Droning Noise in Jackaroo

Submitted: Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 02:52
ThreadID: 41485 Views:3151 Replies:8 FollowUps:6
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Hi All,

I have a petrol 1998 V6 3.5ltr Manual Jackaroo, I have it serviced about a month and half ago and also had some heavy duty springs fitted to it and also had the front torsion bars adjusted to match the higher ride height in the back.

This is all fine and I had not driven the car since getting it serviced, however after just returning today from a camping trip and driving since that last service, I noticed that at around 90kph (between 80 - 100kph) there is a very distinct low droning noise.

It is worst at just over 90kph and in 5th gear (manual), that is approx 2200 rpm, and only when the cruising, accelerating or under load, once I remove my foot from the pedal the noise stops, however when placed back on, the deep deep droning noise starts.

Strange though both my wife and kids cannot hear it, however after many hours driving I am nuts from the deep deep noise.

I have checked for the noise in the other gears but at the same RPM 2200 (around that revs) as well as same speeds 80-90 kph but in other gears 4th for example and I cannot notice any noise, it is only under load in 5th gear at around 90kph.

I makes the same noise when towing my camper or not.

I thought the new higher ride height may have caused it but when towing the 1500 klg camper on the back the noise is just the same.

The only thing I thought it could be is a sus gear box, 5th gear or bearing?

Any ideas, suggestions and help would greatly be appreciated.

Also any persons knowing of an honest expert in Jackaroo's in the Melbourne area that I could have check it out would also be of help.

Thanks to all.

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Reply By: Alcoz - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 07:16

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 07:16
HI Craig
Have had simular problem with my Partol, turned out to be tyres.
if you run your hand over the edge of the the front tyres and can feel steps they need rotating. any good tyre place can advise you on it.
AnswerID: 216949

Reply By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 08:34

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 08:34
Did you have a wheel alignment after you wound the torsion bars up? It does sound a bit like it might be tyres, or another possibility is a front wheel bearing on its way out.
AnswerID: 216960

Reply By: SimonW - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 08:57

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 08:57
Hi Craig,
Another possibility is since you have increased the ride height you have changed your rear drive shaft angle to the rear diff, & this might be highlighting a worn pinion bearing in the diff, I had a similar issue many years ago in a cruiser.

AnswerID: 216963

Follow Up By: GreenJackaroo - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 09:56

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 09:56
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies... I think that could be the problem, however if it is tyres I would assume that the noise would be there all the time at speeds between 80-100 kph, remembering that when I back off on the pedal, the noise drops to nothing.

Noise is only there when driving and drops off when backing off.

FollowupID: 477425

Follow Up By: GreenJackaroo - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 10:00

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 10:00
Hi Simon,

Thanks for the reply, however I thought this as well, but having the Jayco Outback on the back of the Jack, the ride height is then lower thus normalizing the ride height and the noise is still present under load.

I still keep falling back to a fault in the gear box.

FollowupID: 477428

Reply By: Des Lexic - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 09:43

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 09:43
I have the same problem. Missus can't hear it either but when she isn't in the car, it doesn't make the noise so I guess it must be her. :))))
AnswerID: 216980

Reply By: MEMBER - Darian (SA) - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 10:53

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 10:53
The Jack does have a "drony" 5th gear - my 99 model had it from new - it subsided to a degree once run in - I give 5th gear a very easy life though - no heavy loading - I drop back to 4th quick smart when the heat is on - plus I run premium grade synthetic gear oil in there - the noise is only slight these days and the box has been totally trouble free for the 136000k we've done to date.
AnswerID: 216996

Follow Up By: GreenJackaroo - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 12:18

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 12:18

Thanks for the reply.

Yes we had 5th gear replaced under warranty at about 105,000, it was wining very bad, has been good ever since, the noise I am getting is a very deep deep droning noises, one of those noises you cant figure out where it is coming from.

The only thing I have changed is the fitting of the rear springs and the front torsion bars tweaked to match the rear ride height change.

I am thinking I may have someone check the engine and gear box mounts.

I agree with you about the 5th gear and looking after it, I also do the same.

If you think of any thing else, please get back to me.

All the best.
FollowupID: 477453

Reply By: mer4wd - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 13:47

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 13:47
G'day Craig,
A possibility in line with what yourself and others have said is that you may have had a small amount of wear in one of your gearbox bearings previous to the spring lift, now the change in driveline angle has placed a little extra load on that bearing, and only in 5th as it is the gear that has the highest output torque being put through it, it's probably one of the rear bearings in the box, close to the output shaft, just enough to highlight a preexisting condition. Although your camper will drop the rear ride height a little, it's fair to assume that even with the camper on, the rear ride height is probably still higher than what it was beforte you fitted the springs, after all, that's why we usually replace springs - to compensate for load and/or sag. I can't remember, but do Jackaroos' have a tailshaft centre bearing?
If so the condition I've just described could cause that to give noise.
Cheers, mer4wd
AnswerID: 217026

Follow Up By: GreenJackaroo - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 14:59

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 14:59

I hoping it wont be that, but it sound like it is. No the jack does not have a centre bearing on the tail shaft, it comes out of the box then straight to the dif.

No any person who knows about repairing Jackaroo's in the Melbourne area?

FollowupID: 477475

Reply By: GreenJackaroo - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 15:01

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 15:01
Please excuse my last spelling and grammar.

Was pretty bad.. Did not read it until I posted it.
AnswerID: 217036

Reply By: Gerhardp1 - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 18:39

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 18:39
Something cheap to check -

With the slight lift your universals are at a different angle, check them for wear.

The sliding yoke is not quite as far along the spline now, and it may have dried grease in it.

Give the three items a good squirt of grease and that may help. If you don't service the car yourself, you'll find that the dealers NEVER grease the only 3 points on the Jack that need it - 2 unis and the yoke.
AnswerID: 217096

Follow Up By: GreenJackaroo - Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 18:42

Monday, Jan 22, 2007 at 18:42
Great idea...

Shall do.. and get back with results.

Thanks again.

FollowupID: 477516

Follow Up By: GreenJackaroo - Tuesday, Jan 23, 2007 at 05:40

Tuesday, Jan 23, 2007 at 05:40

Greased all greasing points on tail shaft but no change...


Car going in to be checked..

Big money I feel.

FollowupID: 477621

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