What your car says about you

Submitted: Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 14:06
ThreadID: 41391 Views:2525 Replies:6 FollowUps:5
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Passionate and romantic, you fancy yourself. A bit unreliable, and can be eccentric too. You hate BMW drivers, but think and act just like them.


You would like to believe you are part of the new generation that is caring, environmentally conscious and family-orientated. Actually quite boring; nothing more than a glorified wuss. Will one day probably drive a Merc, but you still sometimes wonder if you shouldn't have bought that Bee-Em.


Self-centred, ambitious, dynamic and assertive. Can be a big show-off pig. Likes impressing too. Buppies and kugels past sell-by date. You think you will be CEO one day. Actually an office weenie who thinks you are God's gift.


Faceless, subservient and demure (except for Matiz drivers). To you, a good deal is to work from nine to five, get nothing for it, and still say thank you. And then you wonder why you don't have money for a time after hours.


Cute self-confident girls climbing the corporate ladder with ball-breaking as their hidden agenda. Will take everything you own if she divorces you.


You still live in the 70's, trying to cope with the 90's (don't even mention the millennium). A loyal, diligent worker, but baffled by office politics and labour policies. Next car will probably also be a Ford.


You are the ultimate on-road wanker. You think your 80s model Commodore is a V8 supercar, OR you think by owning a Barina you’re a true Holden fan. You’re either a redneck or a way-too-standard family parent – but either way, you most likely drive like you’re the only person on the road. You’re even ignorant enough to argue that the new Commodore is better than the new Ford.


You aspire to drive a BMW. You are an opinionated pain-in-the-butt. The ultimate suffragette, or the boss's girlfriend (male or female!).


You like the smell of diesel and have secret fantasy of being a truck driver.

Hyundai /Kia

Quite progressive, intelligent and practical. But misguided. The kind of person who will suggest a sub-committee to find solutions to what the committee couldn't. You will always maintain that a Korean car is better than any Japanese model.


You would like to believe you are living the American dream and just love the great outdoors. The closest you get to it is by watching Days of Our Lives and the Adventure Channel.

Land Rover

You are a designer person with a designer life, who always pays too much for everything. Designer mud comes free with the badge. You're a closet colonial racist and have fantasies about the Queen. If you have a Freelander, it was probably a break-up gift from your ex.


A Ford driver with less money. Mostly staid boring with no image and less imagination. Lots of retired people drive Mazdas. You're in the way and should get off the road.


Responsible, immaculate and conservative. Boring CEO clones with too much money, or the office super-geek who can't remember what it's like to have fun. Definitely not dating material.


Good, solid, responsible, loyal office-fodder. You like to travel and maintain that you can sell ice to the Eskimos. Favourite answer: "It's a company car."


Not as label-conscious as your Land Rover counterpart, but still suckered into believing in the ultimate Paris-to-Dakar, African adventure. You drive through puddles to create your own designer mud. You believe you've made the grade, but everyone else knows you've got a long way to go.


Thinks France is the best country in the world and bores everybody with your limited French knowledge and tales of the Louvre and the Sourbonne.


Small d*ck or mid-life crisis.


An eccentric who likes doing things the wrong way around. Usually the one who asks all the silly questions at staff meetings. You fervently believe you have flair, but it's less than that of a French cookbook. Most probably gay.


A make-believe fool, because you'd like a Pajero but can't afford it. Don't actually know that the engines are made in India and not in Germany.


Although there are thousands of them, you mostly can’t spot them in their zero-image cars. Toyotas are good, reliable cars and are bought by a wide variety of people who have zero personality to go with their cars and are basically chicken-sh*t scared people who will never take chances and will therefore be driving Toyotas forever. The most zero-image car in the world?, ... a white Corolla


Highly overrated for dependability cars since the days of the Beetle, but they do have a good re-sale value. Usually practical, sensible people who like to drive fast where nobody can see them. They are usually loyal to their brand to the point of irritation due to the fact that they lost their virginity on a Beetle's back seat.


As square and safe as the car
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Reply By: 4wdNewbie - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 14:43

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 14:43

You are the ultimate on-road wanker. You think your 80s model Commodore is a V8 supercar, OR you think by owning a Barina you’re a true Holden fan. You’re either a redneck or a way-too-standard family parent – but either way, you most likely drive like you’re the only person on the road. You’re even ignorant enough to argue that the new Commodore is better than the new Ford. "

Sounds like this was written by a Ford fan :P
AnswerID: 216430

Follow Up By: Dave Thomson - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 15:01

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 15:01
Yes I'll second that, definately a Ford fan, having had many of them I can tell you , GOD MADE LEMONS AND FORD PUT WHEELS ON EM' and I should know I bought every one of em' LOL......................
FollowupID: 476797

Follow Up By: Member - Dunworkin (WA) - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 16:58

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 16:58
Hi Dave, can't let this one go by, we have owned three Fords ( Falcons) first one was great, had 120.000 klms on the clock traded for another, lovely car to drive and ride in but yes that was a 'Monday' or 'Friday' car, after 12 years and over 200,000 klms traded for another, this one was brilliant, gave it to our son when we bought the Patrol (beast) a couple of years ago, it has never had a spanner to it except the regular services, it now has over 260.000 klms on the clock, I drove it again the other day and still runs as good as it ever did. It has been my all time favourite car. We had Holdens before our run of Falcons, my first car was a FB holden special. have no complaints about those either!!!!!



Simba, our much missed baby.

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FollowupID: 476862

Follow Up By: 4wdNewbie - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 18:10

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 18:10
"GOD MADE LEMONS AND FORD PUT WHEELS ON EM' "... When these said lemons went off... HOLDEN PUT WHEELS ON EM!!!!!!
FollowupID: 476880

Reply By: troopyman - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 14:44

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 14:44
Whoever owns this has awesome taste .

Site Link
AnswerID: 216431

Follow Up By: V64Runner - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 15:11

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 15:11
Holden - the most over rated car ever built by any manufacturer. Stats have proved that more P platers and over to the age of about 27 get killed in Holdens. Would `nt be seen dead in one let alone a hearse. Would jump out of the coffin and demand a refund and wait for some thing more elegant to travel in to my final resting place :)
FollowupID: 476805

Reply By: V64Runner - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 15:15

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 15:15
OH by the way , what if you are a lover of great sports cars that are still around such as the Austin-Healey BJ8 MK111 and the E-Type Jaguar. A man with too much money and nothing else to do.???? Put me in that catagory anytime !!!
AnswerID: 216438

Reply By: Exploder - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 16:34

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 16:34
Yeah, I posted this a wile back from memory

Good to see it's still around thou
AnswerID: 216459

Follow Up By: Member - Scott M (NSW) - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 16:58

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 16:58
probably exploder - got it in my mailbox today - made me larf
FollowupID: 476863

Reply By: Ole Grizzly - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 18:24

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 18:24
"Bugga" I'm a sensitive Sierra driver and now feel left out :(
AnswerID: 216488

Reply By: On Patrol - Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 18:55

Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 18:55
What about Subaru????

I read once that the Subie owner was "Female who wore sensible brown shoes and had a liking for her fellow females"

I'm glad I sold it for a Nissan. But then maybe I am a lesbian, I do prefer females to males.
AnswerID: 216494

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