travel between Lyndhurst and Broken Hill

Submitted: Monday, Mar 31, 2003 at 18:45
ThreadID: 4151 Views:1631 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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I am travelling between Lyndhurst, up the Strezleki track to Innaminka and Coonge lake. I have taken note of the condition of the Strezleki track but would like up to date info (01/04/03) on the road to Cameron Corner, Tibooburra and Broken Hill track.

I am leaving Saturday 05/04/03 on the first leg of my trip.

Thanks Phil
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Reply By: Beddo - Wednesday, Apr 02, 2003 at 19:48

Wednesday, Apr 02, 2003 at 19:48
Just call NSW National Parks at Tibooburra, they will have all the up to date info.
AnswerID: 16720

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