Tuesday, Jan 02, 2007 at 02:11
If I appeared abrupt earlier, please forgive, as I was called away.(Long story: Black Books 'n Christmas.)
My point was going to be that we bought a little Mazda ,4 years ago, and virtually every page of the manuel carried a
hazard sign plus warning. Had I known that I was buying the Bride such a dangerous item, I'm sure we would have bought a horse instead.
(now THAT would have been worthy of the odd warning alarm !)
To return to Rotord's post: he sought advice re flocculents. Perhaps I presume too much; perhaps he thinks clear water equates to drinkable water. Hmm. I feel that he is a tad more intlgnt than that.
Wilankurgab (mongrel handle for us wun finga typists, mate), uses same chemical in a totally different situation. No problems.
Captain, you mentioned that there may be other, more appropriate systems available. Perhaps Rotord, Willy and meself would all benefit the environment should you be inclined to show us the light.
(Just my little dig here. I get really depressed when some idiot asks a question on this
forum, and is promptly told to buggeroff and see 'Parting Of The Red [sorry: Dead] Sea Scrolls', skin 3, scroll 7, reconstituted hairyglyph mcixl.(sub clause ~^)
Thanks Captain, mainly in jest; just a little in earnest
And yes Mike H., the drugs still work for me old son.
Best wishes to all who seek clear water in
'07. (and good luck to those who seek clean water). Jeff. h.