Wednesday, Jan 10, 2007 at 07:30
actually only the last few hundred metres of the track are closed to vehicles now. It is bouldered off at the drop off above the old
carpark. Altihough this 'robs' you of a nice little drive at the end, I reckon this is actually a good thing as it allows you to take in the place a bit better as you walk to and fro. However, it could restrict access for many less mobile people which is a downer, you can not enjoy the place as much from the new
carpark. Yeah keep kids close, there are some sheer drops a long way down.
You can get there off the Bells Line of Road via the Old Bells Line of Road, which you pick up after crossing the railway at the Zig Zag turn RHS of
carpark. Stay on the main track then after about 13 km or so, turn right at the major
T junction, if you go left you will end up in
Lithgow. Shortly after the T you will come to the Bungleboori
campsite (on your right) and Blackfellows' Hands track opposite it on your left. Take that track and the first left (almost immediately) and as mentioned, keep to the LHS tracks to get to
the Lost City.
I would not recommend you stay at Bungleboori unless desperate (esp on weekends) as there can be too many dirt bikes around. They need a place for
recreation too and this place works for them but I would not even stop there for a cuppa. Depending if you are on your own or not just find a spot along Blackfellows' Hands track and
bush camp. Obviously you can also pick up Blackfellowss Hands Trail from the Lidsdale end (where the "Cave" is) and do the trek that way. Beautiful bit of bush that.