anyway .

Anyone after cheap 33x12.5x15 MTR's try Goodyear in Morrabbin.. Ask for Michael the manager..

$250ea... Best price I got before that was $270! Interestingly he wouldnt match the 35's price, said he would only make $4 per tire at $265... How do places do it....?
AnswerID: 16040

Follow Up By: diamond - Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 19:53

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 19:53
hiya truckster are the prices he gave you fitted and balanced tyre disposal ect the reason i ask is it costs us $5 just to get rid rid of 4wd tyres and $2.20 for passanger we by a lot of mags from ttf and they told us with trade we get centre caps and wheel nuts for free where if you bye as the general public they charge extra for them pieces.if that is fitted ect thats not a bad price at all and there working on turn over.

as for war i think iraqis have killed a 4 british
the yanks have killed 12
FollowupID: 9842

Follow Up By: Truckster - Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 22:12

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 22:12
yea fitted and balanced....

as for the war, DILLIGAF... Bored of it, I just want the final score at the end of it, its not like you can change channels on the bloody TV to get away from it.
FollowupID: 9860

Reply By: diamond - Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 20:38

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 20:38
nothing to do with the tyres trukster just a little more flame for the illegal vehicle fire.i had a recent meeting at work with vic roads oficial and vacc official beause i had two major hasles with roadworthy laws.
1.a recent roadworthy blitz in bendigo seen me doing about 15 roadworthys in1 week i normally do maybe 5 out of them 15 im guessing 9-10 were young guys in late model falcon/commodores where the cops had canaried them for being to low or wheels to wide now out of them 9-10 i think 2 didnt pass for for other reasons mainly tyre wear ect but not one had wheels to wide or to low.and the other 5 yes they were unroadworthy.on the day they came down and i was whinging to vic roads about the cops who really shouldnt be roadworthing cars i showed them a few cars we had in the work shop and just how dangerous they were and showed them my roadworthy books with all the passed cars i had done the other week with the blitz and that brings me to my next bit the reason we had the guy from vacc down was they are the group who try to get things in the automotive trade organised (not that they achieve much)my main winge being that if a down pipe on my house falls of i have to get a licenced plumber to come put it back up at $70hr and call out fee(not that i would pay)but if i pick the absalute crap out of a car the customer can drive it to his mates house (yeh me mates a mechanic)and fix any thing i pick. it dosnt matter its only a car what damage is it going to do if that front end the guys mate (yeh the mechanic) falls out because he forgot to tighten the steering rack nut.as oposed to my down pipe falling and hitting me on the head.so any way i was sugesting to the guys that all mechanical work shoould be done bye a qualified mechanic working in a regestered buisness there fore making cars safer answer YEH WE WORKING ON THAT SHOULD BE HAPPENING IN THE NEXT 5 YEARS what an absalute joke now truckster you have big lift ect and would you say your car is more un safe than that little car sitting next to you at the lights with 4 bald tyres/ rusted out floor/ball joint about to fall out and brakes metal to metal i dont think so so really where is the sense in picking on blokes like you and others who have big(safe)mods to there cars and if the guy in the post above this is right about blitzing 1992 onward vehicles(cool mines a 1990 so im also safe lol)is fair dinkum dont you think it would be more appropriate to pick on pre 1992 no why coz the idiots that make theese decisions havnt got a brain cell between them sorry if i bored you all but some people really get on my nerve.
AnswerID: 16095

Follow Up By: Truckster - Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 22:10

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 22:10
Na dude, Not bored! good post....

I agree.. As I say, I have no problems with rusty heaps of crap being scrapped, or bald tires, 3 brakes working and 1 with Vice Grips on, doors hanging off, etc...

But $1000 says that they will take 1 look at any modded 4b and pull them over and give them hell for no reason but to feel like men.. Most cops suffer from small bleep syndrome, thats why they become cops.

FollowupID: 9858

Follow Up By: diamond - Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 22:16

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 22:16
i must admit ive never had to road worthy a fourby because of cops canarying it mind you bendigo is quite a small place compared to mel the really only big mods ive seen up here is a new suzuki jimni with 31s wicked looking
FollowupID: 9862

Follow Up By: Truckster - Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 22:30

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 22:30
Only been to Bendigo once, that was in 92, it was HOT AS HELL...

some friends of a friends friend(I had a ute) moved to a house on the back of a property about 1 hour out of bendigo.. IT WAS HOT... there was no trees for about 100klms....
FollowupID: 9869

Reply By: diamond - Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 22:35

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 at 22:35
lol where a little bit bigger than that now (actually we from williamstown) and not so far behind lol but one thing hasnt changed its still efen hot
AnswerID: 16117

Follow Up By: Chip - Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:17

Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:17
We may all have to bring our fourbies to you for an inspection. At least you're rational.
What about the expense and inconvenience of getting that canary in the first instance when we've done everything by the book and been approved, then still getting a sticker.
I can sit out front of my joint any day/night of the week and watch some amazing and often high powered machines doing all sorts of things but my 4.2 Diesel with a 2" lift could soon get a sticker.
What is the deal with that?
More to the point - what can we do about it ?Chip
FollowupID: 9898

Follow Up By: Truckster - Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:55

Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:55
Diamond, chip has a good point, we shall all bring slabs with us to clear canaries!!!!


I agree 100%... we live in a court, and I think Ive witnessed more land speed records being broken here than the salt flats. One day my car will drive out in front of one of them, the skid marks should be enough for the police investigation unit to determine who was at fault.

What can we do???

I think All you can do is join a club, and get the 4wd association to remove their fingers from their freckles.. theres a larger voice with large numbers...
FollowupID: 9901

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