LPG Tuning
Submitted: Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 15:22
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Had this prob last year and paid an absolute fortune to get it fixed...didnt even last 12 months so wanna try someting else if possible....
ONLY on LPG : revs are all over the place.....sometimes revs are on 2k - 4k but are ok after we fill up - will sit on 6k.....
does it when its warm, cold, anytime it feels like it BUT DOESNT DO IT ON PETROL...I switch to petrol if it gets really bad then a minute or 2 later go back to LPG and its ok for (the majority of the time) the rest of the trip....which is mainly just around town.....
Its getting worse i reckon cos i use to be able to put the a/c on and it would get the revs up but now it wont even do that.....
got any idea's if it needs new plugs or leads or anything....got a few days without the hubby and need something to do - apart from set up the cot in bub's room!
Reply By: GQ_TUFF - Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 15:34
Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 15:34
laura, This is not really beneficial to you but I was forever chasing tuning problems on my duel fuel GQ. PITA sometimes and wonder if the cost savings are worth it. That helped me take the plunge and buy the diesel patrol.
I would have a look at the gas flow and mixture, but as I was warned about very small adjustments can have big effects!!
Good luck
Follow Up By: Diver1 - Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 15:40
Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 15:40
Can ya do that ya self do ya know???
couldnt believe the guy charged us $500 odd to fix it but bloody hell hey!!! if we gotta do this every 12 months then ill run the thing on petrol!!
Thanks anyway....
Follow Up By: GQ_TUFF - Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 15:54
Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 15:54
Depends on your set up, on my old GQ I had the round air filter on top of the carby but yours is fuel injected so I would be sure it would be different. Anyway the gas flow on
mine was adjustable by a bolt on the top of air filter (just before the thingy that mixes the air and gas not sure what it is called) but it was clearly marked as "gas flow" and had notches to
check how much you had adjusted.
The mix was done by a screw in the dead center of the air filter again on top of the mixer thingy, you can
check if its the right one by putting some pressure on the screw driver and the car should want to stall (like turning the idle down on petrol). But no marks for see how far you have adjusted, I always went no more than a quarter turn at a time and went for a quick drive to see any benefit. But as I said this was all on a carby motor not a FI motor so this maybe just crap to yourself, Plus it was always a challenge to get the timing right as
well, but again not sure if you can adjust that yourself on the 80 series
cheers Stefan
Reply By: Member - gary F (SA) - Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 17:12
Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 17:12
Before adjusting and replacing plugs and leads try all of your vacuum hose's and tighten all inlet manifold bolts.With your hose's try cutting the ends off if you have enough length (only 13mil or so )old hose's go hard and can cause air leaks (fords r bad for it).
Check all around ur air cleaner hosing for small cracks or splits any where air can get in.This may help before costing your pocket first
Reply By: luch - Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 22:21
Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 22:21
What was done last time you had this problem ?
$500 sounds like they must have installed a new kit in the Converter or the Mixer, they can go unexpectedly as the diaphragms crack, wax inside, ect
Reply By: 1arm - Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 23:30
Saturday, Jan 06, 2007 at 23:30
LauraMine did something similar a few years ago.
I spoke to a guy who I work with who used to be a gas fitter.
He suggested cleaning out the little bowl .Now I cant really tell you what its called as im not that mechanically minded. However after turning the tap off at the tank and running out the gas with him I removed the bowl where there was a small magnet to attract any iron fillings from the tank. This was covered in filings and after cleaning this off the motor has run fine ever since.
Reply By: FZJ 80 - Sunday, Jan 07, 2007 at 21:48
Sunday, Jan 07, 2007 at 21:48
Tell me about the revs. 2k,4k,6k. Do you mean X1000rpm? Disturbing if it's the case, 6000 rpm? If this is the case i suspect jambing throttle butterfly,worth checking asap.
I have just recieved instructions for fitting a relay that inhibits fast idle on your engine,basically fitting the relay stops the fast idle that some 80 series manuals 92-Dec94 can suffer from.
Mine is a 94,gas fitted in 2005 and the fitter did not fit the relay.
Mine occasionally will hold a fast idle on backing off or putting clutch in. This mod only applies to Manuals,not for autos.
Follow Up By: Diver1 - Monday, Jan 08, 2007 at 15:50
Monday, Jan 08, 2007 at 15:50
sorry my stuff up.....200 - 400 rpm.....sorry....and its a manual...