GPS - what to choose
Submitted: Thursday, Feb 01, 2007 at 21:41
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Hi all, I have been reading threads about different GPS units and the more I read the more confused I get! Does anybody have any advice. I have been leaning toward the Garmin Nuvi 310 but am wondering as I dont really want to use the bluetooth or MP3 player etc am I still better off to go for this model or save $400 odd dollars and buy a cheap Navman? I want something easy to use and, obviously, accurate.
I know it must seem like these questions have been done to death but I would really appreciate hearing from anyone, particulary anyone with info on the Nuvi and why they chose it.
Thanks in advance! :-)
Reply By: Angler - Thursday, Feb 01, 2007 at 22:19
Thursday, Feb 01, 2007 at 22:19
I would say all the GPS's have the same accuracy, Billl Clinton made the accuracy decision way back in time. The big difference is the add ons or additions to the programming. Why one would want an mp3 player in a GPS totally mystifys me. I too am looking at the various expensive little boxes. Apparently the maps are the expensive part making up a bit more than half the total cost.
I lean towards the garmin 510 however the cost of over $600.00 puts me off as it is really only a big boys toy for me.
Reply By: Member - Captain (WA) - Thursday, Feb 01, 2007 at 23:42
Thursday, Feb 01, 2007 at 23:42
Hi live4theweekends,
I have the Nuvi 660 and the Garmin GPS V. They both use the same base maps and both are auto-routing, but thats about where the similairity ends.
The Nuvi 660 is a great city navigator with auto routing, big touch screen, great features like connecting via bluetooth to your phone and converting your SMS text messages to speech etc...
But if you want a GPS that you can have multiple waypoints on a route, cookie crumb function (trackback), downloadable tracks etc then a GPS like the Garmin V (latest version is the Quest) is a much better choice.
Its all about want you want your GPS to do. If all you want is a single point navigator then go the nuvi range. But if you want a GPS that you can use to create or save tracks etc..., then something like the Garmin Quest is the way to go IMHO.
Reply By: Member - Tom V (WA) - Friday, Feb 02, 2007 at 13:29
Friday, Feb 02, 2007 at 13:29
Hi Guys. i have a, handheld, pocket pc with navman installed. came with my jeep. good city guide and reasonable country & 4WD track guides. latest software 2005 ??. which is probably behind the times. I would go for something that is portable, carry from vehicle to vehicle(this has proved handy). also a software version that u can get regular upgrades, e.g. sensis, where is, etc etc considering the speed which suburbs & roads appear. visit the 4WD & Caravan shows for the various versions. good luck
Reply By: Member - andrew G (VIC) - Friday, Feb 02, 2007 at 18:25
Friday, Feb 02, 2007 at 18:25
Well i think you cant go past the Magellan 210 has maps built in enuf gadgets and gizmos and info to keep you going for ages.. Also plugs into a laptop if you want more detailed maps like the ones used in Ozexplorer. It is the cheapest gps I think which is able to download to laptop. Never get lost with it.Sometimes takes away some of the challenge in the bush Knowing where you are allways. but saved my ar**se plenty of times..
Follow Up By: Member - andrew G (VIC) - Friday, Feb 02, 2007 at 19:00
Friday, Feb 02, 2007 at 19:00
Sorry david just realised i used an unapropiate word by misstake describing my use of the gps.. sliped up just read all the stuff about swearing. sorry