I said I`d get back to you so I`ve kept my promise.
Here`s the turbo fitment story for your information.
2.8D D/cab hilux Ln106 `89 model, 33" tyres lifted.
Safari turbo kit 2nd hand $1300
Bolted it on also very worried and started sweating about blowing up my motor !!!!!!!
Turned up fuel mixture 1/4 turn to allow for extra air pressure.
Ripped out old exhaust system (had to cut it in half)
Bolted on 600mm of 2 1/4" dump pipe (standard Safari system)
Cruised slowly to exhaust
shop, Got new 2 1/2" press bent system from turbo flange with straight through muffler. $417 2hrs awesome!!
Beaudesert exhausts wanted $950 for a 2 3/4" system mandrel bent.
Too much for me !! might gain a few k/watts in a diesel ? I`d like to know the actual differences ?
Took it for a sunday drive 35 deg heat, aircon going, Wife and two nagging kids, back of
Ipswich and back through Beauy, Temp stayed fine, Cruised up a long mild
hill in fifth gear just to
test it out,temp raised to half then back to normal at top of
hill. Basically temp went up bugger all, cause it sits on just under half usually. IF I dropped back to 4th it would`nt have raised temp.
Got it Dyno tuned $220 by a reputable dyno and turbo expert.
mechanic says it was running at 14psi and fuel mixture was a bit lean, Timing was also fine.
Adjusted to 10psi
Dyno results before tune 64HP at wheels @ 82kph
After 75HP at wheels @ 83kph
His rule of thumb which is approximate only (75hp at wheels roughly equals 75kw at fly wheel)
Motor has 230,000 kms
Mechanic says he gets these results out of a 50,000k motor with turbo.
And I should have no trouble .
These are my personal results, and I AM NOT SAYING GO WHACK ON A TURBO.
Because I know alot of people have second thoughts about them.
It is simply are personal choice.
I just got frustrated too often slowing down other vehicles and not being able to overtake at simple times and revving its guts out climbing up hills.
But now it is much more driveable and picks up
well in 3rd , 4th and 5th gears.
But the real
test would be with a load and offroad.
Asolutely rapt. just gotta get a