I gotta sidewall fixed
Submitted: Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 18:50
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Member - Davoe (Nullagine)
About 9 monthsago I holed a brand new MTR through the sidewall requiring 4 plugs to stop the bleeding. Thinking it was a throwaway job I ept it going as long as it stayed up. Recently it went down and I rang the closest tyre store for a price on a newy. Typical of todays serice standards he neer got back to me and as a long sot I took it to Dan West Rubber CO retreaders and repairers where I got told no worries and it was repaired ith the slit vulcanised for 60 bux - way ceaper than a newy
Reply By: Member - Willie , Epping .Syd. - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 19:36
Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 19:36
Davoe ,
All the tyre repairers have told me it's illegal and they will not touch them . Did this guy give you any info in that direction ?
Cheers ,
Willie .
Follow Up By: Member - Ian W (NSW) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 20:17
Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 20:17
Like you I've been told that sidewall repairs are illegal, but then other
services have told me that it's "plugging" sidewalls that is not on.
I have now had three sidewall vulcanisation jobs done by StMarys Tyre Service on the Great Wester Highway, just on the Penrith side of the shopping centre.
I still have an open mind as to wether its legal or not, however its saved me heaps.
Follow Up By: Member - Andrew W (SA) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 20:34
Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 20:34
For sure it is not a question of legality.
The repairer however, has to stake (sorry about the pub) his reputation and insurance on the repair ... and the remote chance that if a blow out caused an accident, he would to work through his negligence or liability ...
plus, the profit on a new tyre or tire depending on the brand.
Reminds me of the
Erldunda Roadhouse who claim that their insurance won't let them repair tyres - just replace them. I've checked in the industry and the consensus is that that is pure unadulterated male bovine faeces ... and that laziness and profiteering reigns supreme. Needless to say I make sure I never need to stop there nowadays - not for anything.
Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Nullagine) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 22:02
Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 22:02
yes he did willie he mentioned about a certain distance from the bead and he sid my
puncture right in the middle of the sidewall was fine, Dont believe all you hear but thats what he said
Follow Up By: handy - Saturday, Jan 13, 2007 at 09:17
Saturday, Jan 13, 2007 at 09:17
i used to get a lot of sidewall rips chasing pigs years ago and a place in
broken hill would fix them up as long as it wasnt near the tread. 30 bucks a pop.
Reply By: Member - Darren T (VIC) - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 20:21
Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 20:21
I was under the impression they couldn`t and shouldn't be fixed as
well. Apparently a high risk of blow out. I had a bike tyre that was 2 days old, had run over a small peice of steel rod that went through the bottom and out the sidewall. Took it in to the
shop and they wouldn`t touch it, or even put in a tube. Had to buy another tyre for another $250 :(
Reply By: Bilbo - Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 21:15
Friday, Jan 12, 2007 at 21:15
Yep - I had tthe same thing at K Mart in
Karratha. I had a tyre on the rear of 100 Series that needed to be turned on the rim to even out the worn shoulder. They wouldn't do it. I asked 'em why not? They said it was all to do with liability, the tyre would be weakened etc, etc ad nauseum and all that toss.
I am so sick of this crap that I got right down his neck, told him I was an ex-mechanic, used to do ALL my own tyres, knew almost every rip off trick in the book,,,,,,,,AND THIS WAS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE YOU #$$%@@&**G HASSELLOLE!!
In the end I got him to agree with me!. So I then told him !##^&& OFF and I'd do it myself and I'd never buy a tyre from K Mart again - I'd freight 'em up from
Perth first! Mind you, I've never bought a tyre from K Mart ever 'n prolly never will!
They make me vomit. They act so superior and think they know everything and you know nothing!
Up 'em, I say
Reply By: Rod W - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 12:10
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 12:10
I just last week put a BFG in for two major sidewall repairs. Have had several tyres repaired this way. As has been said above the repairer has to guarantee their work. The only thing I've noticed that happens as the tyre gets older is they develop a bulge on the tread/goes out of round.