smelly fridge

Submitted: Monday, Jan 01, 2007 at 11:23
ThreadID: 40754 Views:3548 Replies:4 FollowUps:2
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Our fault (unknowingly) a warning to others
We run a waeco fridge(coolmatic) in our caravan and soon to be new van (and very happy with the product)just before trading our van in we did a last trip of 3nights ande some blood ran down to the bottom of the fridge form thawing meat when we got home we washed the fridge out but it developed a terrible smell we tried everything we knew and a few more tricks besides and still could not get rid of the smell my wife ended up using pure vanilla as a wipe down and finally smell went took van to dealer as trade in great van sat for a few days in hot sun smell comes back dealer does everything he knows and still the smell persisted finally he got the waeco Rep in and we find out 2 things

1 Blood has got into the insulation under the fridge that’s been removed and replaced
2 the blood / water wash up has absorbed into the door insulation through the door rubber which is 1 piece moulded with the door the dealer has even drilled holes top and bottom of the door and flushed it out and still the smell is there

So now they are replacing the door to remove the smell

So be warned

don’t let any moisture / blood /fishy type stuff get to the door or wipe it down straight away we have learnt by our mistakes

PS if you own an 80l our similar waeco fridge if you don’t know there is a small flat piece in the bottom if you open it there is a smell absorber??? In there and with a wash out it clears most smells

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Reply By: ev700 - Monday, Jan 01, 2007 at 13:23

Monday, Jan 01, 2007 at 13:23
Sorry about your experience with the Waeco, it sounds like poor design.

When I bought a big Evakool, the ease of cleaning and lack of 'hidden spots' to trap gunk were big considerations. For most of us mortals it is inevitable that something will leak one day.

Most fridge/freezer manufacturers could pay a lot more attention to those practicalities.

AnswerID: 212709

Reply By: handy - Monday, Jan 01, 2007 at 13:54

Monday, Jan 01, 2007 at 13:54
i keep a old towel in the bottom of my 110 waeco and just pull it out and give it a wash when it needs it.
AnswerID: 212719

Reply By: Member - Shane D (QLD) - Monday, Jan 01, 2007 at 18:54

Monday, Jan 01, 2007 at 18:54
Is your Waeco similar to a upright fridge,or "esky"type?
AnswerID: 212765

Follow Up By: Gob & Denny - Monday, Jan 01, 2007 at 20:02

Monday, Jan 01, 2007 at 20:02
goodday shane
fridge is an upright , 80l is esky type

FollowupID: 472978

Reply By: Member - Bucky (VIC) - Wednesday, Jan 03, 2007 at 04:51

Wednesday, Jan 03, 2007 at 04:51
Don't forget to use an open box/container of bi-carbonate of soda !
Kills the smells,,, works a treat
AnswerID: 212964

Follow Up By: Patrol22 - Wednesday, Jan 03, 2007 at 14:53

Wednesday, Jan 03, 2007 at 14:53
Another great trick for keeping a nice fresh any fridge (even at home) to wipe it out periodically a bit of vanilla essence.
FollowupID: 473268

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