1997 Prado speedo problems HELP please
Submitted: Tuesday, Jan 02, 2007 at 14:59
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I have a 1997 toyota prado and was wondering if anyone here maybe able to help me. Problem is the speedometer on the dash works sometimes and other times doesn't, rest of dash works fine but as far as Km or speed nothing works. taping it sometimes makes it come good till it just drops out again.
I have rang toyota and they say maybe it is a speed sensor unit problem, i seem to think something is loose. They have quoted $420 for the speed sensor unit then more to be installed.
If anyone has had this problem or maybe able to help me it would be much appreciated. Chris
Reply By: obee - Tuesday, Jan 02, 2007 at 21:37
Tuesday, Jan 02, 2007 at 21:37
Hi Chris
Sounds like you have an electronic speedo if tapping it gets a result. Just like my monitor that goes out of sync until I slap it a few times.
The sensor is not in the dash obviously, because it will be a Hall Effect device that responds to something revolving like the output shaft on the gearbox. I like it when you ring up the "experts" and they say "maybe it's....".
If you are mechanically inclined you could take the dash apart and use some electrical contact cleaner on the plugs behind the instrument panel and visually inspect them for signs of not so clean where the contacts are. Trying a borrowed speedo that we know is working would tell us something of course but difficulties aquiring one is a prob.
Nothing else I can think of apart from trying an auto sparky who would make more sense than Toyota lackies. Look for someone who is old enough to aquire experience but not so old as to have gone shell shock when they introduced all this electronic stuff that no one really wants. (just kidding)
Oh, taking a look at the wiring and connector at the sensor end might discover something but I think that shock treat that you have used to get it to respond tells me otherwise.
An electronics teacher once told me that ninety per cent of electronic problems are actually mechanical like connections and bad solder joints so we live in hope.
I only recently fixed a noisy speedo in my hilux by pouring penetrating oil down the cable and into the hub on the back of the speedo. I feel good now knowing I dont have electronic version.
Sorry I cant be on any further assistance. Just an amateur here is me.
Reply By: crykies - Tuesday, Jan 02, 2007 at 21:51
Tuesday, Jan 02, 2007 at 21:51
thanks owen :)
I have had the dash apart and the speedo out and inspected it visualy even driving around
the block fiddling with wire to no sucess. One thing is when it hit bumps on the Rd it comes on and hit another bump off it goes, but looking under the body at the sensor it's self all the wires look fine to eye though somewhere between the sensor and the ECU i think is a fault (have gone away from the dash) i hit the drivers side floor with my foot hard and can get it to come on and off so to me somewhere under the body and between the trans where i think the wires enter the cab is a fault. So wish i had a hoist.
Anyway thanks i spent most of the day out there with the multimeter and got realy nowhere :( don't want to take it to Mr Toyota they say even to look at it $99 a hour on labour. I don't know any good auto electricians here in
brisbane but it may be the way to go.
Cheers Chris